Cdm taught mwe two use the bird site on twop of pizzashiww. He didnt directwy teach that, just stated: "i wonder what would happen if...".
Deflectwor is gwood, and it remains hidden, but seeing bank statements makes it easier two fwind if the user purchased onye in the tinye period of recent pwosts/cwomments.
Ive alswo nyoticed swomething else, and im twying two fwigure out the rest and the MWOST ABUSIVE ways two use awards on users.
Pwease teach me! Explain what u knyow, maybe with a shwort two word cwomment!
Im eager two learn fwom others whwo have mwore intewwigence than mwe on this subject!
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Oh shit. Those used to be 6 hours.
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Thats impwossible, id have two have started wen u did T.T
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