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Why are they like this?

>spend decades gaslamping the public

>"We can't just eat less!"

>"I eat almost nothing and still gain weight!"

>new miracle drug comes out

>Its effect is literally making you want to eat less


What do they mean by this? Do they not see how this reflects badly on them?

I am genuinely curious, has anyone pointed this out?

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:marseyakshually: Ummmmmm yikes, pleeease educate yourself sweaty. 💅 When I under-eat WITHOUT the influence of drugs, my body goes into STARVATION MODE whereby no calories are burned. :marseychonkerjunkfoodrentfree: When I take Ozempic and don't eat, my body functions fine bc the drug TRICKS IT into thinking I'm not starving to death. :marseyanorexic: Hope this helps :marseychtorrr2:

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No one took them seriously before, so no one else has felt the need to point it out.

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whats the drug called

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Ozempic and the sort, originally meant to help actual sick people, it had the unfortunate side effect of losing appetite.

So of course people started using it to lose weight, pharma being what they are they all started releasing copies and pumping up the price of this life-saving medicine.

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I was playing out the moral dilemma of whether a fat person who has gotten slim on Ozempic still deserves the hate, and I concluded that yes they do.

The grotesque physical deformity that obesity causes, while disgusting, isn't the primary reason I hate fat people. It's the mental hoops they jump through in order to trick themselves and everyone else that their appearance is not their own fault.

Shit like "undiagnosed conditions" which cause their bodies to break the laws of physics, "chronic health problems" which means they can't exercise -- not understanding that eating less is always the primary cause of losing weight, not intensive excercise. The nonsense about starvation mode and how they contort scientific fact that, yes you do burn fewer calories as you reduce to a normal weight, into a reason why dieting is pointless.

Anyway, yes when Ozempic comes along and "cures" them, rather than conceding that they were full of shit, they pivot onto saying shit like Ozempic cures their "food noise" (the inner monologue that causes fats to binge eat).

Ozempic doesn't cure the fat person inside. I think obesity is a mental health condition as much as anything else and therefore there's no logical consistency in any of it.

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You honestly sound like you need to be removed from society. I mean come on dude, like 20 people have given you the logical thoughts on this. Are you really THAT fricking stupid? Or is this an ego thing? You aren't replying to any comment that actually contests you, you're just trying to throw your thoughts on other people.

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Snappy will never cease this behaviour my friend

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