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EFFORTPOST :marseywerebackchingchong: :marseylickinglips: *REAL* asian street food appreciation thread :marseyslurpfast:

The real Asian Street Food was not the Michelin Bib Gourmand awarded Oyster Omelettes I had in the morning

Nor a similarly Michelin awarded pork innards noodle soup that seemed to be hit so hard by inflation that they served us this in a huge bowl (we paid extra for the egg too)

But the random unsung street hawker hero you'll find at a random 7-11 or convenience store all around Asia (except Singapore because :marseyobey:) in the wee hours

Who might be smoking and talking shit with his buddies at the side but still notices you looking and asks you for your order

Whose menu probably made in notepad is simply "chicken", "pork", "beef", "seafood" with rice or one of the 819 types of asian noodles

Who then whips up the obvious choice of seafood instant noodles on the grill and tells you to frick off to the 7-11 first if you don't like to wait

Whose fricking culinary masterpiece hits you right in the nose when you take it out of the takeaway bag and into a proper bowl :marseysniff:

Who mogs your cooking because your supper avoidant wife finishes half the bowl when you offer her a bite

Whose mastery of cooking 4 types of proteins with 820 types of carbs you'll never beat because you were never from the favelas

Sadly the only proof I have of him existing is this random chopstick, wedge of lime and random thai/asian seasonings in a non-descript plastic bag, but IYKYK

This post is fricking gay and unnecessary but :marseyletsfuckinggo2: enveloped my soul as I had the first REAL asian street food meal ever since fricking covid broke

And I still vividly remember it being a warm and comforting bowl of congee that I had while severely hungover/drunk in Phnom Penh a couple hours or five after midnight

That's why I know how to make congee:

They even help to keep Asians relatively slim because:

  • The serving sizes are just perfect :marseychefkiss:

  • 50% of the time it'll give you the shits anyway

!goyslopenjoyers plz try the asian goyslop if you ever come across it

God I feel like just taking that walk down a dark alleyway just to order another bowl right now

Neighbour did I really longpost over a $5 bowl of instant noodles

Worth it

Frick it I'll just do it for the pics brb


They were literally just cleaning up when I reached FRICK

AT LEAST I have some more proof of his existence :marseycope:

And the name of his stall is literally just "pad thai" bro I love you but that's not gonna help even if your genius was operating in Finland or something

But at the end of the day the absolute balls to call yourself "pad thai" because you know that you're the best and deserve it

Ok I'm going to bed sad now because it's like some love story where you missed "the one" by 5 minutes due to longposting on a orange cat enjoying homo forum good night

Also I should have lied that the noodles had thai estradiol or something so the !jannies would pin my effortpost but alas I guess that would be too many :marseytransattentionseeker: posts for their tastes thanks :carpexcited:

Lmao suddenly thought of the "Sorrowful Rice" dish

went back tonight and was shocked but not really surprised that it was packed full of locals :wow: another testament to the chef's skills

gonna dig in now with some thai whisky for the full thai experience too, the place also makes oyster omelettes so I had to try since the Michelin ones were pretty meh


Update: Pad thai was amazing as usual and they should stick to that IMO :marseysipping: oyster omelette tasted bad to me but maybe that's their style since I didn't like the other ones too :marseyshrug: the noodles though O M G :marseychefkiss:

edit: alcohol purchase hours are so weird here because you're allowed to buy booze from 11am onwards till midnight except for a 3 hour period between 2-5 pm lol

something to take note of if you ever come to thailand

bak chor mee in my :marseyramen: bowl (minced and sliced pork on noodles with shrooms, crispy pork bits, and fish balls)

@chiobu was taunting me with delicious singaporean food while i was away from my kitchen, now that i'm home i made a bowl with his :marseyramen: marsey on it + tried my hand at the recipe i've been thinking about for 2 weeks :marseylickinglips:

original recipes:

my mayo version with subbed ingredients i could find here:

(most of the ingredients + marinating meats + soaking shrooms, u don't actually need 5 spice i got it out on autopilot)

120g flat egg noodles (dry), i used half wide, half thin

ground pork:

50g ground pork

2 tsp soy sauce

1/4 tsp white pepper

1 tsp cornstarch

1 tsp toasted sesame oil

sliced pork:

50g thinly sliced pork

1 tsp soy sauce


white pepper


pork stock from my freezer, ~1L (to make your own just boil bones and water)

