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>claims to be a heckin badass le misanthrope

>soys out like a typical redditor at people telling a strag to keep yourself safe



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@MoonMetropolis could be here he thiught. Moon could be anywhere. "Ive never met a felon convicted of terrorism before" he said loudly to himself.



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!marseyartists I tried to make josh goldberg's mugshot into a hat but got sleepy :marseyteehee:

maybe someone else can do it

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Now it's getting interesting


Does @MoonMetropolis fly off the deep end? Does the nefarious, evil @Spiderman gaslight another innocent user into psychosis and have the entire site turn on him?


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Oh, no, you caught me! Yes, I hacked into Goldberg's old Twitter account right after his prison release date and posted for several months hoping that someone from rDrama would randomly contact me and then, once they did, I created this fake account on here, posted a fake Joshua Ryne Goldberg state ID card, posted some fake Joshua Ryne Goldberg Bureau of Prisons documents, conducted a fake interview with @TheGrillcast (which I heavily researched to make sure that it included tons of details that only Goldberg would know), hacked into Goldberg's old IMDb account, hacked into Goldberg's old Yahoo! Mail account, and hacked into several of Goldberg's old Reddit accounts. I did all of this because... uhhh... because I just felt like it, okay? And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling incels!


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Homie are you ok? He was quoting a copypasta but I have no idea how you got the impression he was suggesting you aren't Goldberg in that post :marseywut2:

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He's still in 2014. Just enjoy the autism

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the response is a cry for help

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He's posted it sm times

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This is also a copypasta search "author:moonmetropolis meddling"

Black Lives Matter

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It's not a copy pasta if he's copy pasting his own sperg out

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Black lives matter

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No I'm not, you can't give yourself a nickname, and you can't make your "own" copy pasta. It is not within the social confines of operation, and in this world social perception matters. Having only a few spergs share your view is tantamount to being wrong in this post truth world

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Black Lives Matter- a copypasta is an activity. You do it. He's doing it.

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@BrasilIguana don't think he's implying you are not who you say you are, @BrasilIguana think he's implying you're concern is fake or you're claims of misanthropy, which @BrasilIguana don't know if you made because @BrasilIguana still don't really understand who you are

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Um viado que só escreve textão bosta que muita gente aqui gosta e que também deixa muita gente putassa.

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This is like the fifth time you've posted this

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SO so ironic lmfao. @MoonMetropolis when was the last time you went outside?

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:marseynotesglow: Close to one month ago


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!thin analysis

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Impressive for this cave-dweller

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:#marseymanysuchcases: the rdramadittors

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Keep yourself safe unfunny pinkname there's nothing "soy" about not wanting to see someone's r-slurred teenage son getting egged on to commit suicide by edgy internet dorks.

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Yes there is- soy is pro-social, based is insane crackhead BIPOC shit. They have their places and you must find the balance :marseymonk:

Black lives matter

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Gruetelligent and Gruelightened response as always.

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Moral strag

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:marseyspit: Are we witnessing the character arc of an antihero? It's a true !superheroes moment to protect a man crying out for help. I didn't anticipate such an event.

!friendsofspiderman :handshake: @MoonMetropolis I am burying my hatchet if he continues to serve the cause of Justice. :marseyspiderman2:

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he's no "antihero" he is a villain(and a racist). His intentions are cruel, his objectives are diablolical, and he has poor taste. His agenda must be frustrated at all costs.



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We should :marseynorm: give him another chance.

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ok, butt only bc you said so.


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:marseythinkorino: but an antihero is usually a villain who has changed their ways.

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He's a natural satellite, a city sitting on a natural satellite, or a man sitting in a city on a natural satellite. :marseymoonman: I don't think he's a zebra.

