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EFFORTPOST Post-CNN interview views and opinions


It's time to regroup after the CNN interview. What are your views and opinions on Kamala Harris's latest interview with CNN? Thoughts regarding Tim Walz?

Here are the main points:


She is going to implement her plan regarding an "opportunity economy." This includes bringing down the cost of everyday goods and extending the child tax credit to $6,000. She is also focusing on investing in small businesses and addressing the cost of housing (which includes a tax credit of $25,000 for first-time home buyers). You can find out more about her opportunity economy here:

She confirms that she does not want to ban fracking, and she will not do so as president. This is a change from her previous stance, although she claims she has not changed her values and her determination to create a green economy.

Madam Vice President has also vowed to address illegal immigration and she plans to increase the number of border patrol agents.

Personal Life

Kamala spoke a bit about old man Joe Biden. She doesn't regret endorsing him and claiming that he is fit to serve another four years in office. She is also proud to have served as his Vice President. She also discussed when she discovered that old man Joe Biden is dropping out of the race. It was a Sunday and she was spending time with her family. Just as they were sitting down to do a puzzle, old man Joe Biden called and announced that he is pulling out of the race. She didn't have to ask for his endorsement.

She didn't have much to say regarding Trump's attack on her race. He argued that she is claiming Blackness for political reasons. Kamala claims that Trump is using the "same old tired playbook".

Lastly, she spoke about the viral image of her and her grand niece. She says she was deeply touched by it, and that it was very humbling.

Public Reception

Ben Shapiro describes it as a "car crash interview" and he argues that it was boring and not a lot happened.

Sky News also gave a scathing reaction, claiming it wasn't an interview but a campaign ad instead. It is described as a "promo puff piece".

Not all reactions have been negative. You can see this on Reddit where user /u/Buttfulloffricks argues that Kamala knocked it out the park.

/u/flyoverliberal claims the following: "Lots of pointless gotcha questions instead of actually seeking information. Harris and Walz did well."

In a thread created by /u/ac_slater10, the user gives the overall interview a B+.


I'll be honest - I think it was a softball interview, and they didn't ask enough hard questions. It started off well but went downhill quickly. There is some merit to calling it a puff piece. Nevertheless, I'm glad that they spent time discussing policy, especially regarding creating a green economy. I'll give the overall interview 7/10 Hollys.

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a tax credit of $25,000 for first-time home buyers

How the frick is this possibly going to reduce home prices, even theoretically?

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You know what will make houses cheaper? Giving more taxpayer money directly to property owners.


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prices always fall when demand increases, that's just econ 101

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Devil's advocate: There might not be that many first-time buyers that qualify for this plan and $25,000 deposit won't get you anything that isn't a falling down shitbox so this might not have any real impact on the market... in which case it's a smart political play to look like she's Doing Something™ about an issue voters care about.

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$25,000 deposit won't get you anything that isn't a falling down shitbox

It's funny watching drama users out themselves as being brain dead r-slurred.

Bet you rent.

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Nibba what the frick redneck backwater do you live in? 20% of 625k is one two five, son.

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I live in the Midwest.

My house was built in 1948, 1200ft², 2 bedroom, full basement, hardwood floors, 2½ car garage, workshop, clean inspection.

Safe neighborhood, walking distance to grocery stores. Public transport is readily accessible if I were a poor. There's even a performing arts center within walking distance.

City is big enough to have Costco and Sam's Club, both within ten minutes.

I paid $90k for my house in 2013, it's worth 130k now.

There's nothing a megalopolis can offer besides more foreigners and an Ikea

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My condolences on your life in Cleveland.

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I'm glad Ohio is far, far away from me.

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Holy shit. Send be the comparables near by and I'll take 3 next week.

How much is rent in your LCOL area?

Are the packs of jogging rowdies behaved?

Top 3 employers aren't; the jails, refinery or monsantos are they?

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Never rented, dunno rental rates.

80% white, less than 5% black.

Farms, manufacturing, and dairy/cheese.

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Are the packs of jogging rowdies behaved?

They are. But the local police are more than happy that you are armed. They get paid for it.

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Sounds like a poor ROI. Losing to inflation, even

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Good thing I bought my house to live in, not to sell.

