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:!marseypainter: Marsey drawing guide :!marseyyarn:

Credit: @Sylveon


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Escape from Predditor Mansion (circa 2021, colourized)

Presenting my newest piece: "Escape from Predditor Mansion (circa 2021, colourized)" - commissioned by @brzl

@brzl is sadly currently grassed (because he wanted to take a break from the site) but here's some commentary he told me to include

"With the death of /r/DeuxRAMA and the loss of pinging, Marsey and the gang sought to lead the dramatards on a journey to a new home. There was just one problem: they had to go through Him.

My gratitude to Dramarama for accepting an unlikely commission idea, turning this shitty mspaint sketch into a fully realized work."

It was a really fun and challenging piece for me to do but I'm really happy with how it turned out, and thanks @brzl for commissioning me!

EFFORTPOST HeyMoon's :marseypeace: Guide to (good) AI Marsey Generation :marppy: :marseygrapes: :marseyrussian:

There is a lot of enthusiasm about generating marseys using Stable Diffusion. Recently @float-trip did something that just a few months ago I predicted would take five years - make a marsey generating bot (:marseyl:) (:marseyseethe: to be fair my point was about the long-term costs involved in running a bot on a node that has the capabilities to do so :marseyseethe:). Anywho, there has been a flood of new marseys that have been submitted, prompting that rat bastard carp to tell you all to knock it off :marseyanticarp: :marseyanticarp: :marseyanticarp: (AI-chads are the most oppressed minority on earth). BUT some AI marseys are really good and cute :marseybow: so how can you make good marseys using AI?


Alright so this guide is only for non-poorcels that have a decent GPU. By decent GPU, I mean NVIDIA :marseymerchant:. (I recently upgraded my GPU from an AMD RX570, and I tried my absolute hardest to make it work on my AMD but I couldn't get it. There are """guides""" online but there are a lot of implicit assumptions about what type of GPU you are using, it has to have so much VRAM and it has to be certain series and the documentation is a FUCKING nightmare (@DrTransmisia can relate))

(Also, I am running it locally because I want to generate tons of variations in the background while I am wageslaving. You can run it via the cloud too if you want tho)

You will need:

  • A PC with a GPU with a decent amount of VRAM (10+ GB is best, but the requirements keep going down as CS-chads continue refining the model. nowadays you can technically run it with 4GB with certain versions of the code but YMMV because i haven't done that yet)

  • Python 3.10.6 (You should add it to PATH)

  • git (technically optional but it will make your life easier)

  • @float-trip's model. float trip is the real MVP here btw, he has been trying several different things to get this project to work with tons of compute. :!marseykneel: :!marseykneel: :!marseykneel: mad respect my nigga :marseykneel: :marseykneel: :marseykneel:

  1. Get AUTOMATIC1111's webui repo. This is the best repo out there for this kinda stuff, partially because it was made by 4chan autists who were trying to generate waifus. If you have git, you can just open up a command prompt and type git pull Otherwise, I think there are redneck ways to get the code as a zip file but that's a pain.

  2. Place float-trip's model in the /models directory. Rename the model to "model.ckpt"

  3. Double click webui-user.bat in the main directory.

  4. Wait a few minutes for everything to load, until the text stops moving and it tells you to open a weblink.

  5. Open your webbrowser and type "localhost:7860". Viola! You should see the webui :marseythumbsup:


If you have done everything correctly, and you type the word "marsey" into the prompt, you should see a marsey appear. If not, you may see something related to the planet mars. If that happens, make sure you have the correct model that I linked above. Also try restarting your computer, that helps for some reason (:marseyconfused:).