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I thought an antihero is just a normal guy put in a storytelling worth situation that looks out for his own interests and can't really be called a villain or a hero

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I think they could be either? :marseyvenn2: Mostly I wanted to ping superheroes not just friendsofspiderman. :marseyspecial:

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Moonie has always been a complicated man ^^

Black lives matter

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For the record since this is a metashit thread I'm not on :marseygroomer: and only got invited to the group chats once this had already started. I literally just decided to defend @Spiderman because he's my pal and I thought Moon went too far insulting him. :marseyteehee: You can also witness this same principle in action when I continue to spam @Aevann to FREE MY PEOPLE from chudrama prison.


@MoonMetropolis stop throwing stones from within your glass house and we can be moralstrags together! There's someone very important to me :marseyandjesus: who looks kindly upon your actions today.

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There's a well-known/notorious image - widely circulated on places like /r/cringepics and Cringe Channel - of a teenage boy saying "I have two personalities... Nicest person you will ever meet [picture of him smiling at the camera] And... TWISTED FRICKING PSYCHOPATH [picture of him with goth eye makeup on scowling and flicking a candle lighter]". As cringe-inducing as that image may be, it pretty much describes me. I can be the nicest person in the world, but I can also be a "twisted fricking psychopath". What I was doing online in the past, for example, is textbook psychopathic behavior: just starting random fires and trying to create as much chaos and destruction as I possibly could for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than simply because I could. But, when I was at Butner, I would also regularly help out the demented guys and the blind guys in the unit, which is about as far from psychopathic behavior as you can possibly get. I really don't understand myself, to be perfectly honest.

I identify as a nihilist, and I try my best to be as amoral as possible. Even so, I do not deliberately try to be cruel or sadistic, and I have nothing but contempt for those who do. I doubt you ever read the Two Kites From Other Inmates that I published a little while ago, but they demonstrate pretty well that many people who actually interact with me see right through the constant shock value edgelord shit that comes out of my mouth. I truly believe that humans, at their core, are nothing but pure evil with no redeeming qualities, but that still doesn't mean that I'm going to go out of my way to be evil just for the heck of it. People like the ones egging on @ObamaBinLaden to commit suicide are perfect examples of why I hate this miserable species so much.

I've never remotely thought of myself as being a positive person - quite the opposite, in fact. But, again, many people in prison thought of me as a positive person. One of my old cellmates thought of me as being a very positive person because, he said, I was helping him grow as a person. He thanked me for putting up with all manner of shit from him, and for helping him to get off of drugs and get out of the convict mentality. And, later, the case manager at Terre Haute FCI tasked me with being something of a keeper for a suicidal psych patient who had just arrived on my unit. He got sexually assaulted at his previous institution, so he was very nervous and frightened to be there. I assured the case manager that I would look out for this guy and I told the psych patient that, if he had any problems, to come to me about it, because I'm a psych patient just like him. I accepted him as my cellmate when nobody else would take him in, and I paid a shitton of money to have my room all painted and waxed up because he said that the room made him want to kill himself. It's actually much easier for me to deal with psych patients than it is for me to deal with quote-unquote "normal" people, because, obviously, I'm not a quote-unquote "normal" person and, as such, I simply cannot relate to normies on any level. But I can certainly relate to psych patients and other social outcasts.

I should note, however, that, after seemingly endless drama and him antagonizing me non-stop, the psych patient finally got moved to a different unit. I showed him nothing but kindness and he rewarded me by pooping all over me. As always, that's what I get for doing the right thing. No good deed goes unpunished. So much for karma.

When I was in prison, I wrote (and often repeated): "There are times when I honestly feel like my current life is the origin story for some comic book villain. With each passing day, I gradually feel myself turning into a truly bad guy."

During one of my previous extended durations in the SHU (solitary confinement), I read Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, who survived the Nazi concentration camps and went on to become one of the leading psychologists in the world. It was interesting, to be sure, but it certainly didn't change my way of thinking. I am still an atheist, still a nihilist, and most definitely still a misanthrope. If anything, reading about the Holocaust just further reinforces my view of how utterly vile the human race is. To be honest, I've never remotely understood the use of the word "humanity" as a synonym for kindness, selflessness, mercy, generosity, and so forth. That's the opposite of human nature, which is why it takes people so much more effort to behave like that. No, when I think of humanity, I think of things like the Holocaust, the slave trade, the Rwandan genocide, the Srebrenica massacre, and, more recently, the ethnic cleansing in Ukraine. That's what humanity is all about. The word "humanity" should be used as a synonym for cruelty, bigotry, selfishness, greed, prejudice, depravity, and lust for power.

The classic "Greater Internet Frickwad Theory" (coined by the webcomic Penny Arcade) holds that "regular person + anonymity + audience = total frickwad". The internet (and especially the dark web) provides us with an invaluable portal into the darkest recesses of the human psyche because, when people are completely anonymous and they know that they won't be held personally accountable for their actions, they will simply behave like the feral, depraved, iniquitous monsters that they really are (I, of all people, should know a thing or two about this sort of thing). People reveal aspects of themselves on the internet that they would never reveal to anyone in real life - not even to a therapist. But the only thing stopping people from behaving like that in real life is the threat of personal accountability for it. Look at any place where there are no laws - whether it's Somalia or New Orleans - and you'll see people behaving the exact same way that they behave on the internet. Or look at how UN diplomats act, because they're given total impunity. That's just their true, horrible human nature coming out.

To be perfectly honest, I don't think that there is such a thing as good people, and I don't think that humans possess any redeeming qualities. I think that all human beings are intrinsically rotten to the core. Everything that people do is motivated by selfishness. We are the only species that takes pleasure in the suffering of other members of our species, and we are the only species that kills for pleasure and not for survival. We also reproduce just for the sake of reproducing, and the only other species that does that is cancer. We are a cancer on this planet and, when we inevitably wipe ourselves out of existence, it will be the best thing we ever did. :doomerimpjak:


!metashit !sophistry !neurodivergents !schizos

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I have been told to do a flip dozens of times on this website when i expressed my suicidal thoughts. Somehow i doubt youd sperg out like this if you saw it happening to me. Keep crying, hypocrite.

!metashit !cuteandvalid

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No, actually, I would (if I could) permaban anyone who encouraged you to do a flip after you expressed suicidal thoughts. I don't care if you're an annoying :marseytrain:. Encouraging any suicidal person to commit suicide is pure psychopathic behavior that could potentially land the website in court.


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The censorship is coming from within the federal penitentiary.

KEEP YOURSELF SAFE unironically !metashit

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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So did that guy kill himself? You were able to prevent that, right?


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How would I know? :idontknow:

He hasn't posted since then, so he may have already done it. :rip:

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Based and consistentpilled :marseyclapping:

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Are you suicidal? If so, I think you should act on those thoughts and stream it so I can laugh rly hard while I eat my breakfast :marseygossip:

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complete bullshit

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been told to do a flip

Told to flip that frown upside down, right?


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This but unironically. He's constantly updooting trans hate but shits his pants when a poor wittle chuddy chuds out irl

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Let's make this somehow about me

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Someone else is suffering? How can I make this about me me me?


Wonder if xhe's gotten a job yet? :marseyhmm:

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Wonder if xhe's gotten a job yet?

:#marseyemojilaugh: :#marseyxdorbit:

neighbour hasnt even left the house in months

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!metashit someone summarize in 3 sentences or less pls

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Sadism is gay. Humans are evil. I hate everyone.

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:( unironically trust the science grue

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I think tou could learn to love people when universal organ transplants become a thing

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Even better, I'l do it in 3 marseys




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Id get put in jail if i tried to chatgpt that for real

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People like the ones egging on @ObamaBinLaden to commit suicide are perfect examples of why I hate this miserable species so much.

Who are you under the impression was egging him on?

There was like one predictable "lol keep yourself safe strag" post and a couple people wisely warning that a failed gunshot suicide will really really suck.

You linked this thread when @Grue asked before (after somehow misunderstanding his question) and I genuinely have no idea who in this thread you believe is "egging him on".

At most they're making light of it, which is, yknow, kind of expected here.