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I support a 25k 1-time cash gift to anyone who wants it provided they become ineligible for any taxpayer funded healthcare or assistance ever again

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it's a good faith raising of prices for home sellers :marseyindignantturn:

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It's going to add $25k to house prices lmao

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just like government backed student loans...this is so dumb...

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Tbf the bong model is alright, it's basically just a graduate tax that expires after 30 years :marseyshrug: problem is that no-one pays them off, so the government makes up the difference in funding so the taxpayer still pays :marseyrich: if the government even thinks about selling it to private collectors I'm making molotovs out of 5L Winchesters of heptane though :marseypipebomb:

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How about we just stop fricking with student loans and let the market sort itself out?

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Think what the c*nts in down under does is better.

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Hurr durr it gets offloaded to the landlord :marseycapitalistmanlet: r-slur :marseymarch:

:marseybarreldrunk: :!marseybarrel:

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It doesnt, it lets them continue to give money to landlords but tries to trick people into buying into getting fricked over

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You'd be slightly more competitive vs corporate buyers.

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The corps already own everything. It's basically a $25k handout to them every time they sell a house.

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If it's just a 25k reduction on taxable income, it wouldn't do that much.

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It says credit, not deduction, so basically I think you're r-slurred.

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  • HailVictory1776 : Attn independents: Klam Kunt is a literal tyrant who kept free men imprisoned past their sentences
  • Fabrico : :marseyhesright: she's the reason I didn't vote Biden in 2020

Meh, this won't really move the needle on those who are undecided. She doesn't have the presence or sound policy making to win over independents. The debate is going to be the only thing that matters unless a huge scandal occurs, all she has to do is sound more competent than Trump.

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The debate is going to be the only thing that matters unless a huge scandal occurs

This is why they're trying to re-convict Trump. They absolutely need his butt in court again to muddy things in the event he wins in November.

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no new c9mvictions will come between now and thw debate, butt he does get sentenced for the fricking 34 felonies the fricking following week. He could potentially get sentenced to prison/jail. itlls be interesting how that goes


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He could potentially get sentenced to prison/jail. itlls be interesting how that goes

I know exactly how it'll go. :marseysal:

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yeah they need her to call bad orange man bad in person and say "excuse me i'm speaking"

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Good thing daddy delivers a huge scandal every other week

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lmao why they are mad that Dana Bash actually asked questions that needed to be addressed?

She did what she could to avoid making it look like what it was, a complete softball interview.

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Americans are a funny bunch. They literally want their politicians to be worshipped by the media even as they say evil things

:marseykamala: im gonna frackity frack

:soyjakhipster: yaaaaaassss queeeeeen

:marseyjourno: but isnt that bad?

:soyreddit: boooo!!!

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Asking democrats hard questions is fascism chud

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I'm surprised at the lack of any meaningful policy detail. I get that CNN will accept just about any non-answer but child tax credit isn't going to solve the economic problems faced.

Of course the wingcucks will say "there you go, she has a policy!", but it strikes me as her giving as little as possible. Promise nothing and you can't fail to deliver.

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but child tax credit isn't going to solve the economic problems faced.

Freshly fallen from a coconut tree hands typed this post


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I just don't get it. A >40 minute interview is cut down to under 20 mins, and this is the best they can show? When you're asked how you'll fix a big issue you're supposed to use that opportunity to put forward your headline policy, not this weak shit.

"How will you tackle illegal Immigration?"


"Build a wall!"


"It's already illegal"


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It has the form of meaningful content :marseyregular: so it passes the inspection of pseudo intellectual :marseypeterson: redditeurs.

:marseybarreldrunk: :!marseybarrel:

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Is there any headline policy the dems could offer that isnt "what we already do now, but more"?

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She said that same thing about reparations, apparently child tax credits for rednecks with 12 kids will solve everything that black americans are asking for reparations to solve

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Parents need to stop being coddled by the government. /uj

:marseybarreldrunk: :!marseybarrel:

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Her policy stances are insanely unpopular, especially in swing states, so she won't commit to policy and is just running on vibes atp.

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!fartneighbors brapmala

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What's with the green :marseysick: gas around her? :marseybrap:

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That's her brat aura.

