
A Labour MP has claimed there is a "whisper list" of roughly 40 politicians to keep at arm's length in Westminster -- including two former cabinet ministers.

Charlotte Nichols, the MP for Warrington North, said she was warned of colleagues to never accept a drink from or be alone with. The list, which is not written down, includes people known for "bullying or sexual misconduct".

She said: "We need to be aware of these MPs from a range of political parties for our friends' sake who may visit parliament, for our staffers' sake and of course for our own safety and professional reputation as well."

In order to stay safe, she admitted she would avoid them "as far as possible", even if it meant dodging trying to work with them.

Nichols said the list "is not 100%", as someone whom most people would deem "good and safe" had left her facing a harrowing ordeal.

"Everyone will know of a whisper network list of people to avoid in parliament. When I joined, I was sat down and told of people I should never accept a drink from, never be alone with and avoid as far as possible to stay safe."

Speaking to BBC Radio 5 Live, Nichols, who was elected in 2019, said she would have the "perfect job" if it was not for abuse online and "the culture of toxicity" within Westminster itself.

She added: "We all know [who they are] and nothing is done and they continue to walk around and do their jobs -- and there's that kind of culture of impunity on it."

Nichols did not identify any of these politicians, but said there were roughly 40 on the list, with two of them once having served as cabinet ministers.

"I think I was quite staggered at how long the list was," she said, adding that new names appeared "all the time".

A senior Tory female MP who did not wish to be named said she had been warned of which male journ*lists to avoid in parliament, and she wished women did not "have to share this sort of info -- but it's what we do".


Humans are smoking so much meth that the fish who eat our shit are getting super fricked up and forgetting to eat or mate.

Look at how strung out this poor bastard is :



Look, either Ron DeSantis is literally stuffing Dinesh D'Souza's 2,000 Mules up his entire butt, or Florida is a red state.

Yes, it's gerrymandered as balls, and DeSantis's district map would make Jim Crow laws jizz themselves.

But unless DeSantis has some kind of secret deal to hide Democratic votes at Mar-a-Lago with Donald Trump's stolen classified traitor documents --- and their feud is just a ruse! --- then it's ridiculous to do this thing every two years where we're all like "Ooh! What is Florida gonna do!"

It's going to vote for Republicans. It's full of angry, racist, bigoted, racist, QAnon, racist, fascist, racist, senile, racist, full-of-shit, racist, white, racist, garbage, racist retirees who improved their states of origin by leaving them.

And also look, gotta be fair here, but Democrats really have lost a lot of ground with Latinx voters, and it needs to be all hands on deck to figure out how to solve that. Florida's a lost cause, but it matters in other states.

Here is what happened in Florida last night: All the important results were figured by 9 p.m. ET. There was no suspense. This has increasingly been the case in every election over the last few cycles.

Republicans on the national level didn't gain anything from Florida's contributions, or at least they didn't win them fairly. They drew things, in order to help themselves win/steal Congress. It may not have worked.

But on a statewide level? Shit.

Marco Rubio beat Val Demings by around 17 points. (Click here for most current numbers.)

Ron DeSantis beat Charlie Crist by 20 POINTS.

That's obscene. All the Florida results are obscene.

But it's not that obscene if you're still clinging on to the idea that Florida is a swing state like a gun or a Bible. (Haha, you are a liberal, you don't cling to things like guns and Bibles, even if you own those and like them. You cling to things like DRUGS and GAY S*X TOYS.)

Florida is a red state.

Florida is a red state, just like Colorado is a blue state.

You know how in the last weeks of the election, there was all this silliness about how Lee Zeldin might win for governor of New York or maybe Joe O'Dea might beat Michael Bennet to be the senator from Colorado? Golly, those would have been some silly results.

Florida is a red state. It's a terrible place. There are some pretty beaches, but any sensible tourist knows that unless you're going to Disney, it's best to stay within a half mile of the coasts at all times, lest you get trapped in a deleted scene from Deliverance.

And let's be honest --- Ron DeSantis's poopy-pants chubby-cheeked authoritarian schtick really isn't going to save the state in the long run. What's he going to do, tell the ever-more-powerful hurricanes to stop doing drag shows? To stop being woke?

Only Florida voters can turn this around for themselves. Otherwise, there's that Bugs Bunny .gif up there.

Dudes rock (at running).




Article two:

Handgun Found Stuffed Inside Raw Chicken at Florida Airport, TSA Says


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