
You've identified that you're a PickMe. Congrats, one of the first steps towards being a goddess is knowing that you are part of the equation of your cyclical misery. For those in the back, I said PART OF. You can't fully blame yourself, that's still practicing these feeble behaviors. Yes, we're here to take responsibility for our current mindset leading us to where we are right now. However, realize that you have been surrounded by men who exhibit microaggression towards women, you have been brainwashed by other PickMe's. But now you know the truth: You are worth SO much more than anyone ever said you were. YOU determine where you go from here. Being a woman, you have been through so much. Think about the men who try to control our bodies, who use us to fulfill their sick fantasies, the statistics on violence. The media celebrates this and fuels this grotesque reality that we are meant to be meek, feeble and to endure abuse.

1. Promise to yourself "never again". Never again will you be manipulated or abused. Never again will you quietly endure your discomfort.

2. Realize that AMALT (All Men Are Like That). Thinking "Not all men" is DETRIMENTAL to your safety. "Not all men are male feminists". Fine. But if I gave you a pack of gummy bears and told you one was poisoned, wouldn't you treat each of them as potentially lethal? Let them prove to you that they are "not like the other men". Do not prove to HIM that you are "not like the other girls". One of men's biggest worry is to get "divorce r*ped" but are they ever worried about ACTUAL R*PE? NO. So don't give them the benefit of the doubt, make them show you through ACTIONS. A HVM will have no problem with this. A scrote will act offended and immature and just not worth your time, this is because he doesn't respect you. Which brings me to...

3. Define your standards and warning flags. You need to write this down. 5 is a good number to start with Comment this below if you must, I want you to be CRYSTAL clear on what you will NEVER tolerate ever again and what you will NEVER tolerate ever. For example, I will never be with a man who cheats on me. I will consider repeated arguments a huge warning flag. If I need to repeat myself more than twice about something that is clearly important to me... boy BYE. (If you choose to comment, it also helps other women identify red flags and help them define their standards as well.

4. BLOCK THAT SCROTE/ EX/ STALKER. Stop being nice to him. He sucks and has zero value to you. You know he just wants to sleep with you. Block him now. You will feel so cleansed. If they try to reach out again, say that you have been really busy and focusing on yourself. They may call you a b-word for "leading them on". You can tell them to go to heck. You don't owe no one an explanation.

5. Read the sidebar. Take your time with it, it's a lot to take in. But it will equip you in the long run and there's plenty of good stuff.

6. Take care of yourself, starting today, starting now. Say no to something you don't want to do. Don't pick him up, don't make him a sandwich if he doesn't deserve it. Begin breaking out of your PickMe routine. Don't adapt to his needs now because it will be "worth it in the end". Honey, it's not worth it. You deserve to be happy NOW. Another way you can practice this is to take care of your hygiene and your environment. Be proud of your appearance and your surroundings because you did it for YOUR well-being. Most PickMeishas are externally motivated, they just HAVE to get that "good job" sticker. Nothing wrong with being externally motivated, but pining for a man's approval is just pathetic. Do it to make FDS proud, do it for YOU. (this will take time, I'll make another post on it someday but try your best! We're rooting for you!)

7. Realize that there are high-level women out there who will support you. Maybe even on here. We're all just trying to look out for each other, but no one can help anyone that doesn't WANT to realize their own self-destructive behavior. So if you think your situation "isn't so bad". Sorry, this wasn't the post for you.

I will try to update with more suggestions as I get them.

@Neon_Needles @TED_SIMP


i got rejected by 2 girls today and bullied i don't get it why if i never ever had a girlfriend (the best i had was for 2 days until she ghosted me) until now why would it happen in the future?

im seeing my state remain the same despite me listening to redpill coaches and doing 'self improvement'

i try to be badass by calling myself an alpha male and wearing maga hat but it works only on boys (it upset liberal libtards)


"You get laid when you stop trying to get laid" solid advice from my friend.

If it makes you feel any better I didn't lose my v card until I was 20 and s*x isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are silicone fleshlights you can buy that feel 90% like a real vagina. Your hormones are screaming at you to frick like it's the most important thing ever but it's really not a big deal at all.




Reported by:
Ladies, he's still available



disagree my current manager is a very good looking guy 10 years older than me and I dread every 1:1 or meeting even though he's a lovely guy. I hope he just thinks I'm an neurodivergent/socially inept 23 year old and not that I wanna frick him.

Don't worry, he's not even thinking about you.

you still coping by believing that any man who's ever had s*x from a dating app must be a top 10% man?

Top 20%, and they are, unless the woman was deformed or 300+ pounds.

You still getting used & ghosted by guys on the apps who are out of your league, then refusing to take good advice?

I wish I was so in love with myself that i could NEVER have s*x from a dating app even once and go, "guess i'm just a 7.5/10" instead of accepting i'm ugly

haven't met a guy from a dating app in years and i haven't had s*x in much longer than that, who are you talking about?

