Platysfield NFT Load #4 :marseychadthundercock: :gigachad2:

Platysfield NFT #7: FUXX. :#platyseethe: Owned by @BrasilIguana :#gigachad4:

LORE: KILLS STRAGGOTS. That's all you need to know about him :#carpagreefast:


Platysfield NFT #8: Wendle the Marsister :#shmleep: Owned by @E

LORE: One of the Marsister! :#steamhappy: weightmaxxes so she can epixally BAIT straightanists into a ROUNDHOUSE KICK STRAG PATROL EPIX STILE :#lolrage::#lolrage::#lolrage: :#motherfucker: has an OwO award and a bob :#marseypusheen2:

Sorensfield NFT #7: Ploren :#marseyaware: Owned by @The_God_Of_Raisins :#gigachadqueen:

LORE: Former Platysfield Plavatar AND MOID, the Jewish Transmonk sect subjected xer to INTENSE ritual that transitioned xer into a Jewish Trancel to defeat Duke StragRuq with a bitchslap :#bitchslap: xhe never coped well with xer transition so xhe turned to a life of straightanism in the hopes of illegally detransitioning :#marseydeadinside2: SPOILER: XHE NEVER DOES :#lolrage::#lolrage::#lolrage:

Sorensfield NFT #8: Donna Plateron :#carpafroparty: Owned by @TheDunceonMistress :#pimp:

LORE: The former wife of !the ONLY QUEEN of Platysfield, she had MAD S*X with Queen Platicious CONSTANTLY then got into a b-word fight which got recorded and sold on the STRAG MARKET :#brookscringe: NOT. COOL. :#macronarmscrossed: Platicious needed a scape goat; GOT RID OF THAT BITCHASS NOW SHE WORKING HOOTERS IN SORENSFIELD :#brookslaugh:

!anime !coomers !2dgooners !g*mers !sigmastacies Platicious died 100 years ago. :#macronsad2: How did Plateron outlive xer? :#platyseethe: FUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX :#platymarill:

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Take your meds schizo

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!atheists Fuxx says to STRAG PATROL CHRISTIANS :#shadowrage:


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Meds. Now.

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:#dinono: !downmarseyrs if ONE MORE PERSON SAYS M*DS, they will be TAXMAXXED. PERIODT. :#dinover:

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