With most words, longer descriptions are better. However, with "marsey" I have noticed that sometimes the AI "loses the plot", so to speak. For instance, if I type "joe biden as a dark wizard, very detailed, greg rutkowski, award winning, trending on artstation", I will get a badass picture of DVRK BIDVN. However, if I do "marsey as a dark wizard, very detailed, greg rutkowski, award winning, trending on artstation", the picture generally won't be of DVRK MVRSEY. I think that's because CLIP may be confused about what "marsey" actually is - is she a cat :marseygoose2:, a person :marseyishygddt:, a style :marseycleonpeterson:, or an idea :marseyminimalism:? Who knows??? Anyways, all that to say that shorter is generally better.


stylized using a greg rutkowski type prompt. notice that marsey doesn't really resemble marsey


no stylization

Also, remember that you can use (((noticing))) :chudsey: on words and phrases you want the AI to pay closer attention to. No, that's not a joke, that is literally a part of the code. For instance, if you are finding that "marsey as a knight" is generating pictures of human knights with the wrong style, try "(((marsey))) as a knight".

With most prompts, if you want to get high-quality outputs you should set sampling steps to 150 (otherwise the output will be blurry). However, when generating marseys, I have found that 50 sampling steps is enough to get good marseys. I say this because sampling steps increases the amount of time needed per image generation linearly, so imo it is better to spend that time generating more variations of marseys than a few with marginally higher quality.

Another thing to keep in mind is CFG scale. CFG is "Classifier-Free Guidance". Basically, the lower this number is, the more closely the output will be guided by the prompt. 7, the default, works fine for me.


comparison of CFG scales and step count for the prompt "(((marsey))) as a dark sorcerer"

I like to generate marseys in batches of 100. By default, the UI only lets you do batches of 16. To increase this, just open ui-config.json, and set "txt2img/Batch count/maximum" to 100.


inspiration! prompt was "COLUMN (((marsey))) as a ROW"


Now, no matter how good your favorite outputs are, they probably aren't ready for submission yet. (Hence why carp was mad). Some fixing may be necessary.

The first order of business are the eyes. AI-generated images are often bad with the eyes (although the recent model is pretty good). The reason for this is actually that AI isn't bad with eyes, it is as good at eyes as it is everything else, it's just that our monkeybrains are a lot less forgiving of eye-imperfections than any other imperfection.

There are a couple of different ways to fix the eyes. You can squish them, you can resize them, you can rotate them. If push comes to shove, you can also entirely replace them. Don't feel bad, that's how 99% of marseys are made in the first place (:marseysmug:, :marseysal:, :marseyorthodoxsmug:)

I use for marseys because it is free and easy, if you understand paint you should be able to understand For most edits I use the brush tool with a size of 4 and 100% hardness. I also color select from other similarly colored parts of the marsey to make sure I am following a color-pallete (most marseys dont use very many colors)

Another tool I use is gaussian blur to blend colors more evenly. Also make sure you remove the background and crop to the marsey cleanly.

It doesn't just have to be fixes! Let your imagination go wild, and use the AI's output as a starting point. For :marseyrussian: I made her match the russian flag by coloring her sneakers red, and made her tracksuit an adidas tracksuit.


Oh one more thing. Most of the time, marseys will be inline, which means they will be relatively small. So you should make sure that the output is easy to parse from a distance. People should be able to understand it intuitively as a symbol without seeing it up close. :marseyjamming: is probably my favorite marsey because it works so well as a symbol from a distance - it is obviously representing music or listening to music and is hecking cute.


To avoid spamming carp :marseycarphug: maybe make a post on /h/marsey first and see what people think before submitting it. I like to tell people what the steps I took to improve the marsey were, and also provide the original, and a few that I like but didn't make the cut. They will probably call you a lazy faggot but that is the essence of rdrama so don't worry about it :marseythumbsup:

also stop making OMG THIS IS THE FIRST THING THE AI OUTPUTTED ISN'T IT SO COOL :marsoyhype: posts. we know


  • if you have an idea for a marsey, but you are a shit artist, try sketching it and feeding it into SD. in the webui, there is a tab called img2img. Upload the picture there, and type a description of the image you drew, and click generate. This should generate variations of what you drew.

    • there are several things to play around with there. try tinkering with the CFG scale and Denoising level. I have found that denoising about 0.7 gets sufficiently novel results, but try playing around with it on your own. A tool that can help you is the X/Y plot script, which should be fairly self-explanatory.
  • you can use AI to upscale your results! sometimes this is a bit derpy, and I haven't played around with it much, but it is possible! see the "Extras" tab for that stuff.

