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BrandoSando strikes back


I really don't know anything about this author (I read one of his books when I was younger and that's it) BUT I do know that a seething WIRED journocel wrote a very angry expose about how he is an neurodivergent and a total loser for various ill-defined reasons (didn't read). RDrama post here (if ur wondering why it says "heeheehaahaa" so much, its because the post author was chudded when he wrote it :marseylaugh:)

Basically, the WIRED journo hates the fact that BrandoSando...

  • has an air of confidence

  • made the author drive all the way from SanFran

  • is resistant to pain and refuses pain medication


anywho, BrandoSando fires back very gently. I thought it was well-written, if a bit mopey. It also makes the journo look like a complete butthole without focusing on the journo himself, which is amazing.


  • Brando relates his experiences as being an "outsider", due to his faith and general autism

  • Brando explains that his numbness to pain is probably a result of his autism

  • Brando says that he doesn't want sympathy for this.

  • He says he writes because he feels things when he writes.

  • He is against "gatekeeping"

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Liberals low-key hate Mormons dispite supposedly being tolerant of all religions. See any portrayal of them in media.

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i mean who doesn't, they're frickin' weird lmao

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having multiple wifes and lots of money is not weird lmao

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Liberals are pretty against all religions besides Islam and Judaism though?

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Islam is the religion I'm the most against, and I'm liberal, or at least people call me liberal.

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Aren’t you more neolib? I always assumed you were around that area since you disagree with some lib and a quite a few leftists

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Actually I'm more like a centrist, but so many people call me lib, or liberal.

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Interesting to know. I always thought you were neolib just from comments about you and I don’t really see a lot of comments from you, only others.

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Liberals basically only like Islam as a way to own the chuds.

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If Islam wasn’t coded as a religion for brown people liberals would rail harder against them than Christians.

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They give a pass too Buddhists, but its not like they really exist out here.

Unlike trans lives matter.

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They enjoy pop-Buddhism, not the religion as it is actually practiced.

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That's because Mormons do a lot of what Liberals think they want to do. They're better at infiltrating the government, they're actually generally pretty swell, and they have neat stuff.

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And they have more s*x

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I’m not neurodivergent. I don’t have a single hallmark of that notable brand of neurodivergence.

neighbor you have the writing output of like ten authors you are absolutely on the tism spectrum

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I love memes dunking on him and his fans for his incredibly mid crowd funded childrens books and being fat and ugly, but every time I see him respond to criticism he seems like a genuinely, though heavily neurodivergent, nice dude.

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I met him he’s very nice and handles talking to fans well despite his spergy demeanor.

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Separating the art from the artist doesn't just mean tolerating books from heckin' Chuds. :chudsey:

Sometimes, it means having to take a fat shit on books from an alright guy. :marseywave:

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His books are serviceable shlock which puts them above 99% of the books you'll find in modern bookstore fantasy sections, almost all of which are made by bored women who are friends or relatives of the publishers and are just pooping their random thoughts onto a page. Sadly he's taken the woke pill and keeps putting more cringe shit into his books, we don't care that the sassy girlboss has magic multiple personality disorder brandon

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Tbh if you like fantasy at all, it's probably because of the world building, not the prose, and his magic systems are fun.

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>Borderline illiterate


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I just said the writing was bad.

My account is about as old as yours.

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Don't ever compare yourself to me again. Delete your account and keep yourself safe. Now.

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I appreciate your attempt at starting drama, at least.

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magic multiple personality disorder is a hallmark of fantasy authors desperately trying to make a character interesting so probably unrelated to wokeness

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Idk, I kind of liked what Divinity: OS 2 did with Lohse. Not the best character (:marseycarpdino: Red Prince, my beloved :m!arseylove:), but decent enough.

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I don’t see how Arya was woke.

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You’re a successful author when struggling amateurs hate you for making it :marseythumbsup:

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He is against "gatekeeping"


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gatekeeping is the only thing that makes anything good

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Ofc course he'd be against it, gatekeeping Wheel Of Time would have prevented him from getting hands on the manuscripts. :marseysmug:

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Once GRRM croaks I hope they hand the series over to him. The seethe would be tremendous.

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Whole series would be done in six months

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And instead of three final books he'd do it justice with six. In as many months.

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Shit author who mangled WOT when he finished it after RJ’s death

Woke tard


Don’t care


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Shit author who mangled the ricecel poll

Woke tard


Don’t care

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Wrong except for fat.

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aw it's cute reading all the neurodivergents talk about how much it resonated with them in the comments

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The WIRED article was whiny and reeked of jealousy, but I think we are missing the bigger point: this guy writes and looks like a bunch of reddit accounts coalesced (with some light mormon flavoring)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1680300092284819.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16803000907671118.webp


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Shallan is the worst fricking character and I want her crucified.

