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STARRY :marseypretty: ALT UNMASKED

its choibu

the pixels :marseyplace: from screenshots posted to both accounts line up exactly.

the following pics have NOT BEEN SCALED. it just so happens that choibu and my fake alt have the same exact view scaling and font family :marseyeeriedeathpose: options. curious

the last pic is some random :marseycitrusshrug: user (control). note how it has totally different :marseyvenn3: scaling from everything else


top- screenshot from choibu https://rdrama.net/h/transgender/post/302025/deleted-because-they-told-the-truth/7052455#context

middle- screenshot from @starry_aIt - https://rdrama.net/@starry_aIt/comments

bottom- some random :marseycitrusshrug: user https://rdrama.net/post/303093/rdrama-bimonthly-census-badge-opportunity-lgbt

here is a version with them overlapping (note how "ago" is the EXACT SAME):


@Grue someone ping metashit pls

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>chiobu likes larping as :!marseytrain:s and looking at ugly :marseytrain: fetish pics

!metashit wasnt this already common knowledge?

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If I knew this was going to come out, I would have never tried to get Chiobu banned for train posting.


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How could you?

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By being a fricking moron :marseybrainlet:

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!r-slurs one of us

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:marseybeanrelieved: thank God.

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Its true mate dont deny it

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What the frick

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I don't know (or care) how true these allegations are, but they're highly entertaining regardless. :marseypopcorn::marseypopcorntime:

!trolls !metashit !dramatards

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I dont even understand how does this proof work but its funny so i believe it

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r-slur alert

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Not the first time this cute twink manipulated shit to incriminate me :yawn:

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It's over sweaty, stop the cap :#itendsnow:

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I don't even understand this post

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It's too high tech for your slinty eyes


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:#marseytransrentfree: confirmed

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This you?

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Another :#marseytransrentfree: confirmed lmaoooo

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>edgy gimmickBIPOC

>draws the moralstrag line at :!marseytrain:s


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The ACKs are coming from inside his house. He has a :marseytrain: brother or sister or something, I think. Or he just plain ol' likes :marseytrain: peepee. Either way, biggest yawnposter on the site :marseysmug2:


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He has a :marseytrain: brother or sister or something

CDO is :marseykrayon: ? :marseyshook:

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Explains a lot, doesn't it?

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Please don't bully Creamy Chaser Orgasm, he gets very upset when his edgelord dog s*x persona gets exposed and reveals the true sensitive feminine peepee enjoyer :marseytransflag2:

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Creamy's tossed off snark i.e r*pe jokes, beastiality etc

My/@x's existential malice i.e making fun of :!marseytrain:s on the internet

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Why are you laughing? I got doxxed!


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I don't get how this is proof tbh. Scaling on a screenshot would be decided on a computer level, by the snapshot-taking program or by your zoom so they could both have the same settings. It's not really insane. Mine for comparison I guess.


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!metashit another chiobu alt exposed

This post rests on native land

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It came to him in a fever dream, you see

:#marseyschizowall: :#marseychioburentfree:

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Zoomers aus!

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exactly, it shows the posts were made from the same computer :marseylaptop: w/ the same settings bc the scaling is exactly the same. in the example u posted, ur scaling is slightly smaller :marseyvenn5: than choibu's.

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scaling is slightly smaller than choibu's.

It is? Looks the same to me.

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@Grue please ping metashit this is huge

This post rests on native land

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!metashit dont you own the group?

Black lives matter

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This post rests on native land

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Do it yourself, lazy r-slur

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Rightoid transphobe cute twink reveals himself to be a :marseytrain:-obsessed chaser lmfao how embarrassing


Waiting for @jesus to be outed next

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The secret is that he's (she's (he's)) been trans from the start

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Still pretending to be a quirked up enby foid (female) on rdrama? :#scott:

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Still pretending not to be an r-slured BIPOC in your daily life?

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Wait just realized there are 2 grues too

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@X an artist signs his work, king.

Black Lives Matter

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Hey, that's a very cool shark! @C333


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Shark chads rise up.

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This explains why he (or xhe) tried to dm me and get me involved with some weird shit

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Why doesn't anyone want to dm me and invite me to some weird s*x thing :marseysad:

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You're too poor

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Idk @starry_aIt publically said "dm me" and I asked Starry if that was her and she said no. I didn't engage because I knew @X was up to something

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I'm a little r-slurred so I could be wrong here but I'm pretty sure this just means their monitors are the same resolution and roughly the same size...? Like, assuming neither one of them has severe DPI autism and runs their OS at some r-slurred custom scale that makes everything tiny or huge, all this indicates is that they use similarly sized monitors. I'm guessing the lower screenshot is a phoneposter.

I think cheebs has sperged about chromeos before so he's probably using a basic b-word 1080p 15" display which is, like, the most common monitor config in the world excluding smartphones.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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i havent found :marseymimic: any two people on here who have the same scaling yet. i tested more than just the example in the post. everyone :marseynorm: has slightly different :marseyvenn3: scaling. @MoonMetropolis has the smallest, followed by @Avalon, who is slightly bigger. then we get choibu's accs, which have the exact same. font matters too, its different :marseydumbcomparison: from system :marseymars: to system, so u need to see if the fonts line up exactly.

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tronbros vindicated forever

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You're perpetuating harmful language even after being told it's harmful. If you don't understand why it's harmful, or my very clear explanations aren't good enough for you, look it up. Maybe someone else will be able to teach you how not to be rude, but you clearly aren't actually engaging in my argument, so I'm done with you.

Seriously, though, try and be better. And look it up if you don't understand what I'm saying, because this is a real issue and ignoring it after it's been revealed to you would make you willfully ignorant, rather than just the not knowing something type of ignorant, which everyone is about hundreds of topics, and is not a bad thing. Being unwilling to learn when you discover there might be an issue is exactly one of the main problems that perpetuates the patriarchy and racism. It's easier to be a bigot than to correct your thinking, I get it, but just try.

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I'm now convinced it's @X but not for any of the :marseyschizowall: reasons in your post


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