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How often do you cut your fingernails?

I usually cut mine when they get long enough that I notice that they're getting a bit too long. And you???

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i bite my nails


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Me too ubtil recently someone got me some nail clippers and overall I feel like my nail strength/sharpness has improved. I feel like Elijah Wood's character in Sin City


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Same :(

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One time my friend convinced me to get a manicure, would not recommend, tastes horrible

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lol i just told him to get a manicure 😩😩

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:marseyyikes: nasty bb just go get a manicure u rich

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i like to keep mine long because i'm into nail art but i also sometimes do hook grip for deadlifts and that hurts if your nails are long at all :marseyrain:

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Can't u make mods of holes?? I don't get it but eleganza must have it

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there's a mods section https://rdrama.net/h/groomers/mods but i don't know how it works. i would janny ur hole though :marseyshy:

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Idk what you're talkin bout but that sounds pretty fricked up. I bet you have beautiful nails though.

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It’s when you wrap your fingers around your thumb when holding the bar.

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Post muscles

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i wish i could wear long sets but can't bc work 🫠🫠

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Just use straps lol

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When they get long enough to notice usually. But for any weird people that use nail scissors to cut their nails please buy clippers. They make it so much easier.

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every 3-4 days i like my nails groomed

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I cut them they start bothering me when I'm clickety-clacking


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Once a week or so. Gotta keep them short or the girlie complains

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:taynod: good job bb

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DAE save their nail trimmings?


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Who's the dramatard :marseydramautist: with the medicine :marseymaidchingchong: cabinet full of nail clippings?

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I hate that banner so much. I think it might be a foid who made it :marseyhmm:

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no it's a slavic? moid but def a moid

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:marseynotes: Oh okay, I don't know why I thought foid because that is definitely a moidy thing to do

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I save them on the kitchen table until guests come over

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I would leave it out and explain to the guest that it's art, that is if I had guests.

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Every week or so but I leave my left pinkie nail really long.

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Once they start to crack I'll trim them down to 1mm

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My cuticles terminate significantly before the finger ends so I have to keep that shit pretty tight

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I bite them until they bleed, only my left thumb is spared for some reason

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I file mine every couple days :marseynails:

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just use my electric sander to trim them down to size

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Lots of people trying to explain to me that this is a joke, and look, I looked at the timeline, and it did seem to contain other racist material that may have been intended to be edgy and funny. But look, your racist “satire” is still racist, and you make lots of racist satire? Kinda makes me think you‘re actually a racist.

I promise whatever satirical aim you think this person has, they could TOTALLY exercise it in a way that wasn't horribly racist. They're being racist because they know that will get a rise out of people. And at that point, that's not actually satire.

Hey, notice how this tweet acknowledges that I understand what the person is trying to accomplish? That means you don't need to explain the “joke” to me. The problem with trying to be so absurdly racist that it's satire is that you're still being absurdly racist. If we've learned anything from the last four years, it's that absurd racism does not in fact highlight how absurd racism is. It just makes absurd racism more common.

I don't like it. I'm not going to start liking it. Saying the exact same things that absurdly racist people do but then saying it's satire just makes me not trust you at all.

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