Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #71 :marseyreading:

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@Murdervann :marseypin2: pls

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So read the sequels of smut from last time.



They've largely remained the same, withe foid book being the bigger :marseycoomer2: (barely) despite being shorter again.

The moid smut picks up were the last book left off, with our protagonist eventually getting a new girl into his harem. She's friends with the first girl and is operating on pre-apocalypse information on our protagonist, so she hates him at first. Despite this being moid smut, the book spends a significant amount of time focused on an eldary couple, the wife of whom isn't aware there's a kung fu zombie apocalypse, it was actually pretty touching. The husband joins the group after his wife is killed by raiders. He stands watch outside their RV while the protagonist has a threeway with the two girls. It's pretty gross because the new girl likes anal and these people haven't showered in over a week and they did butt to mouth :marseyyikes:. A major antagonist is introduced in this book too, as well as a method of piwering up without having s*x, which was cool but also kinda disappointing, the first book introduced another male character with powers, who was implied to be gay, his group consisted of a twink and a fat muslim girl. He was weaker than the protagonist, indicating he hadn't had s*x with either of them. Now we have a male protagonist implied to be significantly stronger than the protagonist and after his powers ao he can level up further. I was rooting for a bussy warrior arc, but alas the antagonist had a non-gay way of stealing protagonist's powers :marseysad: , which the protagonist also learned. Book ends with protagonist finally finding his ex-wife and son, which was his primary goal despite fricking two strange women regularly along the way, so gain props to him not being a complete :coomjak:

Foid smut pulls a final fantasy, the sequel has nothing to do with the first one, it's just another story about a fat girl fricking a ripped older man. The s*x is just as gratuitous as the moid smut, which would almost lead me to believe this was written by a moid or a :marseythomas: if not for the guy "fisting" his "12 inches", that and the protagonist's fat is never incorporated into the s*x. Same beats as the last book, hot guy has uncontrollable urge to frick the fat girl protagonist, meets her and then fricks her 30 minutes later. This was also prrtty gross because she gave him suckies after hogging out on a sandwich :marseysick:. Pretty boring.

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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it at all.

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