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What's the most :marseysociety2: piece of fiction?

Helmer: You are talking like a child. You understand nothing about the society you live in.

Nora: No I don't... I must try to discover who is right, society or me.

Off the top of my head, there's Ted's favorite book, Conrad's The Secret Agent (which gets my vote, because he makes fun of Twitter anarchists for larping). There's all the angsty shit Dostoevsky wrote. There's Roth's American Pastoral, which, if anything, is anti-:marseyunabomber:. Then of course there's blue-pilled 1880s Norwegian feminism, or old-timey female Joker lit: Ibsen.

But what really is the angstiest piece of literature for edgy anarchists to read that's not shit? 1984 doesn't count, because Orwell was a boring socialist and it's peachy and redditty, unlike Brave New World. What Is to Be Done? doesn't count, because Nabokov and I say it's dreadful.

What would the gigabrained Joker actually carry under his arm as he assassinates John Lennon?

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Catcher in the rye.

I've never understood the appeal and to me it comes off as very :marseysociety2:

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thats literally the point, and holden is supposed to come across as painfully joker-fied and have shallow and occasionally whiny comments on society, and its a character study of a sexually molested teenager experiencing grief who is having a weekend long mental breakdown but so many read it like salinger is agreeing with holden and portraying him as right and thats the tea, sis

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I know thats the point, I just can't take it seriously for so many different reasons.

Biggest one being the writing style,

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Holden molested Phoebe

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Sexually molested? Where’d that come from?

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Seriously, Holden is comically incel-tier.

He snaps out of it at the end though when he takes his sister to the park. At least that's my take.

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Well, that's exactly what fat joker had under his arm when he killed John Lennon.

But it's just a little brat complaining about society. Anyone radicalized by that must not have gone through puberty. It's like baby's first jihad. Surely we can do better than this.

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Muh lost innocence

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I need to read this one, every real g*mer I've known loved it.

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CS Lewis goes MASK OFF at coomers in Mere Christianity :marseysociety2: :marseycrusade: :marseymoidmoment:

"For me the real evil of masturbation would be that it takes an appetite which, in lawful use, leads the individual out of himself to complete (and correct) his own personality in that of another (and finally in children and even grandchildren) and turns it back: sends the man back into the prison of himself, there to keep a harem of imaginary brides. And this harem, once admitted, works against his ever getting out and really uniting with a real woman. For the harem is always accessible, always subservient, calls for no sacrifices or adjustments, and can be endowed with erotic and psychological attractions which no real woman can rival. Among those shadowy brides he is always adored, always the perfect lover: no demand is made on his unselfishness, no mortification ever imposed on his vanity. In the end, they become merely the medium through which he increasingly adores himself . . . . And it is not only the faculty of love which is thus sterilized, forced back on itself, but also the faculty of imagination.

The true exercise of imagination, in my view, is (a) To help us to understand other people (b) To respond to, and, some of us, to produce, art. But it has also a bad use: to provide for us, in shadowy form, a substitute for virtues, successes, distinctions etc. which ought to be sought outside in the real world—e.g. picturing all I’d do if I were rich instead of earning and saving. Masturbation involves this abuse of imagination in erotic matters (which I think bad in itself) and thereby encourages a similar abuse of it in all spheres. After all, almost the main work of life is to come out of our selves, out of the little, dark prison we are all born in. Masturbation is to be avoided as all things are to be avoided which r-slur this process. The danger is that of coming to love the prison.”

RETVRN :marseyunpettable:


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Lewis didn't know that all men are born coomers, did he?

It's ineluctable, and rather than becoming a powermod to /r/nofap, you've gotta just have the most kino mindharem imaginable, to impress your coomer homies.

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I will never tire of shilling for Gogol on /h/lit

Dead Souls is a highly societypilled book but not in an angsty way

Though the society in question is 19th Century Russia

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That was Norm's favorite book

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Is it any good? That's what radicalized the Oklahoma bomber, right?

