based cat?



Feed the mermaid
:marseyautismchonker: :marseysamurai: :marseyshooting: :marseycop:

Fat lesbian
yfw you don't have to tell fat people to kill themselves because they already are

...but you do it anyway

It's Hump Day.

Stop and smell the roses.

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do fat women give birth to fat babies?

Land whale names the redditor

:marseyweeb: :marseyneckbeard: :marseyfedoratip: :tiphat:

Thin is beautiful. (No Nom November day 9)

Can you imagine how much this ad would have been ruined by fats?

don't forget!
No Nom November Day 2!!!!

If you haven't started yet (because you are a fat, disgusting pig) you better start soon. 😊

Doing NNN can easily help you lose 10 pounds or more if you actually stick with it.




yes, look at the pics they posted. :marseytrollcrazy:fat redditors :marseytrollcrazy:

I see photos from the late 90s/early 2000s and I can't believe how skinny, every woman looked back then, the standards were so high and I'm sure EDs were rampant 😩

obesity wasn't normalized then, lose weight fatty

"Moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips" was taught to me in middle school. I was in weight watchers at 12.... everyone had to be a toothpick or else they were disgustingly fat. I was a size 8/10, tall, curvy and on a swim team. I am never going to make myself miserable again trying to be a size 4 or smaller. I like my little tum and my hips. Body positivity forever.

“curvy” :surejan:

Ugh... I've been overweight or obese my entire adult life.I have a lot of feelings about this bullshit but I can't articulate them clearly right now.

Yeah because you're fat as shit, which causes brain fog

I will never get over people criticizing Simpson's appearance WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT (never mind the BS over the jeans — I loved how she looked in those darn jeans).

And we do the same with these people when they lose weight. If it's not announced that they've lost weight for a role, it's assumed they're slipping into disordered eating or drug addiction.

If they can't win, how can we average folks stand a chance?

folks :marseyshooting:

stopped reading because the way those people type got too annoying.

RETVRN :marseycop::marseychonkerfoid::!marseycop:

i keep thinking back to photos a friend took of me and another friend a few months back. i can't stop thinking about how much bigger i looked than my friend who is taller than me. i cried over those photos plenty of times since I've seen them. it's like this big monster next to the human princess. family photos are just as bad for me to look at. the only time i can accept how i look is in the mirror and in images where i am on my own with nothing to indicate how large i am.

i hate knowing that no matter what i am Large. I am 169cm (the average here is 165 but most women i meet are much shorter). factually even the bones i can measure are larger than my friends. i see petite skinny girls my age all of the time both in my friendgroup and in public and i can't help but compare obsessively. i always compare their thigh/calf size to my upper arm size cause they are usually about the same. i feel so subhuman next to them, like some sort of mutant. at best i feel like a failed woman. when i stand in front of the subway doors and see them standing next to me in the reflection i get physically sick. they look like children next to me with their dainty slim short bodies. two and a half of them could fit into the same space i take up.

i had a very early growth so i was always 1-3 heads taller than anybody else my age up until ~8th grade + i was always on the chubbier side growing up until (too early) puberty hit me with every horrible thing it could in which weight gain is a symptom. everyone around me made sure i don't forget how inherently disgusting my large frame and fat make me.

i think part of my obsession with being small stems from wanting to be seen as who i am. a traumatized child forced to grow up before i had a chance at childhood. i don't feel like an adult and i struggle accordingly, but i think even past that trauma stemming desire i wouldn't be okay with being large. even as a child i just wanted to be small and beautiful and shop at the children's section with the other children. instead i towered over my peers and got made fun of.

i can accept my fattness and sometimes i can even enjoy my curves but i just can't accept how large and wide and tall i am compared to most others. thanks for reading my vent


Even Lizzo hates fat women.

I guess she and her tour company will learn to hire regular sized dancers from now on, although hopefully we'll be seeing the back fat of Lizzo soon. Bubble's going to burst on all this landwhale shit, just like her hemorrhoids.

S*x Sent Me To The ER: 440 lb Virgin Dub
This Got To Be The LARGEST Order Of Ice Cream I've Seen In My Life - YouTube
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Holy shit lmao

The industrial revolution and its consequences

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