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  • HailVictory1776 : No shadow of the torturer? Jack Vance? Pleb. Trans lives matter

King Luigi's goodreads :marseyfedpostglow: Bookstrags in in in!


>Bullet Journal Method

>Objective-C Programming

>The Lorax

>Steve-O's memoir

>Hawaii travel guides

>The Back Mechanic

>Harry Potter

>Gary Paulsen (baby's first Edward Abbey)

>The Ender's Game sequels about psychic alien seance shit


>Spelunky Bosses


>Lots of self-help slop


>Industrial Society and Its Future


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>The Ender's Game sequels about psychic alien seace shit


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By reason of mental illness or defect


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By reason of basedness

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Redditors hate good books

Illiterate redditors hate long books but can't just say that they're too lazy to read them.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17337730926109264.webp Dr. Seuss obviously radicalized him

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Might've been a /pol/tard since I've seen that quote in photos on there a lot for the past few years

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>wants to read

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Admitting that you haven't read a memey meganovel and you want to is maybe the biggest bookworm L you can post

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Half of /r/books threads are like that

"I want to read 1984, is it worthy? What should I learn about before reading it?"

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Reading is literally painful to everyone who wasn't bookpilled as a child with phonics. Reading or receiving instructions more than 3 steps long crosses their wires in an enraging, confused way like trying to breathe underwater. If they're going to commit to the journey, they need cheering and to know it'll pay off.

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>zoomers tryna record a screencast instead of writing docs

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Literacy based eugenics when

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It's the opposite of eugenics. Everybody fed whole language reading bullshit and never forced and encouraged and bribed to read read read in elementary school is fricked. This is more zoomers and Gen alpha than earlier gen. You can even drill this into BIPOCs in the right environment. Half of teachercels and most parents are lazy monsters though, so they're making the world r-slurred on purpose.

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He doesn't have the media literacy to understand that Ender's Game is an anti-violence book :smh:

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Ender's Game is unrealistic because it depicts pseudanon accounts using ancient Greek names and statues as avatars but instead of being psychotic right wing LARPers they argue rationally and convince people to change their ways- this has never happened irl.

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!bookworms Peter shitposting his way into power on internet chatrooms complete with a persona out of Greek mythology is the funniest part of Ender's Game :marseyxd: The author got a lot right about the internet but overestimated how civil and normal conversations would be.

Peter is what SPAL was trying to become, but SPAL is what Peter would be in real life.

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The author got a lot right about the internet but overestimated how civil and normal conversations would be.

This is an outdated take. I hesrd it a bunch last decade but overall with developments in online long form video/podcast/debate content I think this prediction is coming true as well. Peter could shit post with Zizek and John Gray. Get invited to an exclusive Twitter space, be a regular of Andrew Sullivan's substack. A couple more years and some people like this IRL will pivot into getting elected.

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But he would just be a rightoid talking head lol.

In the book Peter had bipartisan support and became Earth's entire leader, not a podcaster stuck advertising black rifle coffee

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But he would just be a rightoid talking head lol.

Why did your brain go that direction? There are leftoids and centrists that fit the bill too.

And even then if jd Vance can pivot from a novel to being the VP. A talking head can go right to the top with the right rhetoric. Heck Dr Oz is getting a cabinet position from a reality TV star.

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At best he's a TPOT twitter user, realistically (also not getting any kitty which SPAL did get)

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Peter was a sociopath who loved inflicting pain on others so naturally he would get all the BPD hoes

:#marseyflirt: :#marseytedsimp2: :#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal:

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Peter Wiggin is literally JD Vance, CMV :surewalz:

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Real af I love I love Andrew Wiggin HEGEMON 2024

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>Hillbilly Elegy :#surewalz:

>scifi slop


>Sapiens (pseudo history tech bro slop)

!bookworms look what a poor literature taste does to a mofo

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look what a poor literature :marseyelli: taste :marseylicking: does to a mofo

It makes you a super :marseyblackpanther: sexy motherlover


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Imagine being so wingcucked you murder someone to accomplish nothing versus slaying all the puss with your six pack, and familial wealth.