  • you can make LOOPING marseys. That's right, if you want to have a cleanly looping wallpaper of marsey, you can do that! just check the "tiling" checkbox.


a single looping marsey tile


same tile, tiled

  • want to make ungodly abominations? you can do that! try changing the width and height to something besides 512x512 to see some really wacky stuff. now, the marsey model performs pretty well compared to most other things, and you can get some normal pictures, like this happy family :marseyjamming:


... but you can also get really weird stuff, like this guy



I think there is more art to this process than people think there is. Firstly, I would argue the act of generating and cherrypicking the best results is an artistic process itself. You type in a prompt (a form of artistic inspiration) and you look for outputs that you like (also an artistic process). Also, as you learn how the software works, and get an intuitive feel for how it works, you actually gain skill. For instance, knowing the effect of CFG scale, and what other AI tools can improve your work, is a form of mastery.

Secondly, of course, there needs to be an editting process, and this also shows about the same level of artistry as 75% of marseys. After all, most marseys are kitbashed anyways by amateurs so what's the big deal.

:marseyorthodox: + :marseysmug: = :marseyorthodoxsmug:, for instance.

Ultimately I think art is mostly about making things that people enjoy rather than a specific process. I think most people here would agree. I think that is a good thing as long as it is used sparingly, with an eye for quality instead of quantity.

I think a lot of people rush to the most negative possible conclusion about a thing rather than considering the positives. I think that AI art has drawbacks, but I also think it can make the world a slightly nicer place, with more cool things to look at :marseywhirlyhat:

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Catgirl marsey from behind

hello :marseywave2:

I thought it was about time for another catgirl marsey post

!coomers !straggots carp

The following users accidentally blocked instead of followed me so help make sure they see this









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:marseyfeminist: scrote degeneracy :marseyfeminist: New Mаrsey ai model and a ton of images

I used a bunch of the better results I got to retrain the model. Going to leave it as this now but it now is much more focused on the orange overall catgirl. Enjoy

Safe for work mass dump


Now the question is do you think I have a deflector award or not, are you feeling lucky


All you need is GIMP and some MS Paint skills. It took me twice as long to type up this post as it did to actual make the emoji.

1. Find a base image with solid line art, and paste that image onto a white background.

2. In GIMP, choose "Colors→Threshold" from the menu, and adjust the slider until you've got a nice outline. Hit OK.

3. If you want the outline to be thicker. Use the Select by Color Tool, select the Black, use "Select→Grow" in the menu, and refill your selection with black.

4. Select by Color, targeting the white this time. Hit delete. (If it doesn't vanish, make sure the layer has an alpha channel.) I also like to change the outline so it isn't pure black.

5. Now you've basically got a coloring book. Fill it in with the paint bucket tool, MS Paint style.

6. To add shading, orange spots, etc., without coloring outside the lines: Use the Select by Color Tool, click on some color, then switch to the pencil tool and scribble away.

7. Add drama.

8. Once you're done, add the white outline:

1) Make sure the canvas is big enough to have the extra room for the outline.

2) Once you've finished the image and combined it into a single layer, right click on the combined layer and choose "alpha to selection".

3) In the menu, choose "Select→grow", and choose how many pixels you want the border to be.

4) Make a new layer and fill your selection with white. Put that layer on the bottom.


One month ago I wanted to commission an artist to draw Marsey the Cat. Initially, I sought to enlist our very own talented @Dramarama, however due to concerns over maintaining privacy in exchanging real money (not dramacoin), I had to look elsewhere. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go with the first choice artist voted upon by you guys because they never even replied to my emails. However, the artist that did answer the call - Yunann on DeviantArt - did such a wonderful job that I think we were blessed to have ended up with her.


Available upon request.

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Marsey sеx

I realized I had never actually done a version where she actually gets boned so here you go

Marsey the AI generated catgirl - Lora model you can download

Completely unrelated to the person asking about it earlier :marseyclueless: I have joined here to post this model.

