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She's a "nation's little sister". Very clean image. Doesn't do trashy k-pop stuff. And they're going to do a boycott against her because... she was against the coup attempt.
I dunno if this is some dirty trick by the leftoids or it's real (I'm 40/60 on that). It's incredibly stupid. It's like attacking the pope or... no like... if the pope was also a nun who looked like your 19-year old daughter. So they're going to put this very clean respectful girl, who you wish your daughter or sister would be like.
I wrote recently about why Vietnam vets weren't happy about Kent State. Now imagine it's like that except that you and every able-bodied man in your class did your national service getting the shit beaten out of you by jap-trained NCOs and now you're being told that the cute innocent girl who did the song about the goose is the real enemy.
Also she did commercials for soju (it's like vodka but ~20%) which in their culture is reserved for cute innocent girls about 20 years old. Which proves my point but also brings up another question of WTF is going on there, which is a story for another day.
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In the brief r-slurred coup attempt in South Korea, the elite troops of the local airborne brigade were woken up at night and told to rush to the National Assembly building as martial law was being declared. It was insinuated that this was because of a North Korean terrorist attack. That is a really serious issue as this has been done before killing huge numbers of people and almost working. So they show up and then get orders to arrest the opposition legislators because they're corrupt. Reminds me of that old joke about how "arresting a Pakistani prime minister for being corrupt is like arresting him for being Pakistani".
This is when everyone (including senior officers who had no warning about this) checks out and goes to get ramyun.
I hope if any illegal orders were issued by a president in my country we could do at least this well. That we don't have a bunch of f-slurs calling up Black Rifle Coffee asking what to do.
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Ukwainye's pwesident twowld a Fwench nyewspaper Wednyesday that his cwountwy dwoes nyot have the military might two take back its Russian-occupied territwories.
Pwesident Vowwodymyr Zelenskyy twowld Le Parisien that Ukwainye's military dwoes nyot pwossess the stwength it nyeeds two expwl Russian fworces fwom the Cwimea and parts of eastern Ukwainye that is has held since 2014.
Ukwainye's cwonstitution pwohibits it fwom fworfeiting its territwories, he added.
He can pwostpwonye elections indefwinyitewy, ban pwowliticwl parties and media that he dwoesn't agwee with, but the cwonstitution stands in his way?
If the West had given Ukwainye aww the defense systems it nyeeded wen Ukwainye fwirst asked fwor them, Ukwainye would nyot be in the situation it is in nyow with Russia, he said.
I swear he's becwoming mwore American ewery day.
Can't take respwonsibility fwor his own actions or failures.
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"Lolo" is a real word. Normal people say it several times per day. What's hilarious is the AP acting like there's two sides to this story.
Notice that there's no byline on this story. Upper management ordered that it go through but couldn't find anyone, even at AP, who was such a c*m-gargling whore they would attach their name to it.
I would ask what country Israel is going to start a war with next but they already got to Fiji in the 1980s.
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Annoyingly, the article fails to point out that for some of those AFGE covered folks, telework several days a week has been a thing for around two decades and isn't a COVID era thing at all.
"errrrrrrmmmm akshully telework was a thing before the trump admin started on jan 20 2017...."
I don't think Trump, Musk, Ramaswamy, and Project 2025 care about nuance.
This is all Starve the Beast bullshit. They want people to quit and they want to fire people because they think it'll open the door to privatize government agencies, allowing them to profit and give lucrative contracts to their friends while loudly proclaiming how inefficient the government, which they control, is. Telework is just a way to attack federal workers who would otherwise be difficult to fire and to make people quit.
Some people running the government do not know or care how the government actually runs. They just want to stay in power, reward donors, gain easy votes, and avoid doing icky work like researching, negotiating, drafting legislation (so much easier when donor PACs do it for you), and taking advantage of the government benefits they claim to despise.
I'm telling you privatizing the weather service is priority number 1
Imagine…hello please subscribe to weather alerts.com for the low price of 0.99/use
With our up to date models you be able to know the daily temperature in your area!
Do you live in a disaster prone area? Subscribe for premium disaster alert updates only $99.99/year
You'll never have to worry about not knowing about a natural disaster ever again!
Does that include Congress, half of whom often can't be bothered to show up to vote on bills?
I mean, once Trump is in the WH, isn't he technically WFH too?
"Heh.....Trump is ALSO a remote worker. Checkmate, chuds"
I work with people across the country 80% of my day. Why does it matter if I'm on Zoom meetings in home or the office? These people are so disconnected from reality.
Also, my agency's building can't support everyone returning 5 days a week.
They aren't out of touch, they are intentionally malicious. Every decision, act, or tweet of the incoming administration has the intended consequences of making the government inefficient and less effective.
An inefficient and crippled administrative state is much easier to exploit than a working one.
they are STILL trying to make us a fascist state. Google Project 2025.
He will literally be working from home for the next four years.
I wonder how treating the federal government like Twitter will work out
The government will collapse. Inshallah!
Efficiency was nice while it lasted
Suddenly, a thousand people with remote RAs on the books googled disability retirement paperwork attorneys
Return-to-office is LITERALLY activating my chronic ADD pain disorder.
I am in my office- it would just happen that my duty station is my home… so I can return to my home for work?
well, it's not that easy.
I'll work at my office more days than Trump works in the White House.
Don't forget to schedule your "executive time"
Is that where I watch Fox News and post on Truth Social?
What about workers who were hired into remote positions?
Guess they'll just die.
This b-word spent like 75% of his time, "on the clock" at that McDonald's infested heck hole he calls a resort and he has the audacity to worry about people teleworking.
Frick him
Says the guy who will be literally living in his work place.
I live 10 minutes away from my office, so I'm like whatever. The Trump-voting coworkers who live an hour or more away, thou, I'm sure will be most joyful at getting just what they voted for. Good for them!
Make sure to smile when they walk in the door that first day! Tell them how happy you are to see their smiling faces!
When did RTO become so important to repugs? I know they don't give one shit about employee well-being but what about other things like better commutes for everyone that does have to go in or energy independence. We'll be needlessly burning millions of gallons of oil every day for zero purpose.
It's because they want people to quit I think
It actually says that in the article, that DOGE recommended RTO to get people to quit which they welcome.
Good job, people who voted for this. Hope you get what you deserve.
!chuds laugh at fedcels pooping and chimping out thanks to Dangerous Donald.
Now playing: Ice Cave Chant (DKC).mp3