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  • DickButtKiss : Lol at all the libtards playing dumb ITT. "So what she didn't put it on her resume!"

Kamalumpf is finished
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No shit r-slur I don't put the jobs I worked in high school and my 20s on my fricking !codecels resume because that's fricking r-slurred

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My CV:

  • Spark

  • k8s

  • Carl's Jr.

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>biofoid with deep tech expertise


>biofoid with extensive service industry experience


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Paris Hilton misled me about what that job would involve.

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slander, my queen would never lie

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This but unironically :#marseyslurpfast:

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I took a 3 year break from work to travel and do ketamine in Arby's parking lots. I always make sure to include that on my CV. I want them to know that I'm adventurous and willing to take risks. Especially for ketamine.

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chick fil a does bare metal k8s clusters in every store

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Just call yourself a Burger Compiler.

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You have to put everything because you never know what might impress them. I include that I once sucked a peepee for a cigarette and it's gotten me many interviews.

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Well the roofing and drywall industries do have some peculiar qualifications...

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McDonald's 2014-2023

  • Used statistical analysis to steal money from tills while performing daily reconciliation
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I don't keep all my codecel jobs but I do keep the auxiliary nurse job I did during university on my resume since it's pretty good for talking about soft people skills which most codecels in my age bracket sorely lack (even if I did spend most of my time chasing :marseymaid: tail). Was great during covid when healthcare workers had a bunch of social capital.

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Sir, my autism is only surpassed by my coding skills

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I don't know a single programmer who worked in fast food as a teenager.

Coding ability is patently obvious from the time you're like 12. If you can't code by then, go into j*rnalism or something.

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I got into tech in my late 20s despite programming from 14-15 because the industry is gatekept AF and I didn't live in the US where it seems everyone is hiring all the time.

You can tell that 90% of coworkers basically rode the school to tech job pipeline though and have no idea how the world works.

I'm the 'cool guy' in most places I've worked and my career while short is impressive for my locale. I have friends say "wow you worked there?" and it takes a lot of willpower to not say "yep, run like shit and full of callow soys"

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Can relate, life is good

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I definitely know a lot of dudes in tech who were absolute suffering broke bitches until they figured out they could code at like age 22 and now they have soft hands and complain aggressively about quality of service because their credit card will swipe with no exceptions

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Eh. The good people I know were definitely coding by that age, but plenty also had other unrelated wagie jobs

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Just saying, a "black" person who started off working at McDonald's and became a DA/sanator/vp/presidential nominee would absolutely highlight their humble beginnings in their books about their life.

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Hello train, I have noticed that you used the r word twice in a single sentence. This is a very high level of vulgarity and I encourage you to do better and refrain from using the R word in the future. Have a nice day.

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>At the same time, however, Harris's image makers tweaked the story ever so slightly. According to an August 14 item in Politico, an early cut of a Harris campaign ad said she worked at McDonald's to "pay her way" through college. Aides changed the script to reflect that "she really took the summer job just to earn a bit more spending money," as Politico put it.

Omg, you mean a McD's wagie can't earn 20 grand of tuition slinging fries in the summer? :marseychildclutch:

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Many law firms love shit manual labor or service jobs on resumes during first year applications, it means youre more likely to put up with bullshit to avoid going back to that. If you could do 12 hours per day in a factory you can do 12 hours per day at a desk job.

Source: personal experience in leafcel big law

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Think this also applies to other white collar careers?

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bro once you have a college degree you basically nix anything prior to your college career from your resume. When I was applying to places right after graduating college I think I had one line that mentioned my high school and one line that mentioned some wagie work I did as a teenager, but as soon as I got my first "career" job in my field, those were dropped entirely.

Good resumes fit on a single page. You don't want to :marseywords: it either - keep it short and to the point.

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Genuinely struggling to understand the point of this story. What's the implication we're supposed to draw from this?

Best I can think of is like, "imagine that rude black McDonald's worker. That's Kamala." What else is there???

Although I similarly don't understand why rightoids dunk on AOC for having been a bartender so maybe there's just a part of the rightoid ick reaction that I can't intuit.

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"look at this opportunistic b-word who leaves Micky D's off her résumé when she's applying to white shoe lawfirms but then brings it up when she's trying to relate to the poors to get their vote. What a whore."

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good lord i can't believe people all over the internet are completely ignoring the point about it never being mentioned in any biography/book. i was gonna come here and make fun of all the tweets like this but you people are saying the exact same shit.

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Why would it be in her biography? I sure hope that when I get famous nobody interviews the kids I used to babysit for.

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When I'm famous, I'm going on the grillcast to discuss rdrama

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Don't have to get famous: just frick @r-slur and book your slot.

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@r-slur :marseyflirt: I like guys with connections hmu

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Do you have a gussy

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Ew straggotry. Don't ever talk to me again

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Eyy baby girl want a slot

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not important enough for a biography

important enough for a campaign ad


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Hey now if you can call me a political whore for voting in my own interests than I should be able to call kamala a whore for pumping up insignificant parts of her employment history because her campaign thinks they poll well.


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Nobody at a white shoe law firm would think that though. Do poor rightoids really think like that?

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Why are you calling Kamala a whore?

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Another politician pretends to be working-class with fake stories about once holding a real job

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But she didn't put it on her resume? What am I missing

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The Free Beacon is implying that she fabricated it because there is no mention of it prior to her presidential campaign. I'm not saying whether they're right.

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Thanks, I'm r-slurred

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There are many of you commenting on this post!

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I'm assuming she has said in an interview or speech recently that she worked there

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AOC was a BU Econ grad. At some point the piece of paper can only get you so far and the ditzy Latinx couldn't cut it at Goldman Sachs so she had to serve drinks. Apparently that or Congress

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I don't think BU gets you into GS

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BU: when you couldn't get into BC but you still want to be able to say i went to school in boston

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They hire anaylsts from worse schools and it's a very highly ranked econ program. Its weird to see a BU econ grad end up doing nothing.

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Bartenders are whores. Everyone knows that

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@peepeehands worked at a pizza place in high school (worst job @peepeehands ever had lol) and there's no way @peepeehands was ever going too put that on @peepeehands's resume

@peepeehands love sucking peepee

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Do Rightoids know how a franchise works?

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Every time i see a story that makes me think "leftoids cannot be beat when it comes to making asses out of themselves" the rightoids come along and prove me wrong

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right? all she did was lie about having a :quote: normal person :quote: job! why would anyone care?!

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If only it was Subway, wouldve confirmed her as 100% indian :marseycry:

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She's done call it

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The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. What we need to do to create these jobs. And there is significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children.


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This is such an r-slured :marseyretard: thing to care about. Working :marseylifting: at McDonald's will make her seem more normal :marseychartgaussian: if anything

Trans lives matter less

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Looks like the gangrene has spread to his brain

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Hasn't she talked about it before?

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She had pre-release copies of 2pac two years early, ofc she was a burger flipper too!

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Where her W-2 at

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