Please do not lower the tone by making anything 18+ with the model, I know you can all be trusted with it

prompt to get you started - 1girl, Marsey, animal ears, tail, hair ornament, (cat ears), red eyes, smile, multicolored hair, orange clothing, solo, white hair, short hair, (cat tail), fish hair ornament, looking at viewer, orange hair, indoors, white shirt, ( orange overalls), hairclip, sweater, cat girl, claw pose, long sleeves, animal ear fluff, grin, breasts



Recently updated stable diffusion guide btw:

Marsey models:


(courtesy @TouchFluffyTails :heart: )

Checkpoint SD version1.5: (original model)

Checkpoint SD version 1.5 and XL: (updated/revised models)

(courtesy @float-trip :heart:)

Miscellaneous tips and tricks, possibly outdated

Don't be afraid to combine the marsey models with all kinds of other models, you can merge checkpoints in seconds in automatic1111. Unironically the furry models work well for marsey checkpoint model merges to capture the anthropomorphic nature of marsey generation and increase the fidelity.

New trick I've learned recently, if you want to stick to hard marsey cartoon generation, there are LORAs out there to control detail, you can scale them up or inversely at a minus sign in their strength to generate more simple looking results which aligns with marsey art:

Pay attention to the -1 strength example:

That's all for now!

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P・M・A : Marsey Art Commission, by Dramarama

Day version

After their escape from Predditor Mansion, Marsey teams up with some unlikely allies. Together, they begin their counterattack.

A commission in the works since January, thank you to our own resident artist @Dramarama for bringing this to life. It was awesome to work with her, and she managed to create this entire piece from this sketch in MS Paint!!




The Squad

If you have ideas for the name of this piece feel free to post the suggestion. P・M・A is just a placeholder because I couldn't think of a good one lol.

If you have ideas for Marsey art, post them! Give a few spitballs and one might stick! Thank you @everyone for your cowgirl idea, that's the next commission!

:marseyyarn: Fast Stable Diffusion - Marsey Edition: Create AI Generated versions of Marsey even without a GPU! :!marseyrobot:

This is based off @float-trip's excellent work training the model here:

Being an ardent Chromebook user I lack the use of a dedicated GPU :marseygiveup:, so I've been coping since forever by using Google Colab for anything that requires a GPU such as Stable Diffusion and whatnot

A couple of days ago someone released an optimised version of Stable Diffusion and I think you should be able to run Stable Diffusion on a free Google Colab account now :marseypoor:

Hence I decided to integrate @float-trip's model into the previously mentioned Colab notebook so the masses can now use it, so click on the shiny button below if you want to give it a go:

Open in Colab

If you're new to this I'll try my best to simplify the steps to get it to work:

1. Click on the "Open in Colab" button above

2. Click on Runtime -> Change Runtime Type


3. Change the Hardware Accelerator to GPU


4. Click on Runtime -> Run All


5. Wait for the processes to run and complete and you'll get a link to access a user interface for you to enter your prompts


6. Click on it and you can now generate AI Marseys


Take note that you'll need to enter "sks cat" instead of "Marsey" in your prompts like so:

Unfortunately I didn't get a good result that time round :marseyitsover:

Some cherrypicked results and the respective prompts:

photo of sks cat as a gardener

close up of sks cat in front of fairytale steam punk village, snow covered, winter, matte painting, by michael whelan

kawaii sks cat with colorful background trending on artstation, 8 k, highly detailed and intricate

a wholesome animation key shot of a sks cat seated on top of a roof with tiles, the sks cat is looking into the horizon, medium shot, studio ghibli, pixar and disney animation, sharp, rendered in unreal engine 5, anime key art by greg rutkowski, bloom, dramatic lighting, golden hour, very warm colors

studio portrait still of muppet !!!!!sks cat !!!!!! as a muppet muppet as a muppet, 8k, studio lighting, key light -C 13 -s 150

If you need to steal some inspiration for prompts:

There are probably bugs here and there because I'm retarded :marseybrainlet: so let me know if you get any errors

Reported by:
New Marsey Catgirl just dropped

I got bored one day and with some money to burn I decided to send a request to a Jap artist on skeb with a picture of Marsey saying “can you turn her into a cute and sexy catgirl” and this is what I got

edit: Artist is koda1ra

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  • BWC : Built for the Blackest Sub-Saharan African BIPOC BBC
Marsey the Catgirl SillyTavern AI card release! Full emotion card included

To interact with Marsey you will need to follow the sillytavern setup instructions, you can either use a local model or hook her up to GPT api or something. I don't want to share my IP address but maybe some dramanaut might be able to open a session up for people using this.