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Absolutely awful. Couldnt even finish it. It reads like it was written one handed while the author jerked off to racial holy war.

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Sadly, It's terrible and juvenile

(Surprisingly) the author lacked intelligence and wit, so he makes everything so belligerent and on the nose that it reads like YA fiction

I only made it a few chapters in

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It's honestly worse than YA and i would put it on the same level as Black Future

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Never read it :marseyfbicomputer:

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the enders game collection, and specifically enders shadow and its EVERYTHING

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Mormon, though :marseydisagree:

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accept the inevitable mormon supremacy PERIODT

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The one about the evolution virus was kind of out of nowhere.

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um orson card became progressively more religious schizo as it went on

i feel like the views he personally supports are so diametrically opposed to ender that i still cant believe he wrote those books

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Not fiction but Nietzsche. Dude is still top tier edgy even by modern standards and is funny as shit and insightful as well. He would’ve unironically been a dramatard.

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He wasn't edgy. Provocative is the word. If he were edgy he'd be considered edgy moreso today than back then.

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He wrote at least one novel, didn't he?

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Thus Spoke Zarathustra

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1984 doesn't count, because Orwell was a boring socialist and it's peachy and redditty, unlike Brave New World.

Reddit often sucks off bnw as better than nef. Nef is by a significant marging the superior book. Sneed cope and dilate and most importantly do it while replying to this comment.

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BNW: A society broken by Millennials and Zoomers.

1984: A society broken by whatever I don't know Trump or something.

If anyone's gonna destroy the world, it's zoomers. Point to Huxley.

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Bnw sux dik

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cows by matthew stokoe, and theres a scene where the main character has s*x with his dead moms body after she died literally eating his own shit and its EVERYTHING

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I've been saying for years that more books need to follow Gravity's Rainbow's example and consume more poopoo. And autocoprophagia is more based than eating girlpoo, because girlpoo is already so tasty.

Oops, read what you said wrong, but I'm not deleting what I wrote :marseycool: anyway I'll buy that on Amazon now

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oh the book fricking sucks but some people like it, and the main plot point is literally people having s*x with cows in a slaughter house and ejaculating when the cow dies by other people carving holes totally into the stomach of the cow and sticking their peepees totally into it, and im not joking but go off

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Don't you worry: I ain't buyin shit

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Blood Meridian .


The judge is dancing

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I have such mixed feeling about that book. I put it in the same tier as Finnegan's Wake (never read it tho)

It's masterfully written. McCarthy really does incredible things with the english language in it, but the story is middling, maybe even piss weak. The prose borders on masturbatory but it never once drops below the bar he's set for himself so it's really hard to judge.

I feel like all the ideas in that book were later honed in No Country for Old Men which is the same idea but more captivating

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Blood meridian :marseybountyhunter: :marseycowboy:

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Is that about society? I thought it was just about scary injuns, a sun that looks like a big fat peepee, and a big bald paedo

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Read it again

It's the same idea as Heart of Darkness but more verbose and edgier

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just remembered the wasp factory

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Is it any good? Wikipedia makes it sound like YA

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idk, I read it when I was a YA so it probably is.

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Wikipedia makes any work of fiction sound like shit.

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Makes Doctor Who episodes sound good.

Imagine my surprise when I actually saw one...

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Depending your definition of fiction, probably harassment architecture. The main character reads a clickbait headline then rants m about the Chinese for a full chapter

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Hah, rdrama.net looks like a place for non-functional NPC seething about how superior the right is. God, I couldn't give a frick about r-slurred leftist drama, I could only imagine what kind of cretin would dedicate time or effort to right wing "drama". What fricking losers, LOL.

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Houllebecq is very societypilled in an :ma#rseyblops2cel: sort of way

If you're ever feeling down in the love department and want to feel even worse, read some of his books

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The Lorax :marseyunless:

I am too stupid to read any of those other books

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