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:#marseykamala: :#marseykneel:

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Sorry but Hamas is super based and the "Houthis" are heroes! They definitely have the moral high round over America though it is extremely hard not to. It is simply beyond the capability of almost all people, organizations or countries to be anywhere near as evil as America.

god darn !anticommunists we all have to join !khive at this rate

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Kill all fifth-columnists, every single one of them. Track their IPs, kidnap them at night and throw them off helicopters.



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>Bolsonaro stan seething :marseyseethe: he got a good socialist :marseywatermelon: leader :marseyputin: instead


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Bolsonaro stan

Bostonaro is a frouxo who couldn't even send the corporal and the soldier to shut down the STF and mobilize the army to retake the presidency. Old cornos like him don't deserve to be dictators.


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>rightwingers limp wristed cucks

>commies bringing prosperity :marseydragonnewyear2: to their country :marseypalestineflag: by force :marseyjetbombing: if necessary


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>possible to deepthroat American Empire

!nooticers !neolibs what nationality do you think this guy is?

On The Economist youtube comments sections is normal to find usernames with "english" names and surnames saying stuff like

>china is friend of africa and helps development, unlike USA bombing to keep Empire

>USA empire collapsing soon

>Ukraine nazis are keep because USA Empire funding them

>Israel genociding palestinians everyday with US of A help

All written by usernames like "@james_smith" and "@catherine_underwood"

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china is friend of africa and helps development, unlike USA bombing to keep Empire

China understands that money talks. If the US government wasn't filled with the old and senile and understood the same this wouldn't even be a raised point.

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>possible to deepthroat American Empire

>t. Xing Xhong James Smith


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"I, John Jamesovich Smith, of Oklahoma Oblast believes we should stop supporting Ukronazis genocide of the Donbas children"


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!commies they can't handle the truth :marseyredcheck: lmao

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It is less depressing to believe that communist r-slurs are all bots than to accept the truth that first worlders might actually be this r-slurred.

!anticommunists imagine living in any westoid state and being poor lmao. There is no greater indictment of someone's competence and intelligence than failing at life so hard they become a commie.

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It is less depressing to believe that communist r-slurs are all bots than to accept the truth that first worlders might actually be this r-slurred.

It sounds pedantic, but it's really all down to autism. R-slurred commie neurodivergents, but still autism all the same. The lack of awareness and inability to think in normal terms is a result of the tism.


:donkeykongq: :donkeykonge: :donkeykongd:

!anticommunists !r-slurs

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I can already tell you're subhuman

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>r/evilautism response


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:marseyshrug: it's the truth. I can smell you through the screen. :marseystinky:

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:marseysleep: :marseysleep: :marseysleep:

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More comments

Only on Reddit would a sub called ShitLiberalsSay not be chud magnet.

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Also on Tumblr. If you ever needed proof of horseshoe theory, it's as simple as he fact that all wingcucks use "liberal" as a slur, despite liberalism being the cornerstone of Western civilization post-Enlightenment.

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>im totally not a liberal

Says every liberal ever

Makes their dishonesty quite open though

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commies glorifying genocidal terrorism and destruction of their own country

Must be a day that ends with Y !anticommunists

Jewish lives matter not but palestinian lives matter even less

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all commies deserve to be tortured and killed. Free speech means the freedom to commit crimes after all according to commie logic

if Kamala deports these terrorists I'd vote for her

>:marseykamala:I condemn the burning of the American flag.

>:soysnooseethe: :quote:You have freedom of speech but if you burn the American flag you should be in prison :quote: :marseystrawman:

>Yet they'll never fail to complain about our "authoritarianism" :smugsnoo:

Are commies even literate?

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/171640723830995.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1716407238178262.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17164072380107207.webp

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the commies would happily let trump in to flatten gaza to a parking lot rather than vote for any middle ground

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please stop, I'm starting to like her


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At the risk of sounding sexist.

Imagine being this much of a cuck.

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This is why kamala will win

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At the risk of sounding non-sexist...

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WTF I love Kamala now.

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Third-worldists stay seethin'

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This uppity fricking BIPOC democrat better watch her mouth


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Democrats REALLY want to lose this election, huh?

Yeah I'm sure the average voter really loves when people burn the American flag

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Youre not even allowed to put the american flag up in schools lmao

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This is just objectively incorrect lol

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Try it

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I don't need to try anything, you're just wrong lol. They do the pledge of allegiance everyday across the country.

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They do thr pledge of alligence to the pride flag now

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And that's a good thing :marseythumbsup:

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>deepthroat American Empire

Neighbor, she's literally second in command in the "american empire". She is if anything the boot.

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I like how they're all zero'ing in on her condemning the burning of the flag so they can completely ignore all the pro-Hamas flags and graffiti that were there.

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chuds when first amendment they dont like:

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We got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to have taken this seriously.



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