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The Only Good Journo is doing a Jan 6th documentary


Shit's gonna be lit

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Yeah sure bud. :#marseylawlz:

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I like him. He reminds me a bit of Louis Theroux before he got too judgemental to actually get his subjects to open up

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Theroux before going more woke used to show his subjects in a positive or neutral light, at least in moments, even if he disagrees with them. Thinking of the WBC one here when I say that, it's been a while but I remember that including at least some humanizing moments, which to me showed that he wasn't trying to create propaganda he was actually trying to do good journ*lism. It made the parts where he showed them being homophobic and whatever feel more real and less cartoon villainy, so it makes the whole piece more impactful.

Channel 4 is edited purely around Callaghan's politics. He'll include a positive/normal/less weird interaction with someone he agrees with, but only negative/weird/cringe interactions with people he disagrees with.

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Channel 4 is edited purely around Callaghan's politics. He'll include a positive/normal/less weird interaction with someone he agrees with, but only negative/weird/cringe interactions with people he disagrees with.

You can tell how his politics have changed since starting the channel too, as he's gotten more popular in mainstream left leaning media he tries not to offend the people he's made friends with.

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I think he's just let "the only good journo" go to his head a little bit. Now he acts like he has some sort of responsibility for what he records or something and there's been a corresponding quality dip.

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it had to be the eventual upshift. 'people saying things they shouldn't' gets stale with time and you have to graduate into subject studies and meaningful deep dives. he is doing what vice should've been doing

yes he edits and rearranges clips to curate the tone. you've to be braindead like herzog to play the film aimlessly drifting. it's the internet age and edits have to be CRISP

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Yeah I think that's probably a fair assessment. My favourite Theroux documentary is the one where he goes to a prepper/conspiracy nut enclave on some mountain in Wyoming or something. Pretty much everyone came across as a bit nutty but basically good people who just wanted to get away from society. Except the leader dude, he was clearly a grifter

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Oh no did the woke mind virus get Louis too? I loved his docs from like 20 years ago.

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when you witness conspiracy nuts like trump get mainstream instead of being subjects of obscure documentaries, there's no choice but to go woke

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I heard his doc on alt right guys involved him getting angry at like Nick Fuentes/Baked Alaska and bitching at them or something. If anyone wants to chime in that actually watched it plz confirm if that's a mischaracterization or not, I just can't be fricked to find out myself

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Andrew Callaghan is the 2nd coming of Hunter S. Thompson and you better put some fricking respect on his name.

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Office, look at the camera style humor, during a rap concert is Hunter S. Thompson now?


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getting white people to say the N word all over America on camera is Thompson level

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good journo =/= Thompson

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The guy was sent by rolling stone to cover the Fall of Saigon and didn't manage to file even a single story, just holed up in a hotel room and got plastered. Kinda based, but not what you'd call good journ*lism.

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I've changed my mind, he's a great journ*list

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Career goals

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Early Thompson had some real meat to his stories, like his Hells Angels book

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Thompson's gonzo journ*lism spawn was always just Jerry Springer for hipsters who want to tell themselves they're not using poors to entertain themselves.

I'll give him credit because he probably got laid a lot with the cute story about getting beat up for standing up for a woman, but he probably didn't end up doing shit for her and really deserved to get grizzly manned by bikers.

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Agreed, and it's actually a really good comparison. Both really entertaining people, one in written form one in video but that doesn't matter much here. They both don't really even try to portray their subjects impartially or objectively, they go for what people will find strange and interesting and feel free to dramaticize, through writing in Thompson's case and editing in Callaghan's. Good for drama but yeah both shitty journos

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define journo :marseysmirk:

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Someone who reports on what's going on while remaining as neutral and unbiased an observer as possible, in the interest of informing people - importantly, not with a focus on entertaining or persuading them. Could be through writing a book, writing articles, making videos, etc.

If the author/filmmaker doesn't remain neutral, at least in their presentation, they're just making a movie, novel, propaganda, an argumentative essay, etcetera. Which is fine - they're totally allowed to try to entertain people or convince people of a viewpoint thru their work, duh. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that if they don't try to pretend that's not what it is! Just makes em not a journo in my eyes :marseyshrug:

To be sure, the reality is that ppl are forced to entertain at least somewhat to make money nowadays, so I get it'll forever be almost impossible to find a "true" journo as I've defined it. But we could be a heck of a lot closer, the field is collectively as farrrrrrrrr away from that ideal as it could be rn. And you can always be entertaining without being biased, it just takes more work and a checked ego to place your work above yourself

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you are defining a reporter

reporter, journo, anchor, pundit all are different

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Ok, then if journos are by definition biased there literally cannot be a good journo, theyre all scum. They can be entertaining but should be looked at as entertainers, not anything of actual value when it comes to "the truth." Reporters are cool tho

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journ*lists do stories, reporters make reports. people hate journ*lists not because of low standard shoddy work but because it makes their fee-fees hurt. people don't hate reporters yet because they don't even read them

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Literal who ironic hipster failed comedian documentarian.

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I'm more interested in the second coming of Hunter S. Biden, if you know what I mean.

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This website is getting fricking embarrassing.

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Alex Jones.

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Is an r-slur, yes


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Alex is a hero and his intellect is unmatched. He is a literal genius. Clearly you haven't watched much infowars and are just basing your opinion on the word of r-slurs Alex's mind is like a razor that slices through the deception of the NWO

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I sincerely hope this is ironic


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The guy monologues for three hours every day while diving into a variety of topics and delivering cutting insight with minimal notes. And he's been doing it consistently for 20 years. It's darn near superhuman. Nobody else is even close.

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guy high on cocaine says lots of dumb shit. R-slurs think it's insight


Anyways, this is a decent bit but I think you should lean into the satanic angle thing because it's still a little inauthentic.


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Help me I'm r-slurred. What's the size limit for webms?

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I don't think there's a size limit unless they recently added it... ppl were uploading movies lol

I think it's got to do with the encoding used, I've had it happen with webms from 4chan. Still not sure on the exact cause. I ended up just uploading mine to streamable and posting that, so that's an option

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based, TY king

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Tim and Eric are the producers. This is gonna be some interesting stuff

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I just :marseyblops2chadcel: realized those were teeth :marseycarpbritish: and not lips

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