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i was an audible subscriber for like eight years until they used a push notification on my phone to send me an advertisement

canceled that day

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Wasnt augmented reality supposed to give us an ad-free world by now?

I'm not one who to get excited about new technology but i acually get hard at the thought of a pair of glasses that can convert every billboard ad i see into a solid block of colour, or, better yet, h r giger-ifies it.

This is the only part of the future I'm genuinely looking forward to.

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You can't seriously think that AR shit will lead to less ads.

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Lol, lmao :marseybigbrain:

If AR ever becomes widespread, companies are going to pay to have their ads digitally plastered on every single square inch of the physical world. You'd have promotional ads in your bathroom mirror and digital billboards in your lawn.

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when you're jerking off and a circumcision lawsuit advert appears on your shaft :c

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I'll just install linux on my AR glasses and tell the ads to go frick themselves like I do on my regular computer.

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>thinking AR glasses will be sort of open like PCs :marseysmug2:

Ever tried to buy a smart/fitness watch which doesn't sell you out? There's like 2 options at the moment and the one with actual features says they more for devs at this moment.

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I'm in the process of flashing asteroid to the one I got for Christmas, but it won't even let you access the dev options without connecting it to your phone :marseyraging:

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The one funny bit from the Ready Player One film was when the evil corporation was testing how many ads they could simultaneously display on a VR headset before the user starts having seizures.

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That's a common decker tactic in shadowrun too. The "ad flashbang" where the target is suddenly inundated with flashy loud AR ads was a favorite of one group.

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Wasnt augmented reality supposed to give us an ad-free world

Why would that ever be something that happened? It's obviously the opposite, AR can be used to fill up all that unused "empty air" with profitable adverts!

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Would be pretty cool to just schizopill yourself and have a "They Live" filter for augmented reality glasses

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:#marseykneel: :#marseykingcrown:

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Ads are slowly turning me into an anti-capitalist.

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I hate ads so fricking much. I already bought the thing, you don’t get to double dip the money. Either sell it, or give it free with ads :marseyraging:

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It's why i stopped watching TV

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I don't even drive anymore because of the billboards. I just run everywhere

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There was a post on hackaday years and years ago where someone built glasses that blocked TV

I think about that project a lot and how much i want glasses that block all ads

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I'm imagining putting them on in Times Square and they overheat and leave glasses-shaped burn marks all over your face

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>mfw I put on the glasses and they permanently blind me and I'm in excruciating pain


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Ad-Block Plus Plus

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Oh, you can afford to pay? You just became primo advertising market

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It’s disgusting. Try and think of the last time you were near civilization and didn’t see an ad within 5 mins. Even looking outside is a bombardment of “BUY MORE STUFF PLEASE” everywhere you look

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:marseypregunta: Suburban areas don't have many visible ads with the exception of store signage. Maybe I'm tuning them all out without thinking about it. I'll have to consciously look tomorrow.

I only notice ads everywhere when I'm on the highway or in the heart of hoostling and boostling. Places like airports, urban commercial districts, tourist attractions, etc.

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I blame dumb :marseybrainlet: people. They're the only reason why ads are effective.

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rDrama ads when?

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All Users that have a registered email will receive weekly bussy pics


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A lot of cities in Europe have municipal regulations forbidding advertising in this way or another and its always bugged me. On one hand it's literally 1984 :marsey1984::marseyobey: and communism, :marseycensored::marseywrongthonk: on the other the streets and buildings look so much nicer when they're not plastered with ads.

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>yeah bro, I read books, I just read x on Audible

Immediate midwit status

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They're good while driving or exercising. Otherwise agree.

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>not listening exclusively to the sound of your engine while driving

Get a better car

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Same man. I actually tried to listen to a podcast once, but I couldn't hear it over that sweet, sweet cat-free exhaust note.

Also, if you have spare brain power to dedicate to listening to an audiobook, you are either a massive cute twink who drives an automatic or you aren't speedmaxxing enough.

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I have a 6 speed and I can drive while listening to an audiobook


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I like audio books while I exercise. :marseydance:

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If you don't exclusively listen to Jocko and Zyzz clips while you exercise, ngmi

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I drive 25 min to work. Listening to an audiobook or some kind of podcast is the best use of my time. Book snobs are gay

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The papercel seethes on his couch while the audiblechad squats heavy at the gym enjoying great literature read by a deeply-voiced man.

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Terrible news for those of us who can't read


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Never become a literate-cel king


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What is Marsey saying?

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pirate chads and ai trump reading me an audiobook chads stay winning

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Is there an app that scans pdfs and epub and have an ai voice read to you yet?