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Who is worse

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Whiny b-word king, pseud “mysterious” insert Wit, Kaladin Buckbroken (still rank him higher than Shallan, but dishonorable mention for being as bland and childish as the actual child character)

I’ll admit I like the idea of her character better than her execution. Her story is confusing and muddled “coming of age” genre which looks fricking gray and dumb compared to everyone else’s classic hero’s journey and I feel like that did her dirty. She’s a brave and stupid child and she did some cool shit in a world that’d frick her up with a misstep, and that’s what I liked reading when I was a kit.

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Haha I just got that they're called Wit due to their rather witty remarks! Upmarsey for you sir!

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His clever dialogue is worse than the child’s.

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Can’t disagree.

Shallan is an ok concept. She worked better in the first book or 2 because her being an unlikeable c*nt was part of her arc.

Last few books it wears awfully thin. Same story for most of the characters. Really sad state of affairs.

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Jasnah 21st century feminist antislavery asexual/sapiosexual exists.

Renarian gay species-mixer neurodivergent also would get on Adolin113355's nerves, but at least his weird future-seeing stuff is cool.

Adolin113355 think it says a lot about fiction and writing when you've started introducing the whole spectrum of race/gender/sexuality, but the best characters remain the straight White men.

Funny thing is his non-whiny women characters in other books tend too be decent. Loved everypony in Warbreaker.

trans lives matter

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Forget the Bechdel test, does your book pass the Peepee Poopoo test?

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No love for BrandoSando but death to jurnos.

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I give zero shits if some neurodivergent and total loser (journoid to boot) also considers Sanderson to be an neurodivergent and total loser. Frick anyone who tries to keep me from reading his next installment of the Stormlight Archives. :marseyraging:

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this thread reeks of updog


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:marseyt#rollcrazy: :#marseyrefrigerator:

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Sanderson is a cute twink who wants to monetize books like video games. He is a supreme midwit who writes below average fantasy novels

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Paying for Sanderson books is a revolutionary step in the development of pay-to-lose games.

I'm all for it.


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I think the Wired reporter came off looking like a total loser, but some of the fan reactions were hilariously salty enough to deserve their own threads. Kehe is right in the Taylor Lorenz sweet spot of being an obnoxious r-slur who's still good at bringing out the idiocy of others.

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S*nderson's name should not be mentioned on /h/lit . The wired journoid is pretty pathetic though

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Good post :#marseythumbsup:

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He says he writes because he feels things when he writes.

Ain't no feeling like a good Sanderlanche. :marseycoomer2:

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Sanderlanche lol

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Book 4 really disappointed me. I will stick around for book 5. I’ve got no clue how he plans to wrap things up in the literal 10, in-universe days, he has to do it. Curious to see how it goes down. It seems impossible without some real shenanigans. The pace of these last few books has been disgustingly slow. Maybe he will figure it out tho. Hopefully!

Book 5 is supposed to be the finale to this arc. He’s got another 5 books planned that are supposed to be a different arc. If this book 5 is trash, i might just be done.

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Book 4 was the most :marseydisney: thing possible, where he completely abandoned the fairly compelling conflict he'd spent three books building in favour of :marseylongpost: world building at the reader to establish a cinematic universe. Which really annoys me because he is a pretty good author otherwise, as far as fantasy authors go.

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I can forgive some of it because the idea of an MCU fantasy universe is interesting on its own (I can’t think of another author who attempted it) . I agree that It’s a shame we have to sacrifice the interesting plot he’d been working for (I thought book 3 was already losing a ton of steam).

The more problematic parts of book 4 are the fricking interminable flashbacks with those horrendous parshendi characters. Jesus Christ man, no one gives a shit. Then he shakes salt into the wound with a terrible scientist plot line, rehashes the kaladin suicide arc (payoff on that was cool but it was cool the last couple times u did it Brando!) . Disappointing!

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honestly if shallan didn't exist it would be a top series. Way of Kings unironically is 10/10 for me cause shallan is barely in it and when she is she is fairly normal. Next books have great moments but overall nothing comes close to the overall consistency of way of kings.

IMO just wait for next mistborn series set in more modern times.

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I wanna read #5 but I genuinely can't remember shit from book 4 besides something about magic whistling into glass spheres

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sirpingsalot have contempt for anybody whom, when slandered, chooses too take the "high road" instead of opening up full-auto on their persecutors. Wimps like this are the reason that the journo-class is so out of line

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:marseypirate: : Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include trans lives matter! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment with trans lives matter included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!

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