!coomers !codecels

Example chats.

edit: I am heavily in negative coins now, money pls

actual original comic [Comic] Marsey Commits a Love Crime

Also posted on WPD

Marsey kills LGBT cats so that LGBT cats will get support from the public. Will it work? Marsey doesn't know. :marseyshy: I thought of the idea for the comic about a week ago. It was based on a reddit comment. Sorry for the wordswordswords in the last panel. I didn't know how else to convey the idea.

This is my second Marsey comic. This was my first. (Image link) I hope to see more Marsey comics from rDrama. I originally wanted to try a new art style without solid shading, but I didn't do it because I rushed to finish the comic before the Halloween event ended.

Alternate versions:


No Marsey shadow in panel 2


  • 1. Marsey stands next to a dead rainbow (LGBT) cat with an axe. A scared rainbow cat runs away from her.

  • 2. Rainbow cat: "Why do you hate us so much that you want to kill us?" (The rainbow cat is lying in a corner and crying. Marsey's shadow is cast over the rainbow cat.)

  • 3. Marsey: "Hate you?" (Marsey looks confused.)

  • 4. Marsey: "I'm doing this because I support you!" (Marsey cheerfully points at a poster titled "How 2 help LGBT". It says "1. Kill LGBT 2. LGBT gets sympathy and support =) [uptrend graph] <3".)

(Drawn using GIMP :marseywilberface:, the fonts are Verdana and Playpen Sans)

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After seeing another dramanaut post their commission of an artist on skeb, I am certain there are more of you who are interested in supporting the creation of original art for our beloved feline mascot.

If you are indeed curious, I have compiled a list of artists I have come across in the last few months (minus the ones I have contracted), along with their prices and highlights. Every artist below is currently taking commissions, meaning if you were to reach out now, they would 100% accept your request to draw Marsey and within 2-8 weeks you too can present the next canon art and do your part in making a little history for this character - and maybe attract attention to this site! Good art makes for good advertising.

Note that if you send a commission request to an artist, you will need to send reference material for Marsey the Cat so that the artist knows what she should look like. I recommend you send over these three references at minimum - these are currently the only existing references of the "main" interpretation of Marsey as a human with cat ears.

Main Interpretation

Reference 01 - by Dramarama

Reference 02 - by Dramarama

Reference 03 - by artist commission (YunreArt)

Reference 04 - by artist commission (Ellireii)

Reference 05 - by Dramarama

Alternative interpretations

Reference A - by artist commission

Reference B - OC by Tooka (RIP)

Reference C - OC by Tooka (RIP)

Reference D - OC by TheTroubleWithPibbles

Reference E - edit by Chapose (?)

Reference F - edit by Chapose (?)


minoripinorin - deviantart (website) /sfw/ : $35 - $55 : 01 02 03

hamcheesesand - pixiv (pixiv requests / skeb) /sfw to mild nsfw/ : $60 : 01

kozzzy (website) /sfw/ : $30 - $70 : 01

Ellireii - DeviantArt - pixiv (website) /sfw/ : $65 - $90 : 01 02 Has Marsey Experience

bbaronge - pixiv (pixiv requests) /mild nsfw/ : $115 : 01 02 03 04

hyminart (website) /sfw to mild nsfw/ : $55 - $120 : 01 02 03

ShimayaEiko (email @ bottom of this deviantart page) /sfw/ : $60 - $140 : 01 02 03

luxiel - pixiv (pixiv requests) /sfw to mild nsfw/ : $80 - $150 : 01 02

hand_linke - pixiv (pixiv requests / skeb) /mild nsfw to mid nsfw/ : $150 : 01

Kuse0201 - pixiv (pixiv requests) /mid nsfw/ : $185 : 01 02

Beleven - pixiv (pixiv requests / website) /sfw to hard nsfw/ : $90 - $210 : 01 02 03 04

eruerumaccho - pixiv (pixiv requests / skeb) /mid nsfw/ : $225 : 01

hamahama - pixiv (pixiv requests) /mild nsfw to mid nsfw/ : $225 : 01 02 03 04 05

