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Best stuffed crust pizza

Is unironically from Little Ceasar's Pizza.

It has a good amount of grease to keep the dough spongy, and the rest of the pizza does not suffer from a thinner crust.

Pizza Hut gets points for having crust toppers to take the stuffed crust to another level, but they are lazy and do not offer these crust toppers on Doordash so I deduct points. The rest of the pizza also becomes floppier from the extra dough needed for the crust.

Papa John's similarly gets points for putting more flavor on the crust, but the rest of the pizza suffers the same issue of needing some Viagra. Also Papa John's default crust is just uninspiring, so the cheesy center does not have a good partner to work with.

Little Caesars is a great experience throughout, a thicker crust that is mitigated by the grease.

Many other shops may offer stuffed crust, but they are merely pretenders chasing an advertising trend. You can detect the lack of enthusiasm from these teenagers in constructing the pizza, and the other shops never account for the extra dough needed.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1734656067274578.webp :#marseysad:

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im a slut for garlic dipping cups and little :marseyapplejackpixelart: ceasars has the best :marseylickinglips:

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im a slut


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hot and sweaty

:marseypizzaslice: :marseybeandrool:

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you wish chud :marseyindignant:

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I've actually loved Dominoes lately and I'm not a pizza guy.

They're actually open very late (awesome) and they're dirt cheap (awesome) and even taste significantly better than frozen pizza (awesome).

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Please move this to /h/fatpeoplehate because OP is clearly obese.

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Best pizza

In the fricking finals we have: Little Caesars, Pizza Hut, and Papa Johns


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any stuffed crust is inherently slop

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