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“Ben Shapiro presents: The Turner Diaries”

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Just get the unlimited plan on that new ai and dump a page at a time at it.

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Doesn't the kindle have that feature by default?

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Bing can do that iirc

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I hope they do video ads in e readers next

>be me

>re reading Heart of Darkness

>the protagonist just arrives in the Congo

>begins describing the various atrocities


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Okay maybe I'm okay with ads after all.

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They already do a cheaper version of the kindle that has random ads for books on the lock screen

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In kindle's case the ads are legit a cooler looking lockscreen than the default one.

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This is why I download books (legally :marseywink:) and use TTS.

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This sounds awful bb

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Many modern TTSs actually sound pretty good, we've gone past the era of services like EasySpeak and Microsoft Sam.

Now if only I could figure out how to get Mimic 3 to work...

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how much longer until i can get queen tay to read me all my books? :tayhappy:

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If you're willing to fork over some cash, right now: check out elevenai's speech synthesis tool

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YMMV but if you are willing to pay (I'm not, I'm cheap af) https://beta.elevenlabs.io/ is pretty good. Or wait until VALL-E releases, that one will prob be even better.

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tell me more about this pls. i am a massive massive gymcel and spend literally hours a day in the gym. i must read more.

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Bit late to respond, sorry.

If you want TTS for the web, check out Microsoft Edge for Android. It has an amazing TTS that's free. It's a bit jank and sometimes pauses, but it sounds way better than Google TTS imo. You can access it by going to any web page, tapping the 3 dots button and scrolling down to the "Read Aloud" option.

If you want to read aloud PDFs and EPUBs, check out Librera on FDroid, tap the icon in the bottom left with the guy wearing headphones. It lets you use any TTS engines you have installed. If you want the Edge TTS download this: https://github.com/ag2s20150909/TTS (a bit sketch but I can confirm it works) and select it as your TTS engine. You will have to play around in the TTS settings to get better results but it is worth it. Of course if you don't like the Edge TTS you can use whatever engine you like, though many are paid.

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Ty bro I’m gonna listen to all this shit now

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I will never understand the urge to consume.

Eat out of the dumpster, Pirate all media, and Block all of the ads/sponsors

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>I will never understand the urge to consume.


>Eat out of the dumpster

Frick off, consoomer.

Breatharian or you're a p-do capitalist.

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I miss /r/consumeproduct - was a great subreddit :marseydepressed:

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For about 2 hours, before it became rightoid seethe sub #47

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:quote: i will never understand the urge to consume! be like me and consume! :quote:

trans lives matter

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You will never be a real reader. You have no text, you have no prose, you have no inner monologue. You are an illiterate man twisted by midwittery and Audible marketing into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your meaningless goodreads library behind closed doors.

Readers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed readers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even audiobook listeners who “only listen to them in the car” seem uncanny and unnatural to a reader. Your sentence structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk reader home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets an earful of your annoying, mindless audible library.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your real books read list, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know an illiterate is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a brain that is unmistakably small.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

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It’s an experiment with non-paying users

wew. I was ready to rage cancel and just pirate everything in my library

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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It's over for illiterates

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Just read, books on tape don't count anyway

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>Audible has ad breaks now

It's only for non-paying listeners.

The moment the books ive paid for have ads in them, i'm going all-in on illegal downloading.

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Clickbaited again on rdrama.net (but seriously they're testing the waters and you can't stop it).

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Sorry to interrupt your “reading” but here is a corn syrup ad from GoySlop ™️

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bitorrentchads still winning

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Audible has ad breaks now https://rdrama.net/h/lit/post/159902/audible-has-ad-breaks-now-marseylaugh #AllQuietOnTheWesternFront #books #front

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:marseyitsover: what else should I be listening to when exercising or driving? podcasts??

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promoted tweets have ads on them too now

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Wait theres a free version of audible?

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Who are you to say erdogan is a dictator erdogan won all the elections fair and square and who are you to be speak for all his people, bad dictator bad bad , the only reason people erdogan is called a dictator for the media is for not pleasing the liberals who control the media who hate Muslims and every thing they stand for they don't want Muslim to to be Muslim they want Muslim to be cucks for their ideologies and who says a democracy is good , I would rather have a dictator who cares for his country than a democracy that's their to serve western interest in the country . A great example of why a dictatorship is better than democracy is Libya under Gaddafis rule , Under Gaddafi's rule 5 years ago, just before the US-backed/French-led NATO intervention into Libyan civil war in early 2011,


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