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We need to do a recruitment drive to attract more ultra-lefties.

One thing about my posts, is that they are designed to trigger those on the extremes of both political spectrums, only chuds are getting triggered by them. A lot of my posts could just as easily trigger lefties without a single change because they are well-informed, rational and I develop them based on evidence.

The userbase of the site is too unbalanced, and to balance the site then we need to do a recruitment drive to bring super leftwing people to the site. This site is not supposed to be a hugbox.

I think we should hold an rdrama recruitment drive to attract ultra-leftwing radicals onto the site to balance out the chuddiness.

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They keep leaving because they're thinskinned cute twinks tbh

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I see more people crying about commies/socialists than actual communists and socialists on here. We need more of them.

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Yeah because they all left you r-slur. They couldn't even own a few chuds

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Why would they stay, 80% of the site is a certain type of burger wingnut or overseas posters playing to it. Fear blacks, suck zionist peepee, hate young white women and then simp on them, love guns, ape bush era neocons, really think america is the best country in the world. Not even hard right which is entertaining.




Put a Gaza charity or gun control banner and watch the users seethe.

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!fellas Tag yourself

>Fear blacks ❌

>suck zionist peepee ✅

>hate young white women and then simp on them ❌

>love guns 🤔own some for home defense but don't shoot often

>ape bush era neocons ✅

>really think america is the best country in the world.✅✅✅✅

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>Fear blacks

Nah I just think they smell

>suck zionist peepee

Nah I hate jewish chads and hope Palestine and Israel wipe each other out lole

>hate young white women and then simp on them

I hate all women and only simp for my girlfriend

>love guns 🤔own some for home defense but don't shoot often

Guns are for cute twinks

>ape bush era neocons

Nah I'm fairly left-leaning though I hate poors

>really think america is the best country in the world

Unironically true. Frick Europedos

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Imagine not supporting the last statement :marseysaluteusa: :marseypatriot::chadusa:

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You made no argument :marseystrawman: and in fact only proved leftists are so sensitive :marseysnowflake: they literally :marseyme: can't handle just seeing content :marseyregular: they don't agree :marseyyes: with and refuse :marseyprotestno: to engage in any meaningful culture war TO establish themselves as a focal point :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: of the site. Normally they'd accomplish this via :!marseytrain:s :marseytrans2: but we have the best transphobes here

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They can stay on reddit and argue with indistinguishable posters on Noncredible Defence or ActualPublicFreakOut or Combatfootage. HailVictory1776 is a user a communist would argue with in a way xould not on Reddit.

Consider this: site really likes Bidens conservative momements, thinks a Chud award saying 'I stand with Isreal' ticks of right wingnuts. These peeps are still on Reddit.

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You're literally :marseyme: incomprehensible

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In this house we stand against ableism!

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I did leave for awhile because people were brigading and spamming false p-dophile accusations on all of my posts without evidence because they got triggered, but it was only because I wasn't afraid of getting under peoples skin.

It just got annoying having to defend myself constantly.

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  • Sphereserf3232 : How can Ritalin be a fragile leftoid if there are no leftoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

^ exhibit a of fragile leftoids retreating to their hugbox

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No, because I worked with vulnerable children in the past, my dox is public knowledge and it's kind of a peepee move to throw false accusations of pedophilia around because you disagree with someone. It makes light of people who have been sexually abused and just makes you an butthole.

It's just, I got bored with arguing with unhinged rightoids. They are boring.

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:marseyseethe: "they're so boring omg I wasn't owned"

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I wasn't.

I'm not the one calling someone a p-dophile because I got triggered and disagreed with someone.

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  • Sphereserf3232 : How can Ritalin be an unresilient leftoid if there are no leftoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

cant handle toddler tier internet bantz

world's most resilient leftoid

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keep yourself safe cute twink p-dophile parasite

Stay away from kids

Trans lives matter splattered across the pavement

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>getting called a p-do subhuman under your every comment by 80 iq tarded neets.

>thin skinned

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Unironic p-dophiles just make light of a heinous criminal offense because they are under the impression that they are in good company and it's just "all in good fun".

Pedophilia should not be normalized because people here can't stop thinking about child molestation and believe they are in company of other p-dophiles.

I get offended by being accused of being a p-dophile without any proof or evidence because I think and believe that exploiting someone vulnerable is one of the most evil things someone can do. It doesn't make me thin skinned, it means I'm not a p-dophile.

I'm honestly going to leave this site if @Kongvann doesn't address the p-dophile issue. I don't want to be associated with p-dophiles.

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Wait is this idio?

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!anticommunists do not call this user a p-dophile. He's a commie and will leave if you even hint that he is a dirty chomo.

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every word is geared to attract attention, it's embarrassing

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I like attention.

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Chances are 90% of your thoughts and posts are about child molestation and child abuse.

If you can't stop thinking or posting about molesting children and it gets to the point where you start seeing mundane things as pedophilia, you need therapy.

Please get help so you don't act on your sick obsession.

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I'm just calling you a p-do because the other guy said you were one. Thinking about child abuse? I'm not thinking at all sweaty


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That's the only lefty i called a p-do. Are all of you r-slurs also kiddie diddlers?

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https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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The ones that stay don't intraleft fight either because they kinda have to have eachother's back. Like Irish and English mercenaries in the closing days of Rhodesia.

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The ones who stay are just crypto-rightoids

Looking at you RFV2 @Tonberry know youll read this because @Tonberry stand with israel in hopes itill perish as nation

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those of us that are here don't actually fear dissenting voices tbh

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Exactly. But arguably 90% of self described hardcore leftists online :marseyidio3: are mentally :marseymeds: wekaer than a sand castle

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90% is being really generous.

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Nearly as much as youse guys

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:marseynerd3: Actually...

Rightoids generally aren't as fragile as leftoids. The left fetishises victimhood, so of course they're always scurrying off into their hugboxes the moment things get tense, only to shriek back their rejoinders from afar.

Rightoids are, however, undeniably dumber than leftoids. Just not as fragile.

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Just not as fragile.

Drop a train or a Jew in a rightoid space and see them all explode

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I'm not saying they're not fragile, just nowhere near as much as leftoids.

I'm also not saying leftoids are smart, most of them are fricking idiots, they're just not as dumb as rightoids.

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You get a gold star for trying. Maybe someday leftoids will rediscover how to be funny.


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TND is too kind a fate for you

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Nuh uh :marseylaptopangry2:

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Well you've just defined them, since it's all about the weak and needy and lifting them up WAY above the strongest. Via force if necessary.

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https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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I've ACTUALLY :marseynerd3: been informed they left because there's too many chuds, which somehow doesn't prove they're too thin skinned to out up any sort of push back against them, which is why they left, but they aren't thin skinned though of course

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>hey guys, dude BIPOCS amiright?

>hey guys, trains bad lmao xdxdxd

>hey guys, gommies le bad

x 100

Lefties should stay, why? Shit's boring

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Point :marseyhesklennyyouknow: in case lefties have no spine nor will to outmatch chuds, despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: their constant whining on this site.



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Go outside

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I'm literally :marseyme: at work getting paid to shit post

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I'm not at your mom's house :marseykiwivampire: porking her, where :marseydrama: else could I be

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debatebro nonsense :talk2hand:

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EFoid avoidance

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>you have to waste :marseyboognish: time debating the chuds because you just have to ok


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No, I said you have to push against them you don't debate. Literally :marseyme: just post funnier memes/better drama :marseydramabardfinn: than them and you'll win but ooooh wait all you left cucks literally :marseyme: post 0 drama :marseypopcorn: that isn't inherently wingcucked

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You're boring.


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