I don't want advice because i don't want a relationship or to date anybody. Doesn't mean i don't still get crushes.

I've never even downloaded a dating app, sweetheart. They're viscerally disgusting to me.

The fact I dropped on you is based on talking to literally any honest guy who's used them, along with statistics from the companies themselves.

Don't believe me though, you can stay delulu forever. Keep coping that you're single because "you don't want a relationship" instead of doing the right thing and working hard on yourself like the nice people in the other thread suggested to you.

Lmao so because a guy you wanna frick has had s*x off of an app, it means that they're the only guys who ever had? Lose some weight, hit the gym, stop complaining.

Why would i work on myself so I can be some man's slave?

21.7 BMI, babe.

"sure men go through breakups, but the ones worth dating have women lined up who want to date them"

"i don't not believe good guys exist, i believe they're all taken or don't want to be in serious relationships"

I'm not trying to be mean. Here's the truth: You overestimate yourself & massively underrate men. Because of this, you think you deserve a guy out of your league. Many such cases.

Get a more realistic perception of men and you can find happiness. Or don't and stay miserable and alone forever. I wish you the best, good luck.

i don't overestimate myself, i said i was a 5. A male 5 looks deformed because none of you ever put any work in to how you look, so if you can't get a girlfriend then you're most likely hideous.

i also don't need to be with someone to be happy - if you're confident about how you look and women are just all shallow c*nts, send me a photo of you and i will explain exactly what is wrong with you

It seems these two have a hot, long-simmering beef. Enemies-to-lovers arc?

you two should just get it over with and frick

Did y'all read one another's post-history for these insults and then delete your own out of shame?

no he just likes to respond snarky shit on anything i post now

this is perversely very cute


Wtf are you talking about? This is literally the only time I've ever interacted with you.

And you're the one who started an argument because I left a funny reply to your comment.

"funny" ok


crazy sexual tension between you two idk man



Men think about s*x literally constantly so chances are he is

:nooticer: !moidmoment


All men who are attracted to women with small breasts are by default sexually attracted to children. This is easy to prove as the human brain is not biologically designed to be attracted to a specific age number but to be attracted to a specific body type. Any man aroused by a flat chest and a flat butt on a 30 year old is also going to be aroused by a flat chest and a flat butt on a 14 year old.

This is why if you have children you should do everything in your power to avoid people who are willing to date or have s*x with skinny women because they are giving away the fact that they are p-dophiles in a socially acceptable manner.

The truth is if you are not a p-dophile the idea of fricking a skinny women with breasts smaller than a c cup should disgust you as much as the idea of sleeping with a man.

Women need to know this to know which men to avoid and keep away from their kids for their own safety.

It is not a woman's fault that her breasts did not grow properly but our children are not responsible for that so we will be keeping our kids away from your predatory husbands sorry not sorry.



Queen shit
New 'Toss :marseypearlclutch: :marseybootscoot: :marseyemojilaugh:

moids delenda est

girl math attempts demography&statistics


Female frogs have developed a number of ways to get out of s*x, including rolling, grunting and even faking their own deaths, scientists have discovered.

European common frogs (Rana temporaria) are known as "explosive" breeders that gather in their dozens to mate in ponds. Usually, males outnumber females, which means six or more males may compete to mount a female at one time in what is known as a mating ball.

"In some cases, the female might be killed inside these mating balls," Carolin Dittrich, a researcher at the Natural History Museum in Berlin, told Live Science.

But the females have developed several techniques to avoid mating. "Rather than being passive and helpless, we find that females can use three key strategies for avoiding males they don't want to mate with — either because they aren't ready to breed or do not want to mate with a certain male," Dittrich said.

The researchers collected male and female European common frogs from a pond during the breeding season and divided them into tanks filled with water, so each tank contained two females and one male. They then filmed the frogs for an hour.

Of the 54 females that were grasped by a male, 83% of them rolled onto their back in response.

"This puts the male underwater, so the male lets go to avoid drowning," Dittrich said.

The team also found that 48% of the females that were mounted by males emitted grunts and squeaks. The grunts mimicked "release calls" that male frogs usually make to ward off other males from mounting them, Dittrich said. "But it's unclear what the higher frequency squeaks are signaling," she added.

The researchers also found that a third of females lay motionless with their limbs outstretched for around two minutes after being mounted by a male.

"To us, it appears as if the female is playing dead, although we can't prove it's a conscious behavior," Dittrich said. "It could just be an automatic response to stress."

Smaller female frogs, which are usually younger, were the most likely to use all three deterrence strategies, whereas larger, likely older, females were less likely to fake their own death, Dittrich said. As a result, smaller female frogs were generally better at escaping a male's advances than larger ones, she added.

