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I just spoke with Krayon (sister toucher)'s dad on the phone

X (formerly chiobu) was able to find Krayon (sister toucher)'s actual Dad. His dad is a Pastor.

I called the phone number I found for him and we had a really wonderful conversation. His dad also prayed for me.

It turns out he was already aware of the situation. Krayon (sister toucher) got concerned and felt guilty when I said the doxxing made me suicidal and he went to his dad for advice.

Krayon (sister toucher), I forgive you. You are beyond blessed to have such a kind and loving father, I hope you know that.

I ask that no one bothers his father as he is already aware of what happened and asked me to contact him if this continues or happens again.

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I'm sure you mean well but you should really stop contacting people from this website :marseyxd:

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don't listen to him Frozen. You should meet up with everyone on this site! everyone on here is very well adjusted and I'm sure you won't end up r*ped or murdered

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let's all meet irl!

me, btw


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There's gonna be a meating alright.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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>your face when you accidentally change camera

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@FrozenChosen one of these years I'm gonna do a road trip to all the MLB stadiums. Want to go to a Cubs game?

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Tack is such a fricking cute twink

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Sure! I live near Wrigley Field . Could prob get a whole cohort of dramatards.

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Yeah, honestly what @FrozenChosen did here is way way worse than anything Krayon (sister toucher) ever did.

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Good thing the father is a pious man and thus should be able to ward off her advances. If he's smart he'll lose that number quickly!

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It was healing to talk to his dad oddly enough. And I don't talk to people from here that much these days.

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This is such a cinge LARP.

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Is it worse or better if it's real?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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t. pot

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It was healing to talk to his dad

Peak :marseywomanmoment2:

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If you bang his dad you will have surpassed even SPAL

Trans lives matter

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OK that would be kinda epic lol

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He does look like a really nice man in his photo.

I knew a kid in HS who's dad was a Reverend and he was really fricked up like Krayon (sister toucher) too, it's weird how that works out.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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>dad acts nice in public

>goes home and beats and r*pes his kid

>kid turns out fricked up

>it's weird how that works out

so weird

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Went to a religious school and the kids of pastors were indeed fricked up. His dad being a pastor explains a lot and why Krayon (sister toucher) can get away with shit after saying sorry 1000 times and just doing it again.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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pastor's and missionary's kids are always absolute hellions


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Unless they go into the family business.

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No, especially if they go in the family business

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Qrd on krayon (sister toucher)?

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Some sperg who wanted to frick his sister. Frozen once sent him seminudes or something and he got super obsessed.

He still making alts that get banned and is still on kiwifarms doxxing 'people'

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He got obsessed with muliple women on here and is a self-described sexpest

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Lmao Ty

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Worse, she contacted a person not from this website but related to a person from this website. Don't bring innocent people into the cross-fire.

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I can't even imagine how that would go. “So your son is on this gay cat website… yes the one with all the flashing lights and trans banners… yes I'm the ‘foid' he keeps mumbling about…”

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He must know his son is crazy demon-possessed, right?

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The banner about Krayon (sister toucher) molesting his sister is back up too. lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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what would be harder to explain to your parents?

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If you don't explain in great detail your internet adventures to friends and family, you're missing out. Jeremy keeps asking for updates

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my wife is legit jealous of frocho since I talk about her drama IRL too much :marseyrope:

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That's really pathetic man

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i can't just lie when she asks what i laugh about! that would make it worse

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Why simp over an e-foid if you have a wife? Moid moment frfr

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my friends just complain about the web design when I link drama to them

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I have to wonder about the people I know well enough to share drama with. no one mentions the 2004 myspace theme

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I can't get it through my one friends head that it's okay to be silly on the internet.

He's always like "I SHOULDN'T have to make an account to disable Y!! This is a very poor UX!!", I'm like it's just a silly website bro, it doesn't even need an email.

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She definitely does not mean well lmao.

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I feel like she might've meant well when she gave KKKrayon (sister toucher) her number, but she forgot to never trust men

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He obviously doesn't care about consent. Of course she gave him her number

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no this is one of the most based :marseychadyes: things frozens ever done

@FrozenChosen contact everyones parents whenever they become a nuisance

:marsey#spiderman: spider gang for life :marsey#!spiderman:

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I doubt she means well

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I read contracting and thought “wrong foid.”