1 bunch spring onions, use the butts

10 black peppercorns

1 star anise

2 tsp salt


2 tbsp dried spicy anchovies


30g dried shiitake

250 ml water

2 tbsp soya

1 tbsp fish sauce

1 tbsp chinese black vinegar

1 tsp sugar



spam lmao


chili oil (the fermented kind with peanuts :drool:)

shroom liquid

chinese black vinegar


fish balls i made an undetermined time ago :marseysweating: from my freezer

chopped spring onion


night b4:

soak shrooms in hot water, cover

day of:

meats: marinade the meats in separate bowls with the ingredients called for

stock: put everything from the broth category into a pot except the anchovies, cook for at least an hour, skimming if you notice blech on top. add anchovies, cook another 15 minutes, strain and keep stock hot

shrooms: put all the stuff from the shroom category in a pot, simmer for an hour or until the liquid has mostly absorbed, keep warm and keep extra shroom liquid

noodles: cook in boiling water silly

toppings and assembly: fry spam in lard cus you're a fat piece of shit, slice some shrooms, put fishcakes in your broth and cook them for a few minutes, put your meat in a skimmer in the broth and cook for ~1 minute (or until done to your liking) while stirring it around with your chopsticks so it cooks evenly, serve all of it over noodles along with however much vinegar/lard/chili oil/broth/shroom liquid that you like, add spring onions because vegetables means it's healthy

notes: would make fewer shrooms next time (maybe 15g) as my ratio was off, would figure out what pork i'm actually supposed to use (this actually a lie i would use spam 100% of the time because spam is the best), maybe use less fish sauce with the shrooms next time, i bet vinegar in the ground pork marinade would go hard

compared to the photos from the recipe i don't think i did too bad! < theirs mine> :chudcelebrate:

overall 10/10 so glad i prepped extras so i can have it for a few days, no clue how people there stay :marseyskinny: while having this easily accessible, thank you chiobu for telling me about this!!!!

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  • Soccercide_Enthusiast : Burger slander cannot go unchecked on the eve of the Olympics, it's a matter of national pride
"Americans say that their food is diverse, but it's all stolen! Only burger and pizza lmao" /r/iamveryculinary daily sneed

/r/iamveryculinary believe there should be no barriers around food, that no food belongs to any one country, that recipes are gatekeeping... but also that American food is superior to all others. As such, they are not amused by this YouTube Short in which an Asian woman suggests that American food boils down to burgers, ketchup, fries and self-service cola machines.

Let's see what the commenters say:

Oh boy, my favorite subject that makes me become extremely patriotic.

America has some of the most diverse food in the world, and its culinary scene is among the best if not the best in the world (in terms of things like global impact, food diversity, world-renowned dishes, Michelin stars, etc)

The American culinary scene is so vast that it varies dramatically even by region, with each region having unique styles and recipes inspired by dishes around the world. Even excluding cultural fusion foods, America still has incredible food that was entirely originated in America.


Oklahoma puts onions in their burgers and New Yorkers don't use mustard on their hotdogs.

Number one burger defender.

America simultaneously has no authentic food and no unique food.

Where's the lie?

The same people that complain that American immigrant food isn't authentic because it's not exactly what they have back in their country also say it's not American, because it's a copy of what they have back in their country.

America is a young and diverse country of immigrants with many agricultural zones, so of course what "American food" is will challenge the concepts held by anyone who's country is old, mostly one ethnic group, and mostly one agricultural zone.

"Which agricultural zone should we dine in tonight? Corn Land or Potato World?"

And then 15 separate comments that boil down to "ummm your point is invalid because of cajun food".

The YouTube comments are also pretty good:

They're unironically right, American food is basically airport food.


American food is diverse because there's a panpipe cover of "My Heart Will Go On" in the background of this video pooping on American food.

@r-slur @Lappland @Dramamine defend your culture and try not to mention tater tots this time x

Actual egg drama

Original tweet (ratioed and deleted):

Boiling eggs is really hard you guys:

Cripples mad:

Coxinha de Frango :marseyflagbrazil: :marseychicken:

Typical brazilian salgadinho/snack which is always present in birthday parties. !macacos

Fun fact, right-wingers are called "coxinhas" because São Paulo cops eat them like burger cops eat donuts. :#marseycop:

Blueberries from my garden.

