Somebody asked me where to get the Conan The Barbarian - Complete Weird Tales Omnibus Audiobook. I forgot wo it was, so im making a post.

The problem is i got it from MyAnonymous, which is a Audiobook/Scanned books pirate specialist site. It is probably the most complete archive of printed media is existence, but you literally need to apply and ask questions and literally be internet-interviewed about what stuff you can put back into the database, and whether you are a tattletale b-word snitch. It's a whole ordeal, took me like 3 fricking days to finally be registered.

The jannies are turbo omega neurodivergent even compared to Reddit jannies, but are overall less political and more helpful.

But again the problem is just giving a link wont do much, you need to log into a registered account, and you have to seed back for a minimum number of days before you can download more torrents and stuff.

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No email address required. with these recordings crossposted on youtube as well. There's a handful of good narrators on librivox, in particular I like this one British foid with the soothing kind of :marseybong: accent who did HG Wells, Frankenstein and I think Dracula too.

For books this old (like Edgar Rice Burroughs if you do decide to move on to Tarzan/A Princess of Mars) you don't even have to pirate it. Mark Nelson has been hired for professional recordings and has a huge catalogue of classic sci-fi/fantasy including the ones I'm mentioning. He's a :marseygem:

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Do you have every Bible an religious book ever printed by man stored on your harddrive?

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It's actually hard to find a lot of the newer religious texts translated into English by the time you're past devotional works into actual theology. It mostly trickles in through journals and the big name ones until recently were in French/German/Italian. :marseysad: Even harder to find PDFs/digital copies in English. When I'm in the US I have a friend who's an adjunct professor and he can request pretty much anything and loan it out to me, I've done that a few times. I don't really mind buying things as long as I'm not shelling out $1-200 for a book I anticipate reading once.

For dirty Prots :@kaamrevpat: you can check out all of the Ante-Nicene Fathers for free on websites like and it's easy to find an e-book copy of the collected works as well.

St. Augustine is accepted by the Reformed and I'd highly recommend picking up a copy of the Confessions if you're curious to get back into things ever.

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Just learn Koine Greek and Ancient Hebrew lol.

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@nuclearshill who asked me again

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Send me an invite link my guy, I don't mind sneeding on a private tracker.

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uhh i think it's this one?

Also i forgot you are only allowed to apply on fricking wednesdays and saturdays lmoa :marseytrollcrazy:

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I thought it had a user-invite system too. :marseyhmmm:

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as far as i know you can just ask for yourself to be invited

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>job interview for a piracy site

Thanks for the link but frick that. :marseyunamused:

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it was worth it for me cuz it was the only place on the web at the time for audiobooks for old obscure war novels

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It was me. :marseyfluffy:

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@Qar asked you

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my thoughts exactly

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