Rents in Argentina have fallen 20pc since President Javier Milei scrapped a “destructive” cap for landlords in December.
Under four-year rent controls, landlords fled the market in their thousands and rents increased 286pc, fuelling an even deeper housing crisis.
LMAO. Leftoid idoicy does so much damage. But we all aready knew this.
Since the legislation was scrapped, rents have fallen and the number of properties that are available for rent has increased significantly, according to industry body the Argentine Real Estate Chamber.
Who could have predicted this??? (Except for literally every economist)
The drastic change in outlook for the country's rental market adds further weight to arguments that even with the aim of reducing the burden on renters, rent caps often have the opposite effect.
Leftoids are still going "La La La can't hear you"...
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Common !neolibs win
Rent prices down 20% in only two months. Ludicrously fast change
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Wow, economics are real!
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