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It was all worth it for that salt mine

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Just wait until the Hohols all get cramp. Then the tide pod will turn.

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Has Russia won yet?

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Just wait 'till the winter offensive starts.


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ukraine has around 500k casualties (killed + missing + wounded), but it doesnt matter really, both sides have many more bodies and its an existencial war for both, casualties wont matter until they get much higher

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In russia's case it's the jean paul sartre kind of existencial...

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Factcheck: This claim has been confirmed as correct by experts.

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Stop pinging me for this stupid shit.

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I loved the millions of ads and self-promoted Real and Valid news articles before they showed the rest of the article.


Expert Biography: A 19FortyFive Defense and National Security Columnist, Stavros Atlamazoglou is a seasoned defense journ*list specializing in special operations, a Hellenic Army veteran (national service with the 575th Marine Battalion and Army HQ), and a Johns Hopkins University graduate.

Is this the best the US can do?


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Doesn't matter, Russia is still gonna win, it's the only possible outcome.

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russian and ukranian trans lives matter


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Ukwainyian nyumbers are legit randwom, they ad ewery day fwom 300-900 Kia swowldiers.

That dude alswo didn’t wwote that swowlidar has fawwen and wwites cwopes like:

Mweanwhile, the Ukwainyian fworces cwontinyue two wait fwor the appwopwiate weather cwonditions. M

The faww of swowlidar fwucks up any Ukwainyian cwounter offensive two kwemlinya, because Nywow Russian wiww attack Sewersk and that’s the place where Ukwainyian planyed two launch attack two swouth of kwemlinya alswo fwor this even Russian wiww open nyew fwont.

Ukwainyian had two give up on bakhmut in earwy December


When the war of the beasts bwings abwout the world's end

The gwoddess descends fwom the sky

Wings of light and dark spwead afar

She guides us two bliss, her gift ewerlasting

Act I

Infwinyite in mystery is the gift of the Gwoddess

We seek it thus, and take two the sky

Rippwes fworm on the water's surface

The wandering swowl knywows nywo rest.

Three fwiends gwo intwo battle.

Onye is captured

Onye flies away

The onye that is left becwomwes a hewo.

Act II

Dweams of the mworwow hath the shattered swowl

Pwide is wost

Wings stwipped away, the end is nyigh

There is nywo hate, onwy jwoy

Fwor u are beluvd by the gwoddess

Hewo of the dawn, Healer of worlds

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Russia invasion began :marseyitsover: february 24th.

Now it is January 7th.

That's about 317 days in total.

If only 110,000 Russians have died so far. That would mean:

110,000/317 = 347 deaths per day.

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Trans lives matter, zigger lives dont. Slava ukraini, slava heroiyam, may many more russians be r*ped by chechens into the new year

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Redditors just lack the emotional literacy to understand that coping can be a really good thing that helps you live your life. They see themselves as super rational and logical because feelings are for stupid women, so they think their negative feelings are not actually feelings at all, but objective facts. In their minds, distracting themselves from their negative emotions is distracting themselves from reality.

And again, they think feelings are stupid, so they're never gonna go out do their way to learn about mental and emotional health. So maybe they haven't even really heard of the concept that (healthy) coping is a good and important skill to have, idk. They probably think they're too smart to go to a therapist or read a self help book or anything like that.


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