
Gigachad Earth v Chud Sun

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I want to type out a long comment on how crazy it is that besides the general habitability conditions we also have a strong magnetosphere that protects us from shit like this

But then I remembered anthropic principle and I guess that makes it less crazy :marseysad:

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anthropic principle

:marseyconfused: What's that, bb G?

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The conditions of the universe and our local environment are exceedingly improbable to have occurred.

the universe in some sense compelled to eventually have conscious and sapient life emerge within it.[4][5] A form of the latter known as the participatory anthropic principle, articulated by John Archibald Wheeler, suggests on the basis of quantum mechanics that the universe, as a condition of its existence, must be observed, thus implying one or more observers. Stronger yet is the final anthropic principle (FAP), proposed by John D. Barrow and Frank Tipler, which views the universe's structure as expressible by bits of information in such a way that information processing is inevitable and eternal.[4]

Basically there's a 1 in 10^50 chance of a universe to emerge from a big bang with constants that make it possible for things to work so we can live. Things like the gravitational force being too strong or too weak (and it's already oddly weak compared to other forces) mean that shit would be fricked from inception.

Counter arguments include: All those universes exist but we can only exist in the one that works, hence us being here. Which is still kinda weird that life would be that exceedingly rare, but maybe there's sentient dustclouds in other universes. If Everett's MWH is even valid.

Also the Axis of Evil is interesting (even the Wiki neurodivergent rationalist astroturfing crew wasn't able to bury it):

anomalies in the background radiation have been reported which are aligned with the plane of our solar system. These are unexplained by the Copernican principle and suggest that the solar system's alignment is special in relation to the background radiation of the universe

The "axis of evil" is a name given to the apparent correlation between the plane of the Solar System and aspects of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). It gives the plane of the Solar System and hence the location of Earth a greater significance than might be expected by chance – a result which has been claimed to be evidence of a departure from the Copernican principle as assumed in the concordance model

Lawrence Krauss is quoted as follows in a 2006 Edge.org article:

The new results are either telling us that all of science is wrong and we're the center of the universe, or maybe the data is simply incorrect, or maybe it's telling us there's something weird about the microwave background results and that maybe, maybe there's something wrong with our theories on the larger scales.

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This is a really interesting comment but I think it's needlessly complex for explaining the Anthropic Principle

the simplest way to explain it is, for us to exist we have to exist somewhere that can support life, so it makes sense that the Earth/universe seems fine-tuned. If it couldn't support life we wouldn't be here talking about it. Maybe a trillion universes came and went before one finally popped up that could have conscious life in it.

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wish this comment was here when i started reading this thread because the parent comment threw me in for a loop

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>For matter to exist there must be an environment in which it can exist. Ah, yes, there is some matter, and it's inside this universe, and... Yes, it does exist. Well done, chaps. :marseyclapping:

It still sounds like a meaningless position.

It "makes sense" that our solar system is "finely tuned" [coincidentally] for supporting life because the argument is tautological.

There's nothing wrong with tautological arguments, unless they're meaningless or don't offer anything insightful. With economics, we basically assume people do things the best they can with what they got, so if we see someone spending $80 on gas when there's a gas station nearby selling it for $60, then we assume that rational expectations still holds true. There's something else going on to explain their behavior. It's tautological but useful. I'm not seeing that with the anthropic principle.

Someone else described it as such:

The question the anthropic principle is trying to answer isn't "is it statistically unlikely that the universe contains life" - that question isn't really answerable, as we don't have access to other universes to compare our own to. The question it answers is "why is our universe habitable?" - if it weren't, then we wouldn't be here to ask the question.

It's tautological but not insightful.

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The point is some crucicux will always come in and be like ”The odds of [life] occurring have to be so small that it's more statistically logical that God is more likely than anything else.”

But we don't really have any reason to think we know what the probability of life arising might be. Any environment we can observe necessarily is one we can survive in, and we can deduce nothing about how likely or unlikely that is from observing it.

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Okay, that's making more sense.

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>John Archibald Wheeler

Don't research his views on QM and his Participatory Universe Hypothesis if you want to retain your sanity

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this all seems unfalsifiable

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I like scientists that weren't disproven, okay?



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Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Interesting. Makes sense :marseybigbrain:

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>Final Anthropic Principle


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It's like this meme


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Sounds r-slurred and I'm not even a religion strag

The weak anthropic principle (WAP)


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Stronger yet is the final :marseythief: anthropic principle (FAP)

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Your environment (for this example planet, but can be extended to other things like universe in general) is quite unique when compared to an average environment, as it is capable of supporting your existence. