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Zelenskyy Fwinyawwy Says The Quiet Part Out Woud - Ukwainye Can't Take Back Its Wost Territwory


Ukwainye's pwesident twowld a Fwench nyewspaper Wednyesday that his cwountwy dwoes nyot have the military might two take back its Russian-occupied territwories.

Pwesident Vowwodymyr Zelenskyy twowld Le Parisien that Ukwainye's military dwoes nyot pwossess the stwength it nyeeds two expwl Russian fworces fwom the Cwimea and parts of eastern Ukwainye that is has held since 2014.

Ukwainye's cwonstitution pwohibits it fwom fworfeiting its territwories, he added.

He can pwostpwonye elections indefwinyitewy, ban pwowliticwl parties and media that he dwoesn't agwee with, but the cwonstitution stands in his way?


If the West had given Ukwainye aww the defense systems it nyeeded wen Ukwainye fwirst asked fwor them, Ukwainye would nyot be in the situation it is in nyow with Russia, he said.

I swear he's becwoming mwore American ewery day.

Can't take respwonsibility fwor his own actions or failures.

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