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A black guy gets removed from The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association's board of directors for stealing a white woman's work. Race war now!




Trying to pronounce his name would get me in trouble with the tongue rights groups, so I will not do it.

Here's the white woman warning people about him:

Advice: Do not trust, work with, or work for Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki. He is a con artist. He lies about who he knows and how well he knows them. He blames his mistakes on others and when he gets caught doing something unethical, he plays the victim.

Apparently, he was already known for being a dramatard in the community:

Not to mention the hussling people for funds....

Indeed. The man who once proudly proclaimed he would never get a job has certainly enjoyed the fruits of other people's labor with his many GoFundMe campaigns.

Not gonna lie, proclaiming that you would never get a job is pretty based. :marseyneet:

I've long suspected he was a conman after he managed to use attending an event to spend 6 months living here for free. The many, many GoFundMe campaigns raising thousands of dollars for him to attend conventions and pay for his visa and so on were also red flags. Thank you, Erin.

This guy sounds more and more based by the minute.

And here's some person who's most certainly not obsessed trying to pull Fatrick into the conversation :marseyfatrick::

Same goes for Patrick S. Tomlinson who has vehemently defended Ekpeki's behaviour in the past... especially when it comes to bullying women. Tomlinson is another toxic butthole no one in the industry should deal with (hence why he's getting banned from all the cons)

TBH, dunking on Fatrick is always justified and, generally, a positive thing to do.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17303334762072814.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17303334764613488.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17303334766546142.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17303334767035115.webp


Hahaha, suckers!

Note that you can't set up a GoFundMe in Nigeria, so he had this mayo :marseymayo: dolt Jason Sanford run it for him. That guy's also getting dogpiled on Twitter.


Redditors reacting here: https://old.reddit.com/r/printSF/comments/1gdphdz/nebula_award_winning_author_oghenechovwe_donald

This guy wrote O2 Arena and it won a Nebula, it's pretty much unreadable dreck but it gets to hold the same award as Dune, suck it nerds

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Even in that thread the commenters are like "okay, the chuds who claimed wokeness destroyed the meaning of these awards are still wrong, but I think we were a bit too charitable here."

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