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R-slurred activists throw paint at Stonehenge to protest climate change and redditors decide to defend them :marseysnoo:




I genuinely don't know what else they're supposed to do. People flat out don't care about climate change despite the fact that we're already seeing the effects.

That's why the they are taking extreme measures, what good is preserving history if we're all dead because the transatlantic conveyor stops, the ice caps melt, and the honeybees die.

Protesters have been doing shit for decades, nobody cared until they started getting violent. As Donald Trump proved, sometimes the only way to win is to piss people off

Just to play devils advocate here, in their view all our historical monuments aren't going to mean shit if human life can't survive on the planet. So some paint on a rock isn't really a big deal in the bigger picture.

The Stonehenge site is about to be irritably damaged and no one really cares. They're going to dig a tunnel and put a road under it, destroying untold amounts of ancient history. This will also add more lanes, which will fuel climate change. It will also mean there is no legal way to view the site for free, history will be turned into a ticketed location, while anything we could learn will be destroyed or damaged.

The paint will wash off in a few days, the tunnel and increased CO2 cannot be undone.

That project was cancelled this year, and assaulting a World Heritage site to make a statement is the dumbest thing anyone has ever done on this planet full of stupid people doing stupid things, so bravo.


These people really are the worst. Defacing ancient monuments is something evil people do.

And oil companies knowingly causing global destruction are grand are they? Give your head a wobble

Just curious what happens to anyone responsible for the massive oil spills all around the world.

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if the protesters threw shit at some @Sphereserf3232 heya-hoya monument instead they wouldnt defend them lol

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There aren't too many well know. monuments made by or depicting Native Americans in the US or Canada, or at least that can be damaged by a couple of r-slurs with paint.

The majority of statues of Native Americans or Native American individuals, while kinda numerous, are relatively obscure or not well known since they're either "problematic" (depicting them as noble savage or not "historically conscious" :marseyeyeroll:) or just plain forgotten about since many are pretty old and date back to the late 19th or early 20th century.

Actual physical monuments made by Indians are often too big or covered by grass like Mississippian mounds or buried rock effigies like Cahokia or Serpent Mound so paint wouldn't be as a big deal. I'm sure you could get some sneed by still doing it since you are "disrespecting their (is nearest tribe that claims dibs) ancestral sites" but actual damage would be minimal if at all. Plus, while Cahokia is kinda well known (the only Native American city prior to mayoid contact), it doesn't have the same presence as Stonehenge and all other sites are really only well known to locals near it. If protesters decided to use shovels and dig than that would be different :marseyevilgrin:

Petroglyphs would probably be the most damaged but they're usually pretty common, kinda have to go out of your way to reach them (leave a city :marsey57:) and not any particular site is that famous, not to mention, a lot of publicly accessible petroglyphs are already kinda "damaged" since visitors like to leave their own carvings or marks (some are over 100 years old as well :marseyshook:) so at best, people might be a little miffed or annoyed that they have to clean it up, including the most cute twinky of Injun activists.

Actual archaeological sites are basically completely unknown to the public at large, in very rural and out of reach locations, and often very difficult to recognize in passing since archaeologists like to keep the dirt as covered as possible nowadays. The only ones that are noticeable are old or ancient pueblo sites in the Southwest like Chaco Canyon or Mesa Verde which, along with damaging Native American artifacts (pipes, cowtools, pottery, etc.), I don't think protestors are that r-slurred. Technically, the Mississippian mounds are archaeological sites but they're more seen as monuments so :marseyshrug:

The only thing that I can see as causing major sneed consistently would to protest at a major and well known natural landmark that is also a "sacred site" like Monument Valley or Grand Teton

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!friendsofsphereserf another heya-hoya banger by our resident heya-hoya :marseyreading:

heya-hoyas dont think trans lives matter and that's based

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The Aztecs executed males who engaged in anal s*x, reserving the most brutal forms of execution for cuiloni, the passive, effeminate partners. These first had their colons ripped out through "the conduit that had been used for s*x," then were burned to death.

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Sphereboy, I love it when you longpost.


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