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That sub was good until the /r/movies crowd wandered in. It used to be purely about the numbers and the business.

Now every other comment section is whining about the quality of the movies from a critical perspective.

It's good for drama, but redditards destroy everything they touch with their :npctantrum: bullshit.

Edit: Other :marseycope: and :marseysneed: threads





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The sub never recovered after the BvS disaster and Marvel movies were the finishing blow. It's still better than /r/movies at least...

I don't understand why people are shocked that Furiosa sucks, it looked like butt from the trailers :marseyshrug:

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who the heck wanted to see a prequel of a person who wasn't even Mad Max is my question. Just make a sequel of them teaming up again.

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the people who hate the fact that Mad Max was always about positive masculine energy and therefore need to take the established IP into "a new direction" (now female focused) for "the current audience" (:marseyhillary: fans).

the gen.audience doesn't like that. they know that. but as always making something cool or fun is not the point. it's about "making a statement". this group is constantly coping hard about how normal people don't like their propaganda. therefore we'll see this again and again, forever. because management would rather throw a bone to the public once in a while than admit they were wrong.

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But you see by making a woman incredibly masculine and indistinguishable from a man, it proves women are strong too!

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Put a chick in it AND MAKE HER GAY

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not gay specifically, more like making a female led movie and attach it to an established IP. Now their least preferred option: a frenchwoman looking for a man and she successfully flirts with her suitors.

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The trailers unironically looked like a low budget spoof. I thought they were doing campy genre spoof movies again when i saw them especially because they aren't using the mad max branding.

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Audiences today are just dumb and don't know what to watch anymore, they'll go out and see a 3hour biopic of a naked Cilian Murphy and Ryan Gosling being a Simp to Barbie, the box office is ruined because of Zoomers and Gen Alpha


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My slop better than your slop

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Not surprised. For as much as people on the internet love Fury Road (myself included), it didn't do great at the box office, probably didn't even break even. A prequel 9 years later was never going to take off, COVID or otherwise.

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It's a funny tendency where niche movies are well remembered by people on places like Reddit so some unlucky producers think another in the series will surely do well. All the while they forget the original was never a hit.

Then there's the opposite like Avatar where people on the internet try to downplay it for years then the sequel comes out to over a billion dollars.

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Avatar 5 will make 3 bil and redditors will still be like

>where's the cultural impact??!? :soysnootypefast:

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And they will be correct. No human can name a single character from Avatar.

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Jake Soo-ly of the Jarhead clan :marseyshapiro:

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Neytiri is waifu.

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My favorite scene in that movie is when the marine dude gets in the robot that has a proportionate knife attached to its waist. Something about how stupid that is still pops in my head almost 10 years later

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How embarrassing would it be to lose your robot after it gets tangled tho

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It's stupid in the best way. Ludicrous in the exact way you imagined mech fights as a ten-year-old. Shit speaks to the r-slurred child in all of us.

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That's because avatar was really about deep social commentary and symbolism


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what did he mean by this?


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Tbh I kinda like this sort of film school cuteness

Not a lot of Hollywood movies even bother

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Total Na'vi Death

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Because Avatar is not the type of film for neurodivergent geeks to obsess over because “MUH LORE” :marseysoyhype: like Soy Wars and capeshit to the point 30 year old adults will be buying merchandise.

Is a movie for casual normie audiences with a simple plot and beautiful graphics, that's it. People don't remember the characters because they're forgettable but the formula works well enough to gross over a couple billion dollars at the box office.


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Funny enough there are some Disney adult adjacent types who are really into Avatar and its world and whatnot. They're just not common on Reddit and other nerd spaces.

For them it's about visuals and immersion and not the kind of things Brando Sando readers would be looking for.

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These things are a gateway to furry shit :#marseysweating:

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Stay strong from the furstragshit., brother.

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Yeah, I respect Avatar worldbuilding a heck of a lot more than the fully-slopified Star Wars universe.

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Describing every movie plot as "its about a guy who goes to..." :marseyboomer: does anyone else not really remember character names?

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:marseyexcited:talking about a movie with the character names

:marseywise:talking about a movie with character descriptions

:marseyretard4:talking about a movie with actor names

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I remember Jake Sully. I had forgotten about Neytiri before watching the second, so I used the actors names.

“Jake Sully had kids with Zoe Saldana and Sigourney Weaver got cloned”

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Colonel Quaritch :gigachad2:

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The hot blue alien chick.

