:marseycrusader2: :shmleep:Remember that one series called warrior cats from when you were a kid? Well it's filled to the brim with drama and history :chuckbuddy: :marseycatgirl8:


I remember reading the couple and then one from way further in the series since I didn't know the order and a comic / manga thing.

That shit was a real trip.

Wonder if there was cat fascism eventually

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Oh wow, I think I read the first 3 or 4 sets of 6 books and a couple of the massive expanded universe tomes as a kid. Haven't thought about these in years. Despite being cat-themed and written by women there was enough physical combat and cat politics to keep my developing moidbrain interested. I remember at one point being annoyed that I had caught up with the latest release (end of the 3rd arc?) and lost interest shortly after but it looks like they kept writing them.

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