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Many Canadians have recently found themselves scratching their heads, thinking "were there always so many stinky jeets in this country?" :marseythinkorino:

Don't worry, I'm here to break down all of the recent events that may explain the jeet infestation!

(1) Trudeau's Forbidden Love

Our Glorious Emperor has many-a-time exclaimed his undying love of subcontinental asian culture. Here's a picture of him making samosas at a samosa factory in celebration of Diwali! :marseywholesometrans:


Last summer, he publicly accused the indian government of assassinating a fugitive indian terrorist on Canadian soil. The man attempted to illegally enter the country under a false passport years ago, but was rejected. 11 days later, he married an indian woman in attempt to get sponsored in, but that too was rejected. A few years later, the Canadian government just let him into the country anyway.


Nijjar (LOL) was the president of a Sikh temple in BC for years (despite being accused of association with a khalistani terrorist organisation in india and having two Interpol red notices placed on him) before he was assassinated in BC last summer.

Speaking of Khalistan, Trudeau was also publicly scolded by the indian president for allowing the display of a float that depicted the assassination of a former indian prime minister during a khalistani protest in Brampton


In response, Trudeau stated that Canada would always defend "freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and peaceful protest".

Very true Justin, Canada is a free speech absolutist country and would never place economic sanctions on peaceful protestors as if they're invading their neighbouring country.

By the way, the Khalistani movement is a group of sikhs who want to establish an independent sikh state "in Punjab, india". I put that in quotations because Khalistanis are almost exclusively indian diaspora who "vote" on Khalistan while not even living in india. I don't know how they expect a "vote" outside of the country would have any influence on india itself, and I also find it hard to believe that the establishment of khalistan would actually convince them to go back to india, since indians seem dead set on living anywhere except india (despite being obnoxiously patriotic).

(2) The College Diploma Mill Scandal

Recently, it was revealed that Canadian colleges and universities were effectively bypassing immigration limits by accepting vast amounts of international students (mostly from india) into useless 2 year programs. Many of these "colleges" are actually just shitty rooms above strip malls, but admission to these colleges are still considered valid to receive a student permit (which can eventually lead to permanent residence).


To put it into perspective, the amount of international students present in Canada increased from 300k in 2019 to almost 900k in 2024.

The Minister of Immigration up until recently, Sean Fraser, who was responsible for allowing this massive uptick, is now the Minister of Housing and constantly talks about how dire the housing situation is (that he created, by allowing for millions of jeets to clog up the sewerlines)


Funny side note, there was a massive protest at Algoma University by jeets who claimed they were unjustly failed twice in the same course. Turns out they were actually failed because they cheated and didn't read instructions :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:



(3) The Sexy Indian dude Under-Cities :marseyrat:

You might be asking yourself, "where are all these indians living if there's a housing crisis?" If you ask redditards that question, they will tell you that indian students were sold a lie by the evil westerners and are forced to live in tents :soycry:


However, apparently some of these tent videos are actually fake, and indians are paying people to pretend to live in them to send the evil westerners a message :marseyjewofthesubcontinent:


In reality, indians are cramming themselves into basements that violate building codes, and jeet landlords have even begun protesting a new bill that would force them to maintain their house to a standard greater than that of a delhi slum. This bill is in response to people complaining of lodging houses and garbage pileup in jeet-infested neighbourhoods.


Jfc, even the most zealous blue-haired they/them couldn't protest as much as the average middle-aged rajesh in Canada.

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The Minister of Immigration up until recently, Sean Fraser, who was responsible for allowing this massive uptick, is now the Minister of Housing

Reminds me of when Walid Joumblatt was minister for refugees in Lebanon even though like 200,000 of those refugees had been driven out of their homes by him for being Christian.

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They should have put an Israeli in charge

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you should show those stinkin' sexy Indian dudes that canada belongs to the chinese :marseychingchong:

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Why do indians choose to behave like bugs?

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Different levels of human beings exist. The ones you see are bug level human beings, of course they are going to behave like bugs. The higher classes don't do shit like this.

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In reality, indians are cramming themselves into basements that violate building codes, and jeet landlords have even begun protesting a new bill that would force them to maintain their house to a standard greater than that of a delhi slum.

>:soycry: we're having a housing crisis! Let's do nothing while imposing rent control and restricting the supply of housing!

>:marseyancap: the market provides, even for the poorest

>:soyjaktantrum: nooooo! You can't let them rent rooms that are better than India's average studio apartment!!!


Tough break for Canacucks. Population 33 million(?), and they've been flooding the country with 500k-900k anally (:marseyderp:) for three or so years. I tend to like immigration, but you can't just let in anybody especially at those rates.

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but you can't just let in anybody especially at those rates.

Sure you can but with these requirements :marseyembrace:. The candidate must be:

1. Female(AFAB)

2. Aged 18 to 40

3. BMI 18.5 to 24.9 (this must be maintained throughout your life or you RISK DEPORTATION)

4. 6/10 or higher without makeup.