!r-slurs he's one of yours

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I think :marseymindblown: its based. Instead of doing what every other braindead :marseylobotomy: moid would :marseywood: have done in his position, he did something :marseysmugface: to make the world :marseyww1german2: a better :marseygenetakovic: place :marseychtorrr: for everyone :marseynorm: at his expense :marseywholesome:

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He's now world famous and will get way more foids after him than merely being a rich techbro guido.

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It's irrelevant if you can't frick them due to being imprisoned

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Conjugal visits my neighbor

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That's what conjugal visits are for! (That reminds me. It's funny that libs/whoever came up with conjugal visits think prisoners being deprived s*x in prison in unacceptable but law abiding incels should just be happy never having s*x).

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He's bisexual. He can get mad bussy in jail

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shut up r-slur, nobody who has money or gets puss types what you did

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Neighbor what, we ain't talking about me. I'm a married poorcel, of course I'm not getting puss

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Is that Hawaii? Looksa lot like a hike I did on Maui

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  • HailVictory1776 : It's a good book and it makes /ourboy/ even more based. Everyone read it trans lives matter

Hillbilly Elegy is alright tbh. I suspect it's because it was written before JD became famous, so it naturally came across as more honest than if it had been written afterwards.

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Hillbilly Elegy is alright tbh. I suspect it's because it was written before JD became famous, so it naturally came across as more honest

It kind of is bullshit though. His mom was an addict but Middletown is a nice city near Cincinnati and he was raised by his well-off grandparents from like age 10. He has more in common with suburban kids with an alchie parent that with the crushing misery of the white working poor he used to make himself famous. Like that sucks for him, but he's the pillbilly equivalent of a wigger who grew up in Naperville but says he's from south Chicago.

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Did you read it? He didn't lie about any of that in the book, in fact he was honest about his grandparents being more well-off. I guess he's not really a true hillbilly but he never said he was, in fact the whole book is mostly just dunking on them.

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Did you read it? He didn't lie about any of that in the book, in fact he was honest about his grandparents being more well-off

I can't speak for the book because I didn't read it, but on the Hillbilly Elegy film his grandparents didn't look well-off. They seemed like a blue-collar family, not poor but like low-middle-class by burger standards.

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He talks about how his grand parents had over 100k household income but spent money like poor people and constantly bought useless shit. The recurring theme of the book is that they escaped the holler but kept the dysfunctional culture

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escaped the holler but kept the dysfunctional culture

Is being a fat b-word part of that culture? Because that describes the only one I've had to run into.

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Considering all their kids have mountain dew mouths, probably

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Hollywood bastardized a true story because the lie looked better on camera? Say it ain't so!

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It's some random Ohioan rambling about his difficult childhood and attempting to extrapolate that into understanding the problems of Appalachia. Fits well with the rest of his reading list :marseysmug:

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Its literally like

  • I come from a thousand year lineage of scottish r-slurs :marseyretardchad:

  • My hyperviolent grandsires got paid a bajillion 1950s bucks to smelt coal and box each other on the weekend :marseypunching:.

  • My lineage into the clinton administration is still a bunch of r-slurred hoes but we forgot how to box :marseydarkfoidretard:

  • I join the millitary where they teach me advanced concepts like compound interest :marseyshapiro:, swear loyalty to the republican party because hate wiggers :marseytrump:.

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:marseycringe: literacy and its consequences...

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Unironically dire :marseysigh:

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Sapiens (pseudo history tech bro slop)

What? Think you're a litte confused sweaty.

Book was good.

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>the Neolithic revolution and its consequences…

It's definitely much better than Homo Deus which is when he started to become a quack, but it suffers from pop history syndrome (covering too much stuff, oversimplifying), the behavioral modernity stuff on the book (cognitive revolution) for instance is still a debate but Harari states it as a fact.

