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It's bezzle time: The Diversity-Hire Dean of Engineering at the University of Nevada gets paid $372,127 a year and wrote a paper that's so bad, you can't believe it.



This is one of the papers written by this "mechanical engineer". That's it. That's the entire paper.


From the webpage of the Dean of Engineering at the University of Reno:

>Dr. Erick C. Jones is a former senior science advisor in the Office of the Chief Economist at the U.S. State Department. He is a former professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at the College of Engineering at The University of Texas at Arlington.

According to this source, his salary in 2022 was $372,127.


According to wikipedia, UNR is the state's flagship public university.

I was curious to see what else Jones had published so I searched him on Google scholar and took a look at his three most-cited publications. The second of these appeared to be a textbook, and the third was basically 8 straight pages of empty jargon—ironic that a journal called Total Quality Management would publish something that has no positive qualities! The most-cited paper on the list was pretty bad too, an empty bit of make-work, the scientific equivalent of the reports that white-collar workers need to fill out and give to their bosses who can then pass these along to their bosses to demonstrate how productive they are. In short, this guy seems to be a well-connected time server in the Ed Wegman mode, minus the plagiarism.

He was a Program Director at the National Science Foundation! Your tax dollars at work.

Can you imagine what it would feel like to be a student in the engineering school at the flagship university of the state of Nevada, and it turns out the school is being run by the author of this trash. I can't even.

P.S. The thing I still can't figure out is, why did Jones publish this paper at all? He'd already landed the juicy Dean of Engineering job, months before submitting it to his own journal. To then put his name on something so ludicrously bad . . . it can't help his career at all, could only hurt. And obviously it's not going to do anything to reduce train accidents. What was he possibly thinking?

P.P.S. I guess this happens all the time; it's what Galbraith called the “bezzle.” We're just more likely to hear about when it happens at some big-name place like Stanford, Harvard, Ohio State, or Cornell. It still makes me mad, though. I'm sure there are lots of engineers who are doing good work and could be wonderful teachers, and instead UNR spends $372,127 on this guy.

I'll leave the last word to another UNR employee, from the above-linked press release:

“What is exciting about having Jones as our new dean for the College of Engineering is how he clearly understands the current landscape for what it means to be a Carnegie R1 ‘Very High Research' institution,” Provost Jeff Thompson said. “He very clearly understands how we can amplify every aspect of our College of Engineering, so that we can continue to build transcendent programs for engineering education and research.”

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The average rdrama effortposter puts 100x that effort in and they do it for free (dramacoin is not yet legal tender)

Further proof that the best things in life are free and that university hires are the bottom of the barrel of society

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found the incel

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^ this comment was made by a TRVE DRAMACOIN INVESTOR

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rdrama effortposter

Words words words don't automatically make it an effort post /e/marseymoreyouknow.webp

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I felt the effort bb

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For some reason I find your username really funny and the equally funny lookin :#marseymindblown: pfp is like the cherry on top :#taychefkiss:

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Thank you bb

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Post bussy bb

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>dramacoin is not yet legal tender


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This is one of the papers written by this "mechanical engineer". That's it. That's the entire paper.


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senior science advisor

Government plays pretty fast and lose with the title of science advisor.

I've worked around a number of government science advisors in the DOD working on flag staffs and have really no idea what they do. They'll sit in on technical discussions and provide zero input. I've never seen the flag or his staff go to the science advisor for any input on decisions.

Think it's a scam/comfy job.

Here's a job req for the Army Chief of staff Science advisor. A cool $200k a year plus benny's.


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>machine learning


Yes, let us run a ton of random regressions on this data, and surely we will win the war on terror. :marseybigbrain:

At least we're moving on from blockchain all the things. :marseyshrug:

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Machine learning is actually pretty useful in the realm of biology and health which the military has a keen interest in.

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Chemical industry have been very keen on it too. !besties :marseyglow: :marseychemist: :!marseyderp:

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Oh boy...


