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It's been a crazy couple of months at work and I am glad yall managed to hold this place together
I think that was everyone who donated. Thank yall especially
Someone had said they might want to do some hole CSS, but i can't find the message so hit me up! we need to make this place look good
also i probably need a couple of hole jannies if anyone wants to do it for free
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Wrong link because of ash spawn
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I have found this good for getting to sleep so goodnight fellow Asiancels, Kiwicels and Convict-Continent-cels in the eastern hemisphere. Filipinos can frick off.
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My busy season is basically over in 2 weeks and I'm planning on sprucing this place up. Going to mod some donators if they still wanted it and get some css help if I can. We need someone to make the sidebar of chudrama, only make the skeleton into dagoth ur and have it say “die n'wah” under
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I am assuming everyone is cool and plays Telvanni. Has anyone done the House Dagoth mod that lets you join Dagoth Ur? It's on my todo list
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I need to know which ones the worst !g*mers !nwahs !poll_voters
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Title, i havent beaten main quest or anything but i've played a bit. I'm not a power g*mer so i haven't yet played to the point where you get strong enough to cheese the game. Looking for cool mods/ game improvments. Also if you know any goofy mods as well post them here.