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I've seen super 8 like 2-3 times for one reason or another and I genuinely can't remember a single thing about that movie other then its general plot

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is that about the motel or the camera

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There's like an alien and a fat kid, all I remember

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I tried watching it for the first time recently and I cant tell if its because of the film or if I was just to high.

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Like one of those movies that isn't actually important in any real way but is just consistently popcorn-enjoyable so you keep rewatching it. I've got a few of those.

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All avatar did was make r-slurs think 3d was the future. Same gullible r-slurs that think VR is the future.

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I wonder if part 3, 4 and 5 will all have the exact same plot as part one too, even down to the exact same villain.

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keeping quaritch around is the best thing they can do tbh

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Blue Quaritch is gonna get a redemption arc and switch sides at some point, then die tragically in the final film.

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The problem is they keep giving these films way too big a budget. There's clearly an audience for them but they need to be $50-100m films rather than $150-250m

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sure but what do you cut from 2049 and still maintain its appeal? the expensive shit are all the shiny visuals and thats like, 70% of what makes the movie better than just saying "bro replicants dude". IMO they could cut harrison ford and save a few mil but that doesnt really fix the problem.

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You just scale down how often the big spectacular visuals are on screen, the original had fantastic effects too but most of the film is still small sets. Films like Crimes of the Future and Ex Machina managed to create good sci fi films with memorable visuals for less than 30m

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Literally the best movie to ever grace the eyes of mankind

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womens fault they didnt go to see it

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This is the first time I heard there was an avatar sequel

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I totally thought you meant avatar the last airbender until i read other replies. Thats how insignificant the blue avatar movies are

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Morbius lol

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Did any of the films do good at the box office? I mean the first one had good numbers but because the budget was abysmal

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If we're going by the 2.5x rule, the original trilogy made fat stacks because of limited budgets.

But nothing could beat the original. That shit 500x'd the budget.



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Road Warrior cost 2 mil? That's not bad at all. The first one brought in more than the other 2 combined tho :marseyxd:

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Yeah I think bang for your buck only like American Graffiti did better return wise

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Why don't those movie nigs control for inflation? It's not hard.

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Ratios aren't affected by inflation cute twink

e: :#baitedtalking:

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But I don't care about the ratios.


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This is me, looking at the data as I please:


This is you, getting all mad about shit I don't care about:


Shameful. :marseydisagree:

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Very creative perspective, you got me good

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I saw it and it's good, but yeah, "Fury Road" had the greatest trailer in the history of motion pictures and barely broke even. Even if you like it--and I think Furiosa is cool--still, never has this gender reversal in boyish action genres ever been GREAT business. Shouldn't have got high on Hollywood's supply, George Miller.

:#marseyimmortanjoe: :#marseywarboy: :#marseyobamacope:

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umm have you considered anya taylor joy is literally a queen doe?

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Skill issue. Star Wars prequels made money, and those movies weren't even good

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It's because the cynicism/cautiousness hadn't set in yet. We saw them all in theatre and we mostly got frustrated at the slow parts/romance scenes in the second I think. Third I don't even remember except for "do not want". Had the internet existed back then as it does now we wouldn't have bothered with prequel 2 and 3.

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Prequel 3 is the best star wars movie

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Prequal 2 has padme's tummy :pepoboner:

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Fury road was pretty meh considering the hype it got.

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It apparently doesn't even have Charlize Theron

The one review I read that was being really generous basically said it doesnt fit in with the rest of the films and doesn't really stand on its own

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It's a prequel for a character in a movie that barely broken even.

The title has "Mad Max" in it even though there is no Mad Max in the movie.

The leads (alien lady and Thor) in this aren't even box office draws outside franchise movies.

I'm not sure whose :marseybigbrain: idea was it to drop nearly 170 mil on this turd.

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It's a bizarre choice of everything, my biggest gripe is still the egregious amount of CGI

To be absolutely fair, the Mad Max franchise has always been experimental. They cast tina turner in Beyond Thunderdome and there was a musical number iirc, so we can't be TOO harsh

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Agreed about the experimental part. Thunderdome cost 10 mil back in the day. That's around 30 mil now adjusting for inflation.

This thing cost over 5 times that. Budgets need to get in control. It's how Disney had a disastrous year last year.

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This thing cost over 5 times that


Jfc and thunderdome had to pay for both mel gibson AND tina turner

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Yep, and I'm not sure where all the money went. The CGI in trailers looks meh. The leads couldn't possibly be demanding that much money, the titular actress is a nobody from a box office POV. Thor might have a bit of sway thanks to Marvel movies.