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>It wasn't the dreary dry history book like I read in my high school classes so I'll call it "pseudoscience"

Ok sweaty.

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It's rdrama and I have to be mean and edgy ok! :chudtantrum:

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Being wrong isn't "edgy" sweaty just like being interesting doesn't mean it's "pseudoscience".

Hope you learn from this.

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>bullet journal method


>bullet magazine method


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Children's books



If I'm on his jury, I'm pushing for the death penalty :marseyextinction:

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Drama:marseytrain2:s seething at redditARYAN patrician literature itt :rdramajanny: :chadsnoo: !bookworms

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Me as judge: gas chamber

Me as juror: I dindu see nuffin

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He's Sicilian :marseymayoface:

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Unibomber manifesto was well written but just too political.

4 stars

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Children's books

Does he have any Richard Scarry? Goodnight Moon? Gone Fishing, My Daddy and Me?

They don't even know the classics anymore. :marseydisagree:

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What's the booknerd equivalent of a basic b-word?

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@Nightcrawler lives :marseyblm: in the Philistines

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Filastin is on the other side of the planet. :marseyshrug:

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Litbro, but litbros would (rightly) scoff at this list

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Litbros don't actually exist outside of the imagination of Twitter and Reddit users.

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My ex who'd never shut up about Cormac McCarthy was kind of a litbro. Still haven't read Blood Meridian, Ryan. :marseysipping:

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They'd scoff and every list calling it 9th grade level easy shit unless it's their exact same list.

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>The Ender's Game sequels

Speaker for the dead is peak. No need to read the rest tho. Frick that little crippled frick.


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So now that we know a bit more about him (kinda…not really…but enough that online reactionaries will react), how do you think Reddit's support will change? Redditors worship the government (literally their religion) and some of what I've been seeing here is old school anarchism mixed with some RW and LW politics.

He's also noticeably handsome, has shirtless pics online and clearly showed initiative…which Redditors might not like so much.


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No way they would still support him. Culture war brainrot cognitive dissonance is too much for nerds on reddit. Or patriot.win for that matter. Both would still support the death of the CEO.

I am ready to bet on the fact that all major subs will start banning people stanning Luigi :marseyitsaover: would be getting nuked within a week

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IMO murdering a shitty CEO is enough for them to still support his action even if they dislike him for being a techbro

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either no change or quietly fading away. cant decide which.

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ResetEra at large quickly disavowed him when they started finding his writings so probably Redditors will too.

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The right rallies around their psychos. The left nitpicks about all their faults.

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Wouldn't characterize Luigi as a psycho but I'm just an internet commenter and neither a psychologist nor criminal profiler.

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He's a psycho in the good way. If you were in Khorramshahr in 1980 when the Iraqis invaded, he's the kind of psycho you'd want on your side.

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Yeah, you know he's based


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They changed the profile to private :marseyglow2#:

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What kind of BIPOC shit is this? Or was it private before the news broke out?

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no I was looking through his list/ratings

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Fedpost fedpost fedpost :#trollinsane:

It's insane how these sites get away with shit like this

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C programming + Harry Potter already made him a schizo

Kaczynski broke the camel's back

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how many months away from transitioning was he?

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god what a huge straget

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>The Ender's Game sequels about psychic alien seance shit


tbh if I hadn't read the entire enders game series at such a young age I probably would never have ended up here

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Masallah one last victory for Ted

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has he read the 48 laws of power?

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>Steve-O's memoir


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Thanks to whomever has been archiving these pages because it's been shut down already

This Profile is Private.

Sign in to Goodreads to Learn More About Luigi.

Edit: List of Luigi Mangione's alleged accounts here https://rdrama.net/h/slackernews/post/324283/mangione-github-account-marseydetective/7462135#context

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Jannied now. Anyone have the full list?

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