Looks like the ML shills have invaded the thread. :marseyitsover:

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Honestly, I've only known of ML in social sciences, and it's only seemed like a good way of finding spurious correlations. It's empiricism without theory. :marseyblind:

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Shut up and calculate.

The virgin "theorist" vs. The Chad "10 billion dollars worth of nvidia gaming cards says it's true"

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But you need a hypothesiiiiiiiiisssss.......


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Thats why you do multiple tests correction. In biology we use it to train models. Look up alphafold it has used machine learning to push protein folding prediction exponentially compared to what raw lab empirical testing could do. Yes you can use big data to just run a bunch of tests until you get a high p value. But you can also use it with a pre existing hypothesis or just do multiple tests correction. :marseysipping:

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Too many leaders in the DOD communication space(c4isr) think they're silicon valley founders that have cracked the code by parroting buzz words.

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Milcels are unironically rslurred at computers. I used to know this air force guy who kept telling me I should "get into cyber" with them.

At first I thought he was asking to have cybersex like it was 2004, but eventually I realized you can get paid a small amount of money and great bennies to run port scans and update Windows XP. You also get to wear a cute uniform, which is the main reason to do it imho.

Sadly I'm unamerican & even if I were, I'd never get a security clearance.

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Cyber is another meme word the military uses to describe patching windows and running compliance scans.

I cope by telling myself I'm working with a small cog in the DOD machine and someplace in the organization actual "cyber" is taking place.

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should "get into cyber" with them.

Sorry bout ur tism bb he just wanted to cyber you

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Post bussy bb

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I hate working a real job for a living. Is it too late to pivot to griftmaxxing in my late 20s?

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How black are you?

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These are sinecures for earlier favours. Be a good friend to the right people and that's your reward.

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Nah homie, USAJOBS.gov

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More likely too early. Grifters generally get in because lazy HR people see an extensive “years of experience” resume, they say the right words in the interview to the techcels (who rarely try to vet the candidate outside the interview), and they end up in a position where they contribute very little but the company/institution has so much money to burn that they're kept on. If you're not actively harming the company/institution you'll be fine.

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Let's check in with our GS-13 Subject Matter Expert :marseyropewithme:

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GS-13 "smes," typically promoted out of a technical position because they aren't technical but they have made it through through their probationary period and the only way to get rid of them is promoting them.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't too proud and just took government ez street.

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yeah wanted to say "smeeeez" but pretty sure 99% of the people here would have no idea what i was talking about. missAPM is exactly that title :tayscrunch:

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Did he not realize what kind of engineer he is?

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>engineers drive trains

>train drivers get sleepy

>bugs get sleepy

>sleepy bugs die

therefore Socrates is mortal

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Neighbor :marseyfuckyou2: is so dyslexic that he read his title as "Mosquito Engineer"

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I mean his paper is about sleep for train engineers.

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Lol his one qualification is being a "pioneer" of Lean Six Sigma which is just a pointless buzzword that exists to launder qualifications for people who can do basic statistical process control. Comical.

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The only reason these jokers get paid so much is because some smooth talking con men got in front of very wealthy people at some point and tricked them into thinking "what if you just worked harder" was a class you could sell. Now, you can get an extremely cushy job if you're hired by some nepo baby r-slur business owner who buys this crap. Then swing from that high profile gig to a company not completely dominated by r-slurs and they'll pretend youre doing well so no one admits their huge frickup on the cost of your salary. Keep moving companies so that they never have to actually admit it's dumb, retire, and voila, you did nothing with your work and can get a spot on the zombie epstein plane.

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Holy shit. I don't think this would fly as a report in undergrad, how the frick did this get published anywhere? I literally had more info in a single poster that I presented last year than there is contained within the entirety of this "paper"

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This is bullshit you'd see in a public elementary school biology class. The teacher would give it an A because 90% of the class is unteachable r-slurs, she herself is an r-slur, and it's only 7 years until retirement.

