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r/Antiwork heckin chonkers :marseyautismchonker: mad that the bong :marseybong: guberment may be giving them free ozempic :marseyanorexia: to get their type 2 diabetic asses back to work :marseywagie:




Yeah it's old but I don't give a shit.

>What I can see this eventually leading to, is overweight people being stripped of benefits if they refuse to inject themselves with this drug.

Suddenly "muh medical freedom" matters lmao

>How about free ozempic in general?

Unironicly wouldn't be against it

>Would've been nice to see that money used on UBI instead.

So you can doordash and ubereats more fast food lol

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How about free ozempic in general?

Unironicly wouldn't be against it

I question how this would go down. It would probably be a net good with enough people who would just settle with it how they should, but this shit is eating disorder when it comes down to it and r-slurred poors will eat themselves to bowel obstructions faster than current people already are. I don't care about their lives, but they'd fill up emergency rooms and they'd probably put more restrictions on the drug.

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Doesn't it literally make you sick of the taste of food if you eat too much?

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No, but it'll make you sick and sicker from overeating - just the stuffed normal way. Getting constipated and sick. The higher the dose the "closer" people are to what it's like to be a normal person when they eat 6 big macs. It basically just slows down your digestion.

If fats are saying the "taste" changes I think they're just realizing what it's like to be full and not wanting to eat. But the problem for most really is significantly psychological, so if/when people don't use this shit as tool to help them eat less while they train their bodies and minds to eat less, they just start eating "through" it, but their bodies are still digesting slower so they get all sorts of intestinal frick ups that you hear about.

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I think the net amount of people it would keep from being out of er rooms due to obesity-comorbidity would be roughly the same as the blocked-bowel folks but then again I guess we wouldn't know unless we tried it :marseyshrug:

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