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Pickmeisha Rehabilitation: First steps




You've identified that you're a PickMe. Congrats, one of the first steps towards being a goddess is knowing that you are part of the equation of your cyclical misery. For those in the back, I said PART OF. You can't fully blame yourself, that's still practicing these feeble behaviors. Yes, we're here to take responsibility for our current mindset leading us to where we are right now. However, realize that you have been surrounded by men who exhibit microaggression towards women, you have been brainwashed by other PickMe's. But now you know the truth: You are worth SO much more than anyone ever said you were. YOU determine where you go from here. Being a woman, you have been through so much. Think about the men who try to control our bodies, who use us to fulfill their sick fantasies, the statistics on violence. The media celebrates this and fuels this grotesque reality that we are meant to be meek, feeble and to endure abuse.

1. Promise to yourself "never again". Never again will you be manipulated or abused. Never again will you quietly endure your discomfort.

2. Realize that AMALT (All Men Are Like That). Thinking "Not all men" is DETRIMENTAL to your safety. "Not all men are male feminists". Fine. But if I gave you a pack of gummy bears and told you one was poisoned, wouldn't you treat each of them as potentially lethal? Let them prove to you that they are "not like the other men". Do not prove to HIM that you are "not like the other girls". One of men's biggest worry is to get "divorce r*ped" but are they ever worried about ACTUAL R*PE? NO. So don't give them the benefit of the doubt, make them show you through ACTIONS. A HVM will have no problem with this. A scrote will act offended and immature and just not worth your time, this is because he doesn't respect you. Which brings me to...

3. Define your standards and warning flags. You need to write this down. 5 is a good number to start with Comment this below if you must, I want you to be CRYSTAL clear on what you will NEVER tolerate ever again and what you will NEVER tolerate ever. For example, I will never be with a man who cheats on me. I will consider repeated arguments a huge warning flag. If I need to repeat myself more than twice about something that is clearly important to me... boy BYE. (If you choose to comment, it also helps other women identify red flags and help them define their standards as well.

4. BLOCK THAT SCROTE/ EX/ STALKER. Stop being nice to him. He sucks and has zero value to you. You know he just wants to sleep with you. Block him now. You will feel so cleansed. If they try to reach out again, say that you have been really busy and focusing on yourself. They may call you a b-word for "leading them on". You can tell them to go to heck. You don't owe no one an explanation.

5. Read the sidebar. Take your time with it, it's a lot to take in. But it will equip you in the long run and there's plenty of good stuff.

6. Take care of yourself, starting today, starting now. Say no to something you don't want to do. Don't pick him up, don't make him a sandwich if he doesn't deserve it. Begin breaking out of your PickMe routine. Don't adapt to his needs now because it will be "worth it in the end". Honey, it's not worth it. You deserve to be happy NOW. Another way you can practice this is to take care of your hygiene and your environment. Be proud of your appearance and your surroundings because you did it for YOUR well-being. Most PickMeishas are externally motivated, they just HAVE to get that "good job" sticker. Nothing wrong with being externally motivated, but pining for a man's approval is just pathetic. Do it to make FDS proud, do it for YOU. (this will take time, I'll make another post on it someday but try your best! We're rooting for you!)

7. Realize that there are high-level women out there who will support you. Maybe even on here. We're all just trying to look out for each other, but no one can help anyone that doesn't WANT to realize their own self-destructive behavior. So if you think your situation "isn't so bad". Sorry, this wasn't the post for you.

I will try to update with more suggestions as I get them.

@Neon_Needles @TED_SIMP

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8. Forget it all. Fall for the first douchebag junkie. Do it all again :!parrotcongaparty:

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!fellas Who's the highest level woman here?

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Probably @PennyKong

or maybe @sandkwinn

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no lmfao not me @sandkwinn ye fr she just a Angel from on high come down to the slums here to lift us up 🙏🏾🤲🏾🙏🏾 but im trash

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I will NOT hear you call yourself trash :marseyraging:

Trash doesn’t dress this classy, sis


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:marseyxo#xo: hope ur kidney pain better today sweetheart 🙏🏾🙏🏾

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:@sandkwinnpat: best girl.

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You're an angel to me :marseyagree:


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:marseyxo#xo: have a beautiful Sunday darlin

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:#marseylove: You too!

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:marseylaughpoundfist: yeah right

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penny was the only real woman on this site, that's why they kicked her out

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:siren:BARD BOT (near miss) ALERT!:siren:

I'll let it slide this time, but I'm watching you...

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what's funny?


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Trans Women.

