- Good_King_Wuzizlas : X (formerly chiobu)'s trying to break the website again
- Dr_Zombotnik : fix it
- Slavsquatting : He's LITERALLY ME
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So you wanna become a dramatard but can't handle saying trans rights? Maybe you can handle saying it on the ironic forum, but maybe you can't handle starting drama in public? This guide will help you.
The first and most important thing to remember:
You are worthless and nobody cares about what you have to say
Even if that does happen (which it won't because you're worthless) you just influence a mindless zombie that'll embarrass themselves and change their beliefs again.
The second thing to remember:
If you're anonymously making a fool of yourself, you're doing it right
Saying “s suck” on 4chan is feeding the circlejerk and isn't creating actual drama, even if one person disagrees. You want to embarrass yourself. Say “I'm a MTF and I'm proof that trans people aren't pedos”, which brings me to the next tip.
The third thing to remember:
Play a character
I know you want to use a Marsey pfp when trolling others so your little jerk buds will know you're not actually r-slurred, but remember rule 2. The best drama is drama that a dramatard will take seriously. Don't use an animal pfp when on a political forum, nor use a person pfp when on an animal forum.
The fourth thing to remember:
You're right and everyone else is wrong
Argue with enemies, bystanders, allies with a slightly different opinion, maybe even bring in random people to argue with. You want to get everyone riled up.
The fifth thing to remember:
Don't comment on existing drama
Liking OP's post to boost it in the replies or liking the lolcow's posts are fine, but if someone else is fighting for you, don't waste time fighting them.
The sixth thing to remember:
Don't be too malicious when STARTING drama
Unless you're on a free speech forum, don't start it as malicious, make it look like you're confused or just misled. Once your reply starts gaining traction, then you can call people strags and such.
The seventh thing to remember:
Don't post drama until it's over
There have been instances where someone leaks to OP that bussylover88 is actually intentionally acting bad, which leads to hidden comments and mod removals.
The eighth thing to remember:
Don't have fun
This isn't a game, nobody should be making fun of your opinions.
This is bound to be updated, I got bored in the middle of writing so I'm just posting this.
- CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Someone pin this I'M POOR (this report also makes my post appear more eye-catching)
- elm_throwaway : CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM is the new punk rock
- maple :
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Punk is about being accepting to all races, sexualities (Zoochads included), genders, ableness, and all that other shit. Sounds like rDrama is punk!!!!
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In light of the horrific event of the chiefs going to the Super Bowl, we need a taytay appearance counter (over/under?). This will make me want to beat my wife less when they cut to her horrific face every time Travis makes any play, as I'll be earning dc for it. Also no actual gambling sites are doing this and I really want to bet on it. Let's make this happen jannies !slots111
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I can onwy gather swo much on /u/Mircy . I have a wwite-up on xer bf PIMM(in MworDwama) but there is scarce cwontent two gleam off of /r/dwama since mwost of xer activities were shenyanyigans on discword.
Here's onye such thwead cwontainying a slapfwight between @dramasexual and @snallygaster abwout remwodding Mircy
Here's anyother pwost abwout CwomedicSans yeeting bwoth Pimm and Mircy off of the mwod list fwor being discwordstrags
u/pwincessCuck thwead fwom where I gwot this image
Endless BanEvasionying. Mircy walked swo Kwaywon and Mewwo cwould run
Anyway !metashit & !oldstrags as i was saying, effwortpwost/wwite-up on xer would be appweciated. Alswo any infwo on hwow the discword faction started would be gwate.
Thanks ILY
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i want to purchase a years worth of the five dollar subscription tier by sending 60$ in bitcoin. but stupid and smelly @A @carpathianfriendly will NOT RESPOND TO MY DMS to let me know if this is possible.
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@I_Stand_With_Israel just exiled me from a hole because I responded to a comment I was mentioned in lol. Why are commies like this?
- maple : Lucky 🍀! Can you buy me an unban award please?
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That is her sidepiece boyfriend's arm! Either that or an exceptionally hairy girlfriend.
POV: you are Carp and you think raccoons got into the trash and you go outside to check
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i know i do
what posts made YOU laugh today
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- CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Someone pin this please lol
- Gruesy_Spoon : Reporting this post to make it more eye-catching
- Maximus :
- maple : So funny!! Can you buy me an unban award please c:
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Since y'all wanna mute me so bad and the namelock awards didn't deter you, I figured I'll instead switch it up and punish one user dearly Enjoy having negative 3200 Dramacoin!
Also, while I'm here. Don't you think it's funny when people will reply to someone's report with a report? The other people who reported don't' get notifications from your report, silly!
!creamy_dog_orgasmmuters @JohnnyBOO tag metashit for me please old man
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I'm asking you. Is it to submit Marseys? Try to post as much as possible? Or what else?
I goombled all my money away and now I am poor
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Use it for when you disagree with someone. It's not for pinging a personal army, it's more for signaling that someone on the internet is wrong and you are going to set them straight.
Everyone gets to gather for a slapfight, wingcuckery, or to watch you be wrong and make a fool of yourself.
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Phonecels (like I am) can't even sort of comprehend sometimes what it's like just sitting down and using the site like it's 2010.