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Oh well, if The Sun says it's true then it must be true.

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The same people who reeeee about the mainstream media will read this I believe every single r-slurred word because they want it to be true.


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The source is listed as Rutgers Biochem professor interpreting a report. The Sun's spin of 10000x more "virus bad level" is r-slurred and not necessarily correct. But it has more voracity then "an anonymous source in the government says DDR pisses on hookers."

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The source is listed as Rutgers Biochem professor interpreting a report.

The only part that matters

Just because CNN is r-slurred doesn't mean it's okay for the sun to be r-slurred


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I think at this point making fun of the Sun being r-slurred is like picking on the downs kid in Middle School though.

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How high are you to think the MSM doesn't jump at every "Orange Man Bad" opportunity it encounters?

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I don't think you understood the meme.

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Oh, you're mocking rightoids. You should have used "MSM says " instead of "MSM: ".

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Brevity is the soul of wit tho...

...the meaning of the term, “Brevity is the soul of wit” is that a intelligent person is capable of expressing himself within the minimum possible words.

A less intelligent and mediocre persons will go on writing pages on a certain subject. But, an intelligent person will possesses the art to say something within the fewest possible words is an art. Such a quality is not taught, but comes from heart.

An intelligent person doesn’t waste a single word and arranges a number of diverse ideas in the most systematic, rational and convincing manner. He is able to make it interesting. The reader forgets their real surroundings and lands into the world of the writer.

Wit and humor are the expression of the ridiculous element of life. Wit is a sudden flash, an electric spark, a stroke of lighting. The successful humorous story can appeal to all of us at all ages. No conversation is complete without them. They satisfy our mental appetite, and enable us to digest the more serious parts of the discourse.

A good style in writing is one that arouses curiosity at the beginning, maintains it throughout and satisfies it in the end. A literary work which provides the reader with a good mental excitement and subsequent relief is one of the real pleasures of life. This is true whether you are writing a poem, a story, a drama, a biography or a magazine article.

The elements of a good style are honesty, simplicity, brevity, clearness, coherence, vividness and fire. The third essential of a good style is brevity. The day of the novelist with the long words and the long sentences is gone. The tempo of life is too fast. As a matter of fact the mind has always travelled faster than the body. The greatest writers with their brief phrases put wings of imagination on the mind of the readers. The most universally remembered passages in Homer, in Shakespeare, in the Bible, in Peepeeens, in Emerson, in Stevenson, are the passages that move the mind most rapidly. And, the quality that gives them their rapid motion is brevity – brevity in work, in phrase and in sentence.

In the case of dramas and plays also, those will be better with fewer characters and less scenery and shorter speeches. Brevity in the drama is the soul of wit.

In dialogues also brilliant conversation should be avoided and those should be ‘smart’ and brief. In the case of a journ*list also the style will be photographic and graphic. The newspaper story must be almost telegraphic in its brevity and yet it must tell a complete and interesting story. Public is no longer interested in drab reports of the news. Brevity is the motto in the newspaper editorial column. Wit and humor are important not only in the news item, but in the feature story as well.

There is no rule that sets the number of a maximum number of essay paragraphs, although the minimum number is three paragraphs. Some people say an essay ought to have five paragraphs, which is somewhat a limiting rule. However, how long should college essays be? If you have been instructed to write a five-paragraph essay, then you have to stick to it.

The general rules are hat essays comprise of three parts, namely the introduction which brings your topic to the fore, the body text that discusses the topic in details and the conclusion that tells the reader what you have been able to see after considering all the facts of the topic.

The three-paragraph essay is the simplest form where each paragraph is dedicated to a section. There are those who say that an essay should consist of at least three body paragraphs, but it’s okay if you include more paragraphs in this section. This begs the question: how many paragraphs comprise a long essay?

In academic works, your paragraphs are likely to be a bit longer than most of what you see in blog posts and other articles. An academic paragraph can contain between 100 to 200 words, which translates to about five and ten paragraphs in a 1000 word essay, answering how long are college essays supposed to be.

The points to be covered

The number of points that you need to cover in your essay should determine the number of paragraphs that you are going to include in your essay. Each paragraph revolves around a single idea that connects to the central idea of your essay. In the planning of your essay, you will have to consider and research on all the major elements that are required in the body text. You can assume that each paragraph will take each one of these ideas. Availability of information needed to cover each area will require you to have more paragraphs. That is the answer to how long should college essays be?

The content is crucial than the number of paragraphs

Whether you are writing a long or a short essay, the content of your essay is of high importance. It doesn’t matter how long are college essays going to be. The evaluation of your essay hinges on the information that you present, not the number of paragraphs in your paper. At times, you will be given an essay stricture and a guideline on the length of each part.

In other instances, you will receive a topic to which you will write your perspective about it. This is good freedom, but it can be difficult at times. A song some research will give you options on the best perspectives to use. It will also give you information that supports or goes against your perspective. If you want to make a string argument, you have to look at both the supporting and contradicting information about your topic.

If you want to avoid being stuck in one discussion, you have to decide on the length of your essay. This assists in coming up with a conclusion, and you can take some time on that specific point. Keep in mind the purpose of each paragraph. They structure your information into subtopics, thereby making your work easier to read. With good planning, you will be able to decide the number of paragraphs that will go into your essay.

Answering the what how and why in a long essay

A typical long essay will consist of diverse kin fog information. Even short essays contain the introduction of the main argument, data analysis, raising counter arguments and conclusion. For introduction and conclusion, they have a definite place, as opposed to other parts. For instance, a counter argument can appear in a specific paragraph, as a stand-alone section, as a part of the beginning or before the ending. Background information in most cases appears at the beginning of your essay. This fall s between the introduction and the first section of the analysis, although it might also come close the beginning of a particular section to which it is relevant.

When answering probable questions from the audience, as well as how long should college essays be, you have to think of every essay sections. The first question they ask is:


This is the first question you ought to anticipate from your audience. You must show the evidence that proves the phenomenon described in your thesis is true. You must examine your evidence to be able to answer this question. In other words, you are demonstrating the truth of your claim. This question comes early in your essay and most cases, directly after the introduction. However, it should not take up more than a third of your entire essay to ensure balance.


The reader will want to ascertain the truth of your claims in all classes. You have to show how your thesis defends itself from the counter-arguments. The reader also wants to see how the introduction of new material, as well as new ways of looking at the evidence, influence the claims that you are making. This section comes after what and can make its argument complicated severally depending on its length. The counter-argument may appear anywhere in the essay.


The audience wants to know why your interpretation of a phenomenon matters to anyone besides you. This is where you address the larger implication of your thesis by allowing the reader to understand your essay in the larger context. This section explains the significance of your essay. The full answer to this question will be found the end of your essay. Its omission makes your essay unfinished, or worse still, pointless.

Thus one should avoid exaggeration and flowery expressions and should practice brevity in speech and writing so that wit and humor thereof are fully appreciated by all.

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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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