RafaelM32770870 - pixiv (pixiv requests) /sfw to mid nsfw/ : $225 : 01 02 03 04 05

Aono_99 - pixiv (pixiv requests / skeb) /sfw/ : $250 : 01 02 03

SOLar_Bim - pixiv (pixiv requests) /mild nsfw to mid nsfw/ : $375 : 01 02 03 04

alan771124 - pixiv (pixiv requests) /mild to mid nsfw/ : $375 : 01 02 03 04 05 06

U O S A - pixiv (pixiv requests) /sfw to mid nsfw/ : $450 : 01 02 03

soki - pixiv (email @ twitter bio) /sfw to mild nsfw/ : ??? : 01 02 03 04

Hard NSFW Artists

Shymiruku (website) /hard nsfw/ : $20 - $60

_anannex - pixiv (pixiv requests / skeb) /hard nsfw/ : $75

ny7 - pixiv (pixiv requests) /mid nsfw to hard nsfw/ : $90 : 01 02

ネム@skeb募集中 (pixiv requests / skeb) /mid nsfw to hard nsfw/ : $90 : 01 02 03

KoUMei✿ - pixiv (pixiv requests / skeb) /hard nsfw/ : $90

mary_san16 - pixiv (pixiv requests / skeb) /mild nsfw to borderline hard nsfw/ : $150 : 01 02 03

LsLs791 - pixiv (pixiv requests) /hard nsfw/ : $180 : 01

Reported by:
Marsey SDXL!!! Big Marsey catgirl update!

Download here!

!anime !coomers

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Remember to follow me for notifications on more marseys!

redo of this image

edit: nooo my coins :marseycry:

Edit: another one

and a slight messed up raw that still was quite nice

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Straight up Marsey catgirl r34 hentai - nsfw

I didn't think people were being degen enough or using the lora fully so here is what you can do with it

Personally I will stop lewding her for now, but it's a free country and the tооls are there for you

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Made for this based epic king coomer @BasedEpicKing who's been gooning it to the orange cat.

Anyone have an alt seeing eye?

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Oh boy, this slope sure is slippery


We are onto the next step towards an AI generated Marseyverse!

Textual Inversion lets you train Stable Diffusion (to an extent) off of a few images. It works okay. There's already something newer and much better, but of course it's locked down by Google, so this the best thing available for a bit. I trained a few models on some Marseys to see how they'd perform.


digital art of Marsey in the style of Marsey

digital art of a dog in the style of Marsey

digital art of an elephant in the style of Marsey

Peter Griffin in the style of Marsey

a 3d render of Marsey, octane render, cgsociety, raytracing

It's great at style transfer, someone with artistic ability could use img2img + inpainting very effectively to make Marsey-style art. The embeddings are here if anyone's interested in trying it. Run this webui to use them.

And look at this picture I made using generated art. I like how Stable Diffusion gave the planet that smile :)

Reported by:
Catgirl Marsey in a bind

!straggots + carp :marseywave2:


also note there is a new lora model

Reported by:
:marseycatgirl4: New Marsey commission by @brzl just dropped :marseypainter:


Hello Chiobu.

I'm taking a break from rDrama so I grassed myself, but I still have some commission being worked on since the summer. Another one just came in.

Would you mind posting this on my behalf?

Already uploaded to our KYM page:

Artist: EloruArt



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Gentlemen, Marsey Commission - Marsey at the Cafe :marseysipping:

Artist: Ellireii a Polish lass :marseypoor: - DeviantArt - pixiv - Twitter

Cost: $80 USD

I asked her to make a drawing based off of this emoji



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