Platysfield NFT Load #2 :marseyfurry2: :donkeykongkart:

More furry! :#platyhuggingmarsey:

Platysfield NFT #3: Mama Blois :#marseylois: Owned by @CumInspector :#lappcum:

LORE: Loving batsex giver and mother of the Gratipus family! :#marseyfamily:

Platysfield NFT #4: Pleter Gratipus :#petergriffinyes: Owned by @FourthEggnog :#marseyeggirl:

LORE: hey lois this reminds me of the time i turned into a Platysfield NFT :#marseyfamily: loving husband of Blois and honorary Family Platy :#petergriffindolphin:

Sorensfield NFT #3: Racecar Platy :#donkeykongkart2: Owned by @Paragon :#marseyilluminati:

LORE: Racecar Platy. Platysfield famous racer, vaxmaxxed, and professional Batfricker. Once the public learned he was strag mixing, his shitbull boss fired him, forcing him to join a secret Sorensfield faction for free housing and benefits. He now rides the Duckysfield plains, murdering any shitbull he comes across :#marseypibblechad:

Sorensfield NFT #4: Becky :#twerkingfurry1: Owned by @BipocCuteNewY-slur :#marseyretardchad:

LORE: Racecar Platy's secret wife. She used to sing on tour across Platysfield until strag mixing tarnisher her reputation. She works the desks of the Sorilluminati, constantly fearing Racecar Platy's dangerous persuits will lead to his demise :#platyfear:

DEEP lesson from Platysfield: no strag mixing! :#platythumbsup:

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!furries !anime !g*mers strag mixing? it's more common than you think! :#carpchud:

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