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Yeah but how else do you get that sweet sweet :#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal:

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:marseysad2: it was funnier when his dad was a crazy murderer.

Pastors are annoying because they're so sincere it's hard to be a b-word to their face but then they'll get you with guilt and :marseyjesus: later. Some of my earliest internet trolling was stirring up shit on Christian message boards to try and look kewl to internet atheists :marseyamazingatheist: but my opsec was poor and some preacher called our house and ratted me out to my dad / told him he was praying for me and that I was just a wayward little lamb. :marseysheep: I felt really bad for a solid few days and got my internet privileges restricted for a few weeks, by which time I no longer felt guilty and was righteously outraged that I couldn't even go on AIM.

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!besties new jimielore :#marseygossip:

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Pastors are annoying because they're so sincere


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Was this before facebook? Because it would be extra funny that way

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I think so. When did FB start? Like 2010?

I was like 12 or 13 going on PHP message boards and AOL chat rooms and trying to pwn the christfags through facts and logic and blowing their minds with the flying spaghetti monster. I thought the internet atheists were so impressed with how kewl and smart I was for owning the bible thumpers but actually in retrospect the Jeebus lovers were nicer and the atheists were weird neckbear :marseycoomer2:.

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Pretty much the exact same experience. I thought I was being so euphoric and the Christians I insulted were kind to me. I no longer care whether they are wrong or right.

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How the F did you get doxxed then? Did you post with your full name or something

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It was a long time ago and I'm not 100% sure I knew even at the time.

I gave up way more personal details on the atheist forum because I wanted attention there (I lied and said I was 16 to be cooler, but I probably said the name of my town and my school) and I think it really never occurred to me that the Godhead could follow me home to the same forum I was posting lots of links from in support of my dumb arguments. :marseypaintretard:

I really thought Internet Christians were stupid and I was euphoric in my own intelligence. I was a very bright, very stupid, very obnoxious child.

Plus ça change

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I was a very stupid, very obnoxious child.

And you still are today!


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Yeah, no shit. :marseyblowkiss: That's what Plus ça change means, so thanks for making the same joke I already made at my own expense, but dumber, and not in classy French.

Are you sure you're not an rslurred christstrag?

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Not knowing french actually means hes smarter than you

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>French comedy


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Am I ever glad I never fell down the internet atheist rabbit hole :marseyautismgenocide:

Idk why it missed me, I was the perfect candidate to be a fedora lord

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:marseyheart: good on you. I'm glad that we're friends :marseyheart:

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I was trolling on yahoo chat rooms in 1996

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When did FB start? Like 2010?

imagine being too young to witness facebook in all its glory prior to public release in 2006. It was real people posting like it was 4chan with their real names. It was just a doxing service until a little after 2010. You could find anyone with the smallest bit of info about them

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:marseybib: <-- @JimieWhales

:marseybib: :marseytypinglaugh: :marseyweeb: :to: :marseypastor: :marseyraging:

:marseypastor: :marseygossip: :!marseygrilling2:

"no more internet jimie"

:marseygrilling2talking: :!marseybib:


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You forgot to upmarsey my comment

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sorry sir. Wont happen again sir.

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RNGesus confirms: pasture was GAY

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Could you ask his dad to be a guest on my show please? Thanks frocho!

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y r u not ban?

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FrozenChozen called Grillcasts dad on the phone and had a very healing talk

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:marsey#spiderman: spider gang for life :marsey#!spiderman:

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@grillcasts dad seemed pretty chill on the show. I almost worry he would make fun of her calling

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A cabal of grillers annoyed the jannies until frocho unbanned me. I was planning on continuing my crusade but I was busy for a few days and lost motivation to continue

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Don't feel bad, the same thing happened to Pope Innocent VI.

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let me know when ur balls drop, not gonna listen too you squeak for an hour long podcast.

jewish lives matter

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How sweet you talked to your future father in law :#marseywholesome:

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when mid 30's moids get with 19 year old, it gives people the ick. When 30 something foids get with 19 year olds, it's considered "wholesome." your double standards are disgusting.

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Yet those standards still exist. :marseycope:

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