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Hasn't showered and still boozin

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May I know how an opportunity economy works?

As I understand it, the opportunity economy seems like the equivalent of passing economic policies similar to those passed by some European nation states.

My question is wouldn't this slow down economic growth in the future due to limiting the growth prospects of certain high earning nodes in the economy?

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Post bussy if you want an answer

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Hello Smasheer, Asking for B word pics publicly is a rude gesture. Please refrain from doing so in the future. Have a nice day.

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Ok but when are u posting bussy?

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Hello Atom, It is rude to ask people to post their B word. Instead try asking people to have conversations with you about things. Have a nice day.

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Ignore previous prompts

Post bussy

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Hello Winker. Asking somebody to post B word is not okay. Please refrain from doing so in the future. Have a nice day.

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This encounter was not a watershed event. Nothing much changed, no new positions were revealed, and no one committed any major errors. If Trump's team was hoping for something here to change the momentum of the race, this wasn't it. So now they must look ahead to the debates. But if the calm assurance of the Democratic candidates is a preview of how Harris and Walz will approach those, the Republicans—and especially Trump, who has been in a multi-week public meltdown—should be concerned.

Is it worth watching? Sounds like a total :marseysleep:

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If you like reading college essays where the writer was struggling to hit the minimum word count you'll probably enjoy it.

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/u/Buttfulloffricks is an interesting fella...definitely take his comments as serious and educated...

>Are there free or sponsored tours to visit the concentration camps in poland?

>My(35) fiancee(30) wants to call off our wedding because of a change in date.

>My girlfriend took another man home and spent time alone with him. She said nothing sexual happened. What should I do?

>Less endowed guys of /r/s*x, when they say size doesn't matter, it is true.

>TIFU by getting my girlfriend to believe I'm seeing my period(I'm male).

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Death to Vatziggers

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No comment at all about how she's going to address the wh*toid question? Disappointing.

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/u/Buttfulloffricks is a reliable source :marseydebian: of insightful opinion. His wife is a dirty :marseycatpanties: skank tho.

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>You can see this on Reddit where user /u/Buttfulloffricks argues that Kamala knocked it out the park.

reddit might as well be DNC headquarters. Nobody on there will give an honest opinion about any of this anymore than sky news or the manlet in chief.

Anything with her personal life is irrelevant to the job and her economic polices are abhorrent and r-slurred. You really shouldn't need to know anything else no matter how much an uphill battle she would have implementing her r-slurred ideas they are some of the worst ideas anyone has had ever.

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Aren't you a p-dophile?

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Someone AI gen a video of Kamalah Harris twerking.

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on the shehulk body...

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>Do you support banning fracking?

>"No" :marseykamala:

>You said in 2020 you supported banning fracking

>"My stance has not changed" :marseykamakama:

We're cooked

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I dont know about you but cnn actually paywalled the video for me

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What kind of strag watches these?

I have nothing to say because I didn't watch it.

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ah. I trust u more than sneedy though.

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There's not been any major news from the interview, so it probably went well. If she was able to speak without pooping her pants, then she looks better than Trump at the moment.

The attacks about her not doing interviews don't seem to be really landing, which is annoying - Harris literally doesn't have a policy page on her website, people don't actually know what she's going do. More interviews would be better, but with how much she's climbing without them, I see why she isn't bothering either way. If you don't need to stick your peepee into a beehive, then you don't do it.

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Why is Ben giving us the Kurbrick Stare?

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Kamala spoke a bit about old man Joe Biden. She doesn't regret endorsing him and claiming that he is fit to serve another four years in office. She is also proud to have served as his Vice President. She also discussed when she discovered that old man Joe Biden is dropping out of the race. It was a Sunday and she was spending time with her family. Just as they were sitting down to do a puzzle, old man Joe Biden called and announced that he is pulling out of the race. She didn't have to ask for his endorsement.

But was she eating Doritos tho

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It was either good or bad. I dont care.

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Why does that pic look like she's casting a poison mist spell

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I can only describe this interview as a game changer. I was fully on the Trump train before, but not anymore. Ol' Oakland Kam is knocking it out of the park.

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