
@iStillMissEd wanna be a janny


!leafs buy a gun. Get your pal and stock up on ammo too


!leafs it's clearly not the teachers fault kids ain't learning, it's gotta be that darned social media

Four Ontario school boards have launched $4.5-billion in lawsuits against social media giants Snapchat, TikTok and Meta — which owns Facebook and Instagram — accusing them of deliberately hurting students, interfering with their learning and harming their mental health, leaving educators to “manage the fallout.”


Do you guys remember taking french? Total waste of time right?

I took 5 years of french and by the end of it all I could do was count to 10 and say "may i go to the bathroom". It wasn't just me either. There were maybe 3 people actually at grade level when I was in 9th. I remember the teacher asking me why i never did anything in class and tell her, in English, that I knew literally no french. None. Not a single phrase. All my projects were done either by google translate or simple translating English word for work into french with a dictionary

Thank god none of those frog c*nts were allowed to fail students or the class would've been a blood bath.

I once made my 6th grade teacher rage by writing "I don't know" for literally ever answer on an exam. She wanted me to leave them blank but I wasn't willing to set there and do literally nothing for 90 minutes. In the same class I once chewed thru a pencil.

My friend made he actually scream when she said french didn't matter because Canada was an English speaking country (which it is)

I also refused to sign. I don;t know if other teachers did this or just mine but she """taught""" by showing vhs's of some blond c*nt saying a word and making a hand sign and we had to repeat both. Even as a children I realized it was an offense waste of my time.

In the end not only did I learn virtually no french but I also devolved a serious and thus far life long hate for francophones. I don't engage with them, I don't hire them, I don't work for them, I segregate from them as totally as I do Indians, injuns and blacks.

It's also no small part of why I don't pay taxes. If the government has money to piss away on worthless french classes than they surely have no need of mine.

!leafs if any of u r french, plz keep yourself safe.

This is what $9 gets you at an NHL game in leafland
/pol/ - Food in Canada has now become a fricking luxury and no, thi - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

!jannies is this fricking rightoid drama, b-word?


Trudeau's electric vehicle mandate could cause Canada's power grid to collapse, analysis shows : canada

Canada goes full chud


Having no family doctor I'd love to sign up for something like this.

Is there anyway to save on taxes or otherwise to offset the cost?

Most downmarseyd comment lol.

$450 for nurse practitioners? The scam has begun from the start.

No diss on nurse practitioners, I find mine to be extremely competent, and tbh I haven't seen my doctor even once since I signed up to my family practicr - but then again, this is paid for by my taxes.

If I'm coughing up 450 bucks, I'll want a doctor at my beck and call 24/7 and prioritised referrals.

!r-slurs come get ur boy

Is there a way to report this? I though this wasn't allowable

Nope entirely legal u fricking narc.

How is this legal!!?? Why isn't the Ministry of Health not shutting these down and throwing the book at these people.

More and more it feels like laws are just not being enforced anymore.


"me no likey! illegal! no rule of law!"

As a physician that has had to fix several mistakes by nurse practitioners in the last month, this is not going to end well

lmao jokes on you I'd never be able to get in to see a real MD anyway. There's a reason I've not been in 6 years and counting




Gunn, who works as a human resources assistant and is currently on maternity leave, has been living with her ex-partner for 10 months as she scours rental ads multiple times a day. She said she needs to get out, but she's starting to feel hopeless.

"I've been looking for so long and I just feel like landlords and big corporations, they get to just cherry-pick because they have so many applications and they just pick the one that makes the most income," she said. "I have a good job ... I pay all my bills. And now I could be homeless."

Golly almost like being a single mom is a bad choice.

She's working with a housing support worker, but they haven't been able to find her a rental either.

Gunn said if she can't find a safe and affordable place to rent soon, she may have to give up primary custody of her children to their fathers, who have stable living situations.

:#marseyxd: Fathers.

But it may be for the best. Maybe you should've consider this before being a hoe

Alexis Dingwell is also searching for housing for herself and her two-year-old son. She currently rents a room in a house with 10 people.

She said she has applied to hundreds of rentals that are close to her $1,500 budget but she is always denied. In one instance, she was told it's because she has a young child.

Sue. They literally said the quite part outloud. Drag the r-slur to the HRC and milk them like a paypig. A black guy got 10K a few years ago because he was singled out and made to prepay for his meal.

"I think it's ridiculous, honestly, 'cause where else are we supposed to live if we can't live in your building," Dingwell said. "It's an apartment building, it's for people to live, it's for people to be safe. And you're telling me I can't live there because I have a kid? It just doesn't make sense."

Makes perfect sense. No one wants to deal with children, especially those of a single mother


jk suck it poorstrags :marseyfinger:

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland toured a new building on Monday offering micro-apartments starting at $1,600 per month that she said was illustrative of the homes that her government is getting built for “low and middle income Canadians.”

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