Disney fricked up secret invasion


So secret invasion is one of the more interesting storylines that came out of marvel comics in the past 3 decades. Currently they got a bunch of pros and cons for how they have set it up for the cinematic universe.

Pro :

  1. It has Nick Fury in it.

  2. It has a serious tone.

  3. It has got black people but they are actually good actors.

  4. It's secret wars which is an actually interesting setup.


  1. They made it into a TV series instead of building it up across multiple movies in the background which would have worked way better for secret wars setup.

  2. Lack of medium big value actors. I respect Samuel L. Jackson playing Nick Fury, but your show isn't gonna sell if the biggest actor Nick gets to work with is Iron Man's sidekick. Please at least have Bucky in it, or Captain Marvel.

  3. The trailer background audio is shit. It makes it feel like listening in on a B grade TV show. Get better trailer background music makers.

  4. Nick was not wearing his eyepatch. It's iconic. Nobody wants to look at a dead eye all show even in 2022. Trust me on this bro.

  5. The budget is likely smaller than that for Loki, you can tell the visual effects don't feel flashy and powerful enough. It's good quality if you were still living in 2010-2015 maybe, but otherwise no. However we can give leeway here as it's definitely better than CW visual effects and nowhere does it look actually bad or unrealistic, it's just that we have seen better by now.

  6. Nick Fury led show should be a thriller with a whole lot of secrets and espionage and stuff. The vibes from the first trailer felt more like an action movie equivalent pretending to be spy show equivalent. Like, of course we want the action, but it felt like they are going to be giving away too much of the character process and secrets. Maybe it's just my pessimism bias hopefully.

Conclusion - It will likely be a 70-86% metacritic score show. I don't see a 9/10 though. Could be wrong though, after all we only got one trailer so far.

Loki may have set the bar too high for other marvel shows to keep up. Funny that.

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What would disney have to gain in making an effort to make it good? Capeshitters will still watch it regardless of quality.

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Yeah if everyone doesn't like the characters (and now they don't--Moon Knight, She-Hulk and teenage Hawkeye team-up sucks peepees), the whole thing fails. They tried to make it good, they're just failing like everyone else always did. Feige's superpower was merely listening to pitches and saying "that sucks," a power that many actually have, yet it's not quantifiable.

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I liked moon knight but he shouldn't be in any sort of team.

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Technically he is his own team

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Good point.

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Imagine remotely caring about capeshit at this point.


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Hey I didn't chase the trailer it popped up in my feed!

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Disney+ seems intent on pushing out as many 1-2 season shows with a popular IP as possible, at least Netflix tried to create something new to attract subscribers.

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The Boys TV series was the only long term meaningful influence TV show to come out of the whole Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ TV series era change my mind. Even then parts of season two were pretty shit.

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Not accounting for personal taste Netflix has had multiple popular shows that have gone past 3-4 seasons with a completely unique IP. It's the only service I can understand other people paying a subscription fee for, Amazon Prime has a couple good shows but still mostly rely on their old show/movie library and the fact that people have Amazon Prime for things unrelated to their video service

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Dark was one of the best time travel shows I've ever seen. I don't know if they produced it though. Probably just licenced the IP



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Again regardless of personal taste: oitnb, stranger things, the crown. All of those were pretty popular and were used as draws to the service

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Stranger things is a nostalgia heroin shot, there is zero reason it should be famous outside the US. I didn't care for it. I like the actual CIA project though, that story is cool.

Orange is the new black never watched.

The crown will never watch.

Happy for the people though.

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I watched the crown cause my friend wanted to watch it, it’s actually not bad. A bit boring if it’s not your thing but the set design is beautiful

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Thank you but I will pass. I prefer more violence. Hypermasculinity stays winning.

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What’s your favourite show, I’m travelling for the next 3 months and actually need recommendations lol

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Bojack Horseman is kino and The Witcher is pretty solid aside from some lmao moments.

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I liked Bojack Horsemen. I hated the cat though. Too much foid bullshit with her. Impossible to sympathize.

You should have known my no was a yes and been a strong man who takes control. :soycry:

Bb I am a mouse dating a fricking cat I don't think I got anything to prove about the size of my balls after that. :marseymouse:

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Breaking Bad, Snowpiercer.

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Meh, this is the first Marvel show I'd consider watching. Probably due to the lack of actual capeshit stuff. I guess once I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to binge on, I'll put it on.

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putting two eyepatches on Nick Fury will make him look silly it was a terrible idea.

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Sorry I can't, that extra chromosome gives you r-slur strength and I know you don't frick with r-slur strength.

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That's the second time you've called me an r-slur in two days, just remember there are consequences to what you say online


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aha thats very funny, thank u


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Theres another capeshit tv series now~?!

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Whatever nerd. I'll forget about it then :marseytransflag: binge watch :marseywait: a few episodes on Disney+ before forgetting about it again.

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This goyim pays for disney+ :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Ackshually no. I use someone else's account.

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>capeshit is shit

Stop the fricking presses:marseyeyeroll:

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They made it into a TV series


It's gonna be trash.

Loki may have set the bar too high for other marvel shows to keep up.

Imagine not being able to reach a bar set by a 6 episode "show" whose finale was basically 20+ minutes of exposition.

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Better than 20+ minutes of CGI explosions.


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It's all shit.

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This the only mcu im hyped for since endedgame

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Who cares?

I still haven't watched Outlander. Everyone tells me it's good but it looks a bit foid-y so I'm not sure.

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Part of what :marseygasp: made secret :marseyglow: invasion good :marseyclappingglasses: is how it led into Dark :marseydeadinside: Reign which obviously can’t happen here because no Norman Osborn.

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I never read dark reign. I only heard that secret invasion is good. I remember spider women having big tits though.

Only kino western comic I know is the 2018 X-men run. After that current year X-men is a bit of a mixed bag, but that 2018 run with the future timelines was pure kino.

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Neds grandma can be a sit in for Norman

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Wait its a TV show?

I though it was a movie lol

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Loki being the "high bar" is hilarious.

I won't watch any Marvel until they kill off Brie Larsen to make Rogue.

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