It's all particularly strange when you were seemingly trying to genuinely, without humor, encourage an neurodivergent kid you were mad at to kill himself about a week ago. I know you'll deny that these alts were yours, but :marseysmughips:


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Posting shit like "Lol dumb b-word keep yourself safe" and "he sounds r-slurred based off his suicide note so good riddance :snooze:" in response to someone posting a suicide note is pure psychopathic behavior that could potentially land the website in court and, at the very least, give us the same reputation as putrid swamps like Kiwi Farms. Not to mention, the people posting that shit could very well find themselves in court as well - very similar cases have resulted in successful prosecutions. Internet edgelord keyboard warriors are not nearly as anonymous as they think. I, of all people, should know a thing or two about that.

I never intended to go after Spiderman. He demanded money from me, I refused to give it to him, and then him and Patsy started attacking me for it and making absurd threats about what they would do if I didn't pay them. After spending 9 years in the joint, I do not take kindly to people trying to extort me. Yes, I made a couple of threads mocking him for it, but then I decided to just ignore him. It never stopped, though - Patsy and Spiderman continued to antagonize me non-stop, going absolutely out of their way to get a reaction out of me. And they still do.

@UncleAbortion told me this:

Hey buddy I don't dislike you, I just find your whole backstory funny. Patsy and his clique are infinitely more dislikeable.

I don't have any answers on how to deal with them unfortunately. They're unfunny zoomers who don't realise how unfunny they are.

I attracted their attention when I pretended to be sad and pathetic for a while. I pretended I was getting divorced and was feeling suicidal (neither was true) and suddenly out of nowhere all my comments were getting combed over by metashit cute twinks spamming the shit out of the most unfunny stuff as if they'd hit a goldmine.

They're basically trying to identify and milk lolcows on the site so the key is to not give them any milk.

It spoils things because I liked to make fake stories up about myself but with them around it's not enjoyable anymore.

I suspect if you just tolerate it for a while they'll whip themselves into a frenzy and earn a ban.

...which is advice that I've been trying to take. I did fund the person who posted that shit on Spiderman and Corinthian's walls (and no, it was not me), which was very stupid on my part, but that still is nothing compared to the amount of obsessive hatred that has been directed at me from Patsy and Spiderman because I refused to fund their gambling habits.

Aevann told me this about Spiderman in mopchat:


I suspected that he was probably not all there, which is why I figured that it would not be a good look for me to go after him in return for him going after me. But Patsy kept poking and prodding him to keep targeting me and you kept cheerleading it, which is why, when I was approached about sending coins to troll Spiderman and Corinthian, I agreed to it. Again, it was paltry business compared to the daily deluge of psychotic hatred spewed my way from Patsy and his army of sockpuppets (along with his small circle of Groomercord clowns, like binturong and Frank_Williams).


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Lol frick you both. I'm not part of a "clique", @Patsy is my friend. Unlike you, we don't take this shit personally, in the spirit of rdrama—it's rly sad that we have to remind you that this shit is SUPPOSED to be unserious. @Aevann, sorry you had to listen to my voice lmfao, I love to hear myself speak :marseybutt:. You mopped me for something I didn't fricking do and you (in typical jannoid fashion) got all up in arms about a JOKE, which is gay and r-slurred. All of you are pathetic sensitive reddit-tier jannies and you're spoiling all my fun. !metashit please continue to be silly and frick around, it clearly gets these losers panties in a bunch :marseyplaying2:

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Post voice


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https://voca.ro/1ce1RzF8rEs9 here u go !metashit nails on a chalkboard :marseywinemom:

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I dislike your attitude.

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I only want to have fun :marseygiggle:

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I just felt like pinging too

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Lots of pings ITT :marseyfluffy:

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!metashit actually read this one, there's a mopchat leak in the middle

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Most important part :marseypoggers:


!friendsofspiderman is this true???? :pepeclownball:

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That's true, I've been too a rodeo, that's where we met

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Carney-man :marseysoyhype:

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I will not until you kick him

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@BrasilIguana is torn because he's constantly abusing pings and @BrasilIguana don't know if he realizes he sounds insane and a schizo

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Oh... shit. Sorry, Aevann. :uhoh:

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I forgive you. And I am sorry :marseyteehee: too, for what I said. There, I said it. I believe :marseyparappa: there :marseycheerup: is goodness within you.