5. Already knows the local language or willing to through a 6 month program to learn it.

6. Willing to be in a harem and pump out at least 2 children with local men :marseyagree:.

No educational or skill requirements.


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>Age 40

!fellas who's going to tell him?

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I thought menopause usually hit around 45? :marseyquestion:. If you're referring to the increased possibility of a neurodivergent children, it's OKAY to have a couple of them :marseyautismpat:.

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Menopause is generally late 40s

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What are the natural onception rates at age 40 again?

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100% with my monster peepee, might work differently for you

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I'm gay.

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That's probably why then

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7. only africans

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Diversity is strength.

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Keeping only Africans are how you maximise diversity. A bantu and a san bushman are far more diverse than a european and an east asian.

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No africans

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but you can't just let in anybody especially at those rates.

You especially can't do that and then refuse to build new housing.


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What if the gov is the largest business and it is funded by the inflated property taxes and are the only ones with weapons too enforce their rules?

Trans lives matter

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"Saar my new home is boutifoul!" dies of radon poisoning in basement made of inch-thick quikcrete

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It is so terrible what government has done.


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The other thing this strag doesn't get is that it didn't happen over night. This has been an issue in both liberal and conservastive governments. And as much as he doesn't like jeeths they still killed a guy on foreign soil and tried to do the same in the US.

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I cannot believe Canada willingly harbors such terrorists.


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Iirc the Air India bombing remains #2 in body count after Lockerbie. So when the Canadians protect the terrorists, they're basically the same as Gaddhaffi.

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That 300k to 900k number is absolutely insane

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Century Initiative (originally the Laurier Project Foundation)[2] is a Canadian lobby group and charity that aims to increase Canada's population to 100 million by 2100.

all part of the plan :marseyschizowall:

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  • 437k PR

  • 604k TFW

  • 900k Foreign Students (who come mostly because it's a path to PR)

Can go all day shopping downtown and not see a white person. Can fly through Toronto and see nothing but Indians. There are schools that are 90% Indian applicants in Ontario. 19% of international students have never actually enrolled in school

Friends in the suburbs still say you're racist if you oppose any of this tho because it's a mil+ to buy a house there so jeets haven't invaded. I've found myself agreeing with commies on how landlords and suburbcels are evil, but for entirely different reasons

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Didn't they completely stop the PR path now or something? I heard immense sneed about canada doing some sikh holocost because of that

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I think they are just putting a cap on it now or something

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Most commies are suburbcels themselves.

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I hate living in this irrelevant backwater country so much

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Volodymyr Reeves?

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Just deport the students lol

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They significantly reduced the student visa thing already but the Indians will find a new way to bypass that and the gov will probably frick it up somehow. They only did it cuz Trudeaus poll numbers are a dumpster fire.

Not to mention all the students currently here who will just not leave

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Deporting someone who is illegally in your country is a hate crime + violates the Geneva convention according to the west. Stopping them from entering is almost as bad.

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Tbf, Canadians suddenly realizing they don't want an insane immigration policy and deporting people who came under the old rules isn't terribly honorable.

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Exploiting the old rules by signing up at a strip mall "university" purely as a legal fiction to dodge immigration standards isn't terribly honourable either

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"oops we left a gate open and invaders got in

well, it wouldn't be honorable to kick them out now that we've closed the gate. guess we should just roll over and die"

this is why white countries are ultimately doomed lol. white people are literal cucks. china can't take over fast enough

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China can't even take over a small island nation right next to them lol

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Not to mention all the students currently here who will just not leave

I unironically support mass summary deportations of all Indians, starting with the students.

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AFAIK the students drop out and go ghost soon after arriving. The gov would have to quite literally kick down doors and hunt people down in order to deport them now.

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Oh no :marseytimbit:

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Frick this country I cant wait until the chinks call in our debts and send in death squads to go house to house shooting every man woman child

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>Massive resource rich landmass

>Only neighbour is the strongest country in the world

>Easily defensible ocean borders

>Fail to capitalize on any of this

>Invite third world shitters en masse despite these geopolitical advantages

Its utterly baffling to me just how fricking incompetent our politicians have been for decades now. We're sitting on one of the most enviable geopolitical locations imaginable and don't do anything with it but frick ourselves over solely so we can smugly pat ourselves on the back for not being American.

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You're way too far north too keep women from leaving so the men all end up cucks

Trans lives matter

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Turned away both Japan and Germany when they asked us about natural gas investment/export. We told them, nah, we're too green for that BS. Keep buying off of Vlad.

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Canadians are part of the American Experiment. They're just the control group.

Don't worry. We'll conquer you once the psyops are done.

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Same. Day of the rake when?

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Legal Basement

:marseybarreldrunk: :!marseybarrel:

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Bro your Canadian and nobody cares. LMAO

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America please just take us over already I'd rather a beaner invasion over a curry one PLEASE

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My sweet darling... I do miss you darling one and I want to feel your soft cool face coming out of that mass of kitty fur like I did last night.




Interpol red notices:

publicly scolded by the indian president:


would never place economic sanctions on peaceful protestors:








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