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It doesn't make any sense. Fury Road had lots of irl vehicles and props to pay for but with more CGI the budget has to have gone to hookers and blow or smth

Sure as shit didn't spend it on marketing

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It's partly on Hollywood being just a place where everyone is trying to out :marseymerchant: each other - the triple whammy of pandemic, strikes and AI resulted in lots of yapping from film production people and the shit they're doing.... I read them arguing whether unions mandating a specific person on set that often works just 1-2 hours a day and chills the rest, but is billed for 10hrs or however long they're working that day, is reasonable or not.

The other thing is, CGI is expensive. You're doing things frame by frame, running heavy simulations for dust, fire etc., and then you have to fit it together temporally too. And then the director might change his mind and you're redoing a scene.

They opened a new VFX house for this movie (and of course going forward), that employs 500 people.

DNEG's Sydney studio will open in early 2023 with roughly 500 artists

And it wasn't even the only VFX studio working on the movie

(It will serve as the film's primary — but not only — effects house.)

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Chris Hemsworth absolutely has sway lol

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the titular actress is a nobody from a box office POV

Idk I feel like I see her fish eyes everywhere recently, maybe she got uppity and demanded a raise.

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The Mad Max franchise is funny because it created an iconic and influential setting that several other works have taken direct inspiration from, but the franchise itself is largely irrelevant and forgettable.

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Chris Hemsworth is a box office draw of his own. Not to the same degree as Chris Pratt but the movie might've succeeded if he was the main character.

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Outside Marvel and other ensemble movies, not a single movie of his broke 500 mil. In fact, most of his leading movies lose money.

He's a character actor (and not even a particularly good one) with great looks who lucked into Thor. He will be coasting on that for the rest of his career.

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Chris Hemsworths' last feature film also did so poorly that he had to come out and apologize for it, probably to convince people that he wouldn't be as much of a clown in Furiosa since he's playing an absurd character that people would expect to be just as r-slurred as he was in Thor Love and Thunder

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Yeah this is the first I'm hearing of it and my first thought was "Does it have charlize theron? If not, why would anyone watch it"

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I would pay to go see a film about furiosa getting her wasteland mutant eyes corrected to something human looking

This entire film is just whatsherface trying to break into action movies.

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Saw it, it was meh 5/10, felt like a retread of the themes, action, and music of Fury Road. If you kind of liked Fury Road, probably skip as it's just the same movie. If you really like Fury Road maybe give it a try, as it's just the same movie.

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What if I didnt like fury road?

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Unironically keep yourself safe

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I didn't watch mad max for furiosa. I watched it for mad max with Furiosa the companion.

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What the frick is Furiosa? I don't even see any marketing for it.

It's a Mad Max prequel

Then why not give it a NAME that clue people in that it's a Mad Max prequel you r-slurred marketing team?

"Furiosa: Before Mad Maxxing".

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it does,

furiousa: a mad max saga

still dumb

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All media was better before everything needed stupid subtitles

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We should adopt the Japanese system of giving everything an overly detailed title so you know exactly what its about.

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They like to pretend that the extra is as compelling as the character that carried the original story. It's for queers that saw the last one and hate men

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Is it actually bad then? That's a shame, the new Mad Max was cool.

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It was leagues better than Thunderdome imo

All the new characters in it were good and it fit the universe p well. If I had my way I would omit the shitty CGI tornado scene and then it would be perfect

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Thunderdome was really good until about halfway through, the kids made it obvious they wrote bartertown and then realised they had no more ideas

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I went back to watch mad max fury road to see if any of the CGI was as jarring as Furiosa and it wasn't even close. They really managed to make furiosa feel as fake as possible

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Wasn't the only CGI in fury road the car flipping at the start?

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I mean, there's CGI in basically every scene to remove or add in things, but I get what you mean - the actual stunts themselves are almost all practical and done on location

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If that's the case than it makes even more sense

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lol they just stopped the cope of challengers tanking and they start again with different movie

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Do people even go to the movies unless it's a huge blockbuster anymore? Seems like everyone I know just waits for it to be on streaming.

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I haven't even heard of this movie

Gee, i wonder if there's a connection with poor marketing

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Its a prequel with a side character in a niche movie series that isnt the main character. They also used way too much CGI.

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I booked tickets yesterday for an Imax screening and there was loads of seats left. Oppenheimer and Dune you had to book well in advance to have a hope, Oppenheimer was filling up a week in advance even after nearly a month

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