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u misunderstand "publish". Anything can be published, and anything is a journal. We can ask @A to get a focking doi uri to this shit hole, and have the ZudAfrikan friend of ours longpost into google scholar

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Ya this is like a homework current event assignment in highschool..

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lol not only this is bad, he's first author lmaoooo

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that article is REALLY bad, even for an undergrad

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Reported by:

That would do poorly in one of my high school classes.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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wow you're really mature for your age, I bet the other kids don't get you

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Get him bb

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Post bussy bb

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I know right? Everyone else has to step up

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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One of my 2 bosses is an engineer and got her PhD in a very similar way.

It's nominally an engineering thesis, but it has 0 equations, 0 cartesian graphs, 0 simulations, 0 technical drawings, and 0 tests. It's instead about some loose directives to help people in poor countries build simple machines (common sense, like subdividing the problem in modules or doing a market analysis).

Most common key words (approximate):

"Social": 110 times

"NGO": 45 times

"UN": 30 times

"Poor": 30 times

Some of the concept diagrams remind me of self-help or management mumbojumbo, e.g. something like this:

Market analysis and preliminar design => Information flux + synergies => Increased well-being + social trust

We're a first world country. She's a middle-aged woman, single, with 2 cats, used to get pumped-and-dumped by her boss, has an IQ of 100 at most, and barely speaks English.

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and barely speaks English.

As in she's to retarted too speak properly despite it being her native language, or is she from some shithole country?

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It's a Yuro country. And she speaks our language in a quintessential ghetto accent (she's probably one of the few in her quarter with a degree).

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Ah, so she's from a shithole country :#marseyagree:

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There's so much money in academia :marseyflushzoom:

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LMAO wtf is this shit?!

:marseyxd: :marseylaugh:

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>engineers are rslurs


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It's a neighbor isn't it?

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Of course. I sometimes wonder if there's a reverse impostor effect, AA causes a neighbor to fall into a promotion after promotion, so he quickly ends up in a position where he doesn't even realize that what he does isn't science.

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Most competent nig in academia.

No CTRL-F hits for “black,” “diversity,” or “affirmative action” in the blog post or its comment section. The lack of nooticing will continue until morale improves.

Trans lives matter, unlike nig lives.

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I thought it was amateur writing at worst but then I realized that wasn't the abstract: it was the whole paper :ayno:

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Wtf this reads like a middle-school paper. Frick this stupid :marseyabyss: monkey :marseysunwukong: 1 hope it dies

Trans lives matter

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You have been visited by the BLESSED FOOT OF PIZZASHILL 🦶🍕


Send this to five (5) comrades to ensure a long and prosperous career as a Foot Locker CSR 🥾🤑 and make all your dunks on rightoids cause permanent psychic damage 🔪 otherwise Pojom 🤰 will NEVER 🙅‍♀️ let you sniff 🤧 her luscious armpit locks 💔



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Being gay literally pays.

Why don't breeders just give up already?

Oh wait...they already have


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UNR is the state's flagship public university.

This flagship is exactly what you'd expect from a landlocked state.

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Not sure why I am summoned, but this is a smart way to do academic fraud as long as your hiring committees are in on it. Start your own journal and submit ai-generated papers to it, pump up your publication numbers massively. Any real committee though, would actually read your publication history (in fact for tenure reviews I'm pretty sure they fully do a lit review on you). So this tells me that all the higher-ups are in on it, they'll probably just tell everyone below them that "Professor ___ has published 10 papers this year on supply chain logistics" and nobody will think much of it.

Weird that they're on his google scholar though...does he not have grad students or people trying to get him on their thesis committee? I read the several most recent papers of any given professor before asking them for committee membership, surely someone should've caught this by now.

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I cannot stop laughing at how the “paper” is named after the one citation :marseyxd:

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