This is my best year yet for blueberries. There's still a lot more on the bush that are still green. Unfortunately the bush that grows the pink blueberries bloomed way earlier than the others so nothing got pollinated, maybe next year.

black beans with cilantro and hot salsa :marseylickinglips:

also some steak

i can drop the recipe…. if any of you even care…

do BBQ poors really?

just buy a grill lmao neighbor just smoke your own meats

Spaghetti & Meatballs
'Nah, i feel like we all make the same face sometimes' part 1 of 400

I love onions

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Whoever told me to add dark chocolate to chili

Thank you for ruining like 4 pounds of chili

This is literally inedible

Fresh horseradish is so good but...

don't be a dummy like me. Plant it in a container. Getting it out of the ground is so much effing work.



And by """least offensive""", i mean "humerous".

:marseyproje#ction: :marseychingchongr#aginggenocide:

It's a German advert, no less. The Krauts would probably lock you up on hate crime charges if you filmed that commercial in current year + 8.

Quick and easy snacks you can make yourself part 2

Red Curry Beef Stir Fry

Just a regular old beef stir fry, but this one has lionsmane mushrooms in it too, which are easier to see in the second picture:

Stir fry is as usual, but the sauce is:

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3 tbsp red curry paste
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp shaoxing wine
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • lime juice
  • ginger
  • Stir fry stuff was flank steak, lionsmanes, bell peppers, garlic, and scallions.



    Literally no one knows what black means anymore:

    Sysbm is african american btw.

    Thankfully someone does get back on topic:

    Thank you Yakub, very cool!:

    Really think I've zeroed in eggs benny :marseychef: :marseyyippee:
    :marseytunaktunak: Pressure cooker bongjeet chow :!marseynorf:

    I haven't had curry in a while and hadn't used the instant pot in even longer.

    Decided to do a spin on some wacky lazy NYT recipe I saw online some time ago; had to make a few changes because some of it didn't really make sense. I don't think I've ever seen a curry recipe without browning onions as a base.


    I did it over wild rice because I'm r-slurred and love the stuff more than basmati. :marseyembrace:


    • instant pot :marseysoylentgrin:

    • immersion blender (optional if you want the sauce to be smooth - can be omitted if you're okay with tomato chunks)



    • 1 tsp turmeric

    • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

    • 1 tsp smoked paprika

    • 1 tsp salt

    • 1 tsp garam masala

    • 1 tsp cumin


    • 6 minced garlic cloves

    • 2 tsp minced ginger

    • 1 star anise pod

    • 2 bay leaves

    • 1 or 2 spoonfulls of chili crisp in oil (lao gan ma) depending on heat level desired

    • 1 tsp garam masala to be added at the end


    • 1 small yellow onion, diced

    • 1 14 oz can of diced tomatoes ('fire roasted' works well)

    • an indeterminate but small amount of chopped parsley for color


    • 1 lb chicken, cubed into small bits; use whatever's on sale

    • 1 stick butter :marseychonker2:

    • 1/2 cup heavy cream

    1. Set pot to 'sautee' - add 2 tbsp of butter and add onions. Stir around a bit and let cook for like 20 minutes until they're really cooked down and browned.

    2. Once onions are browned, add tomatoes, garlic, ginger, and the spice mix. Turn the sautee feature off and break out the optional immersion blender -- blend until nice and smooth looking.

    3. Stir in diced chicken and chili crisp. Add the star anise pod and bay leaves on top. Close lid, set to 'pressure cook' on high for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minute cook is up, allow it to naturally release the steam/pressure for another 10 minutes. Once that is completed, go ahead and release any remaining pressure.

    4. Turn off the 'Keep Warm' feature and allow to sit for about 5 minutes or so; take out the star anise pod and bay leaves and stir a bit to ensure there's nothing stuck to the bottom.

    5. After a few minutes of cooling, add the remaining butter, additional 1 tsp garam masala, heavy cream, and chopped parsley. Stir until it looks nice.

    6. Serve over rice. :!marseybong:

    Reported by:
    Every time i was at a friends house and their mother offered food
    Dont mind the picture of my fancy pizza, but i was thinking of making a food review. Idk
    Deli meat that came out of my nose

    I am going to use a recipe like this with a few ingredient changes, like using McCormick's lime mayo, and mexican crema instead of sour cream

    Slop posting :marseylickinglips:

    Chilli :marseyantiwork:

    • beef mince, beef tendon and chorizo :marseydiscount:

    • carrots, peppers, red onions, garlic, black beans and tomatoes.

    The secret is to use a beef tendon where instead of stewing on the gas stove you cook this in a dutch oven and roast it in the oven for 3 hours with another 30 mins roast uncovered to carmelise the top of the Chilli. Take the beef tendon out after all the collagen has been extracted :marseyhappy2:

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