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:#marseykingkrazysnake:king krazy:#marseykingkrazysnake:

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@Dramacel or @kongbu (@justcool393 obviously gets second)

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stop trying to crack my egg :marseyeggirl:

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I'm a level 65 kittymancer :#marseywitch3:

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Imma go with @maggokong.

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oh frick yea bby.

naw I like her FDS posting and her anti booze posting. Much seethe is generated

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Pick Me girls get picked, simple as. These foids aren’t even picked by their cats.

E. I was banned from the hole for this. Frick Jannies

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Pickmes are scum of the earth

Frick them! I spend more time cleaning my cat's litter box then they spend being single.

I hate pickmes. If it wasn't for pickmes, women with a little shred of self respect would have a chance on the dating market.

I hate pickmes so hard it's unreal sisters.

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you deserve it

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Your advice is solid but I’ve always felt like the term “pick me” is mega cringe and misogynistic by implying the only reason a woman wouldn’t agree with your rhetoric is because they want to please men instead of it being something they came up with on their own.

I don’t like libfems and I don’t like FDS users but I wouldn’t attempt to other them because are all women and we need to stick together in this world and get over this bizarre cliquish behavior so many female spaces promote.

Sorry for serious posting on your post but it been on my mind :marseysuffragette:

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"Pickme" is a femoid way of telling other femoids that a femoid is thinking outside of the socially acceptable range of thought that all women must subscribe to or be ostracized and cast out by the ovarian hivemind

Coming from a 'cel 'rote (obviously very qualified on this topic), the only interesting women are "pickmes", neurodivergents, hyper-individualist women and just general outcasts. Foids mad at "pickmes" are just trying to protect the remaining 85% of women who are too boring to hold a conversation by preventing moids from realizing interesting foids exist

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And that’s a good thing

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Yea legit.

I don't like how some people just use slurs like TERF and pickme to tell others to just stay in line.

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Most sane woman online

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For example, I will never be with a man who cheats on me. I will consider repeated arguments a huge warning flag. If I need to repeat myself more than twice about something that is clearly important to me... boy BYE.

Oh i bet shes in a happy, committed long-term relationship! Probably even married! :marseyclueless:

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For example, I will never be with a man who cheats on me.

clearly a high value Queen setting the bar sky high

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>I will never pick a man who cheats on me

Also her

>Goes for the most obvious frickboy


>He will be my longterm pardner

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But you dont understand! She can fix him

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Yeah accidentally quoted that part as well lol.

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7 figures income

7 ft tall

7 inch johnson

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how am i a pickme lmao this is all fun and games for me

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Think about it sis

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X (formerly chiobu)! be nice! i cant do NOTHING on this website without you moids reeeeing

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Haven't seen you namestragging lately with boring bird posts users only reply to because you're a foid so that's been an improvement

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I like all animal posts. I do wish she were a neofoid. I feel guilty giving upmarseys to the old models.

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I really do wish there was a option in settings to automatically filter out every foid poster.

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sorry :-(

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yeah once spring comes i get busy with field work and am not online as much. in winter where i am its the off season for birding/ field work, so i’m pretty much cooped inside and go crazy

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like a chicken!

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i didnt say anything!!! :marseysob: i just found @ThatHoeOverThere's reply funny

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ur right it is funny

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u guys take everything too seriously. do you really think im serious about all this?

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>i'm just pretending lol


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  • jew : terrorism
  • Elements : This is abusive or harassing => It threatens violence or physical harm => At someone else
  • 9 : This is abusive or harassing => It threatens violence or physical harm => At someone else
  • speedcoree : This is abusive or harassing => It threatens violence or physical harm => At someone else

ill kill you

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!reportmaxxers violence!


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it’s ok sweaty dramacel knows whats up

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try me, i've always wanted an excuse to beat up a foid


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i will simply out-scamper you

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i don't know what scamper means


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idiot moron r-slur imbecile

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You’re not it’s literally a misogynistic term developed by FDS ladies who are upset that other women don’t agree with them so instead of giving that women agency over her thoughts and opinions they automatically assume it must be because you’re trying to please men. Attributing all women who disagree with you as men pleasing whores…where have I heard that before :marseythinkorino:

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ok real, remind me to never listen to men again

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Yeah you should cut off any moids in your life that are causing you distress fr

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Yeah I know it’s difficult for you, you’ll do it someday hopefully even if it’s not soon.

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you heard her

cut your router cable

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Do NOT send me tits

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okay i won’t

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Darn, you are hella good at listening to men

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>mfw I tell her it's "all fun and games" but she still wont send nudes


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Pickme means "I am jealous of you because you're enjoying life" smh

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FACTS i am having fun and being myself. @ThatHoeOverThere could NEVER

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The first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem.

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