It could be that younger females, which have lived through fewer breeding seasons, become more stressed upon being mounted by males, causing them to respond more strongly, Dittrich said.

Overall, 46% of females who were mounted by a male successfully escaped.

Although the experiments are quite different to the real-world scenario, these strategies have been seen in the wild, Dittrich said.

Faking death as a strategy to escape unwanted males has been documented in just a handful of other animals, including dragonflies, spiders and in one other amphibian species — sharp-ribbed newts (Pleurodeles waltl).

Understanding mating behaviors like these could help support conservation efforts in the future, if we try to breed species back from the brink, Dittrich noted. "Although the European Common frog is more common than many other species, there has been a steady decrease in population numbers in the past 17 years due to the lack of rain and droughts," she said.

[Serious] Unpacking the Homoween zombie event

The zombie event is a digitalization of scrote r*pe fantasies. The 'zombies' (men) tear through layers of 'vaccines' (womens rights) to violate their targets and force them to become undead, a clear metaphor for pregnancy. Not to mention the problematic term 'homoween' is extremely homophobic.

I have endured humiliating sexist attacks for standing up against misogyny on this site, and I know that this fight will be no different. I have received numerous death threats, with users telling me I'm 'r-slurred' and 'mid' and threatening to crush my skull. Apologists tell me #notallmen, but it is all men. By being male, you perpetuate the structural sexism endemic to capitalism.

It's time to address the pervasive sexual harassment on this site.


>he uses his blinkers :brookscringe:
Reported by:
  • zombiedick : indian phobia
  • BWC : :chudindiantalking:
  • DickButtKissAlt : i usually hate on Indians but this just sounds like an neurodivergent r-slur i feel bad for em


Stop being r*pey. How's that for a way forward?

is this true?

real womxn discuss this travesty here


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your comments and love shown on this sub <3 yall have been making me laugh, cry, and smile ALLLLL day!

I guess you cannot update a post with an image (right?) so I really hope you see this. Ill try answer as many comments as I can!

Alright well long story short, I simply ended up kindly asking where he bought the bag from - Well he looked down and m said HIS MOM SUGGESTED Poshmark and genuinely thought It would be real, or at least identical and that "nobody can tell the difference." He wasn't sure how to shop for high end bags (ok lol) so he wanted to "ask a woman who wouldn't tell me"

When I suggested that most or many resellers weren't authentic he didn't quite get defensive but a little snippy…He said "well get it authenticated then.

Heres where I messed up.. I suggested that next time it would be fine to do cash or gift card of the same (or any amount really, I'm just thankful). - this was a really mature suggestion by a few commenters that resonated with me. At first he agreed but then like ten minutes later he asked, "wait why"

I PROMISED him that he was so thoughtful and I was thankful and didn't mind wearing it anyway but I mentioned that I researched it and it was a really bad fake.

I LOVE reddit. This is one of a new accounts I have on here. It slipped out and I said "reddit" — instant regret. I didnt show him the post but by then I think he was onto something.

THENNN it turned into a FULL blown gender war… saying I got influenced by social media and "thats the problem with female influencer stunting for the gram"

Taken aback I asked where this was coming from ?? I said it was fine?? And HE asked the question ?? I said AM I NOT WORHY OF A A NICE PURSE !! He said WHATS WRONG WITH A FAKE ONE.


(Its so fun to write this out)

I asked again why he brought up social media and he said absolutely nobody needs any accessory over $1000 and basically people like to flex and flaunt.

Then I started to wonder how much influence "mommy" had over this decision?? Was this her opinion and PLOT all along ?? Her and I are cordial but not close. So was it her judging him for the splurge? He could afford it.


The argument turned to something else and the vibe has been a little off. I think hes a mommas boy. I said my answer was my answer and that his opinion was his. I learned alot a out him and us and it all started with a purse. Life is crazy!

Thank you for all your comments and AWESOME WORDS OF AFFIRMATION <3 thank you reddit once again.

TLDR: i think boyfriend's mom suggested a reseller bag instead of authentic. And i guess he valued experiences > items. Then why ask what I want. Started arguing, not speaking over A BAG.



Reported by:
  • DickButtKissAlt : the women in the thumbnail weren't even hags tho they were just good looking older ladies
!fellas how many of you are hagmaxxing?

Knowledge base article:

Hagmaxxing is a slang term popularized on X / Twitter and 4chan in 2024. While the earliest known viral use of the term saw X user @kinematografi encouraging people to start "hagmaxxing" by "living in the swamp" and "stirring potions constantly" (describing a hag witch), later use of the term was popularized by a fake Vice article supposedly written by journ*list Mack Lamoureux, the headline of which reads, "Meet the hagmaxxers: Gen Z's new social trend of dating older women." A screenshot of the fake article was originally posted to 4chan's /int/ board, before it was circulated on X in May 2024.


This is how people are convinced palestinian lives matter: brain damage

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