Our abortions, our stories







@murdervan @CREEPathianHORRORist

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“I had just graduated from college, and my only income was making paper puppets.” :marseybrainlet:

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Capitalism has failed

Trans lives matter


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I hope Adam Smith's invisible hand uppercuts you square in the balls for saying that.

Please resign from /h/smartpol immediately


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Trans lives matter



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You just did fellow pony

Trans lives matter


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I put it in quotes so it's your words, not mine.

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Still reposted pegasister


Trans lives matter


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Holy shit that image is disturbing with the lightning effect.

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She didn't reproduce though.

Trans lives matter.


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In Harvard square!


Trans lives matter


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Women are the ultimate landchads, and it ismt even close

The closest comparison would be if landlords ran life support machines abd turned them off at will

Doesnt exist yet but it should

Trans lives matter


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Not anymore since the queen is dead.

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:marseybaby: :marseymini: :chadwomanasian::chadwomanblack::chadwomanlatinx::chadwomannordic:

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#3 is hilarious. "Abortion enabled m.e t0 dedicate my career t0 teaching about abortion"

Trans lives matter. abort them!


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Pretty based ngl

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Noooo you have to keep your heckin babies so i can hate you for taking government assistance!!

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OP baited all the baby loving rightoids and then chud awarded them as they commented lol. Anyway here's a bunch of marseys because I was pizzashill awarded earlier today:


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Not being a whore would have cost you nothing. Now you're a murderer.

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You didn't give a shit about your baby's story lmfao

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The "baby" didn't have a story. It was a clump of cells

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So are you tbh. And thats hot

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babies are hot

Ummmm yikesarino???

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So you wouldn't care if someone tried 2 have s*x with a baby? Exactly.

trans lives matter


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I would have a problem if someone tried to frick a petri dish.

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I just went over the fact that a clump of cells is not a baby

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scrambled eggs with an infant's brain trans lives matter


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Baby's story


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I support their abortion decision because if these foids are this insufferable, imagine how bad their kids will be

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Being so dedicated too Haloween that you want too turn you're woomb into a haunted house is next level :marseyclapping:. Dont forget that Trans lives matter this haloween!


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YASSSS!!! Slay those parasites, queens!


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In 50 years America is going to be 50% Amish and 50% Muslim because those are the only groups of people who have bet positive reproduction rates and that scenario is going to be really interesting for drama.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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Mormons too

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Trans lives matter


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Hi @CREEPathianHORRORist,

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I agree with all of them. Children that aren't mine or of my family are soulless clumps of cells and should be cleared away as soon as possible.

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Society needs to change its preconceptions around pregnancy. When a birthing person announces they are pregnant the default response goes along the lines of "Ohhhh when is it due? Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Gender-normative assumptions aside, there's an even more insidious assumption at play here: that the pregnancy is going to result in a birth.

I want the default expectation to be more around: "Do you have access to abortion? Have you got it booked yet? Do you need a friend to accompany you?"

There's no true analogy for pregnancy because it is a unique circumstance with no comparison, but abortion is a valid outcome for every pregnancy and birthing folk need to feel more empowered to seek them.

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Abortion is BASED

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should have that fake story from the person who claimed getting abortions gave them the deepest orgasms and they could only get off now from feeling forceps scrape the back of her womb

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This is awful and I hate it.

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Find the identities of all these murderers and bring them to justice.

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GOOD MORNING! :marseycoffee:

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░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKELETON
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bet most of these people had their abortions before 15 weeks so it wouldn’t even be illegal in most states

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Why? Because a bounty hunter trapped her. That's a good enough reason.

None of these foids include any mention of trans access too reproductiuve rights in their little quotes, so they sound like TERFs who don't even think trans lives matter.


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