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Pop Soyence :sciencejak: gibberish laughing and hate Thread

Dramacels, !spacechads, what are some of the most ludicrous, possibly wrongful and reddity pop sci videos/channels you've come across?

My thumbnail example is a Kursgesagt video about Terraforming Venus.

I know they try to make it as “scientifically sound” as possible, but the whole idea sooooo incredibly far-fetched, it involves building giant planet size mirrors to cover sunlight from Venus so the CO2 in the atmosphere freezes, followed by harvesting nitrogen from Titan and removing all the frozen CO2. Not to mention water from Europan ice and another giant mirror to provide day/night cycles (as Venus is almost tidally locked).

Another is their Dyson sphere video

Which includes disassembling Mercury

They also have these pop physics videos where they try to convey some “deep” philosophical ideas like this one.

>LE BOLTZMANN BRAINS :#marseybigbrain: :#marseysoypoint: by the way, what do physic-cels here think of this concept, is this even taken seriously?


@Geralt_of_Uganda I remember you made a thread on them once

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Boltzmann brains

Are a cool thing. Afaik if the assumptions they require hold (afaik they currently do) then it's inevitable that they form eventually. But it's basically irrelevant. More of a fun thought experiment. It's most likely more closely related to simulation theory (philosophy). I do remember I listened to a talk about those things a few years ago, by scientists who do dabble a bit in those fields.

Dyson sphere

Every !trekkies knows about Dyson spheres.

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great episode, references back then didn't feel so forced :marseyboomer:

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