!followers @Spiderman side is negotiating for PEACE :marseymuslimahwereback: :marseypeacekeeper:!!!!!

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Loveeeee and swag - Lil B

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@MoonMetropolis I think you have him muted but the Spidermen are laying :marseylaying: down our arms. I am sorry, again, too. Please do not be mean to my friends and I promise to let you operate :marseykilldozerhappy: in peace. :marseypeaceout:

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>he sounds r-slurred based off his suicide note so good riddance :snooze:

!followers I'm being called psychotic again, this time by a terrorist :marseyjam: :queen:

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That's still not a very nice thing to say, you should take your meds :@sandkwinnpat:

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but I have never been prescribed any medication for my big personality :marseyconfused:

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u seem to have an awful :marseysmugface: lot of time to be making pepes :marseysquint:

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I can't make them on my phone :<

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Seeing breakdowns like this makes me glad for the environment Aevann has put together. These subnormals and traumatized chudfugees and occasional psychopaths can all kind-of get along with only a few of these incidents per year.

Genuinely actually work nobody else is willing to do.

Genuinely actually work. Exhausting work.

Maybe pay these guys (the jannies) money.

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I never intended to go after Spiderman. He demanded money from me, I refused to give it to him, and then him and Patsy started attacking me for it and making absurd threats about what they would do if I didn't pay them.

!friendsofspiderman wtf is this?!


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He should have given money to spiderman. Just sayin', babe.

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@Spiderman @TotalWiccaDeath I guess we're gonna add racketeering to the list of altruistic things spiderman contributes to the community?


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Regardless of on any of the content, posting DMs and groupchats people send you (because they want to have a conversation with you specifically about that topic) isn't going to endear you to anyone. I understand the desire to post receipts especially when you don't have the luxury of anonymity, but you'll burn people's willingness to reach out to you.

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I don't usually. In this particular case, however, they were okay with it.

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I know you'll deny that these alts were yours

sweaty everything was a coincidence :marseyteehee:

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In addition to the same style of writing, using the same marseys (such as :marseyhanging: , which practically nobody else here has ever used) it's most impressive that this mystery poster funded by MoonMetropolis decided to randomly sperg out about Christianity on those alts in almost the exact manner, using some of the specifically same phrasing, as he did when he decided to randomly sperg out about Christianity on KiwiFarms several months ago.


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LMFAO noooo not the guy so terminally r-slurred online he got arrested turbo sperging online say it ain't so he's not a hardened bad butt Le epic felon nooo

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i like people and i like God and i like you

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I do right and raise people to do right. Can't you outmoral a :marseytrain:?

Love your honesty by the way. It's very human. Might buy the book.

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I feel bad for the FBI agent who had to come through all your bullshit. :marseylongpostglow:

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Brevity is the soul of wit.

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There you go!


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You're such a proselytizing cute twink liar

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Keep yourself safe

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MoonMetropolis? More like MoonMentroyapolis

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It needs workshoping but @BrasilIguana meant too imply you are yapping

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>To be perfectly honest, I don't think that there is such a thing as good people, and I don't think that humans possess any redeeming qualities.

Not me, I'm a good person.

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also that Imgur link is dead

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but I can also be a "twisted fricking psychopath"

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You're so close to seeing who the real enemy is.


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:marseyshrug: Spiderman pays people back when he gets large donations; he's harmless and I do think Moon was the more responsible party in instigating the beef. I mostly only comment in threads about religion, animals, and occasionally ANE history. I'm gonna go back to doing my thing now. :marseywave2: Upmarsey kaamrev's snake story that he posted yesterday.

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You're allies are abandoning you, @Spiderman. Your time is winding down.


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I will never abandon Spiderman. Don't you dare imply that. :tayaaa:

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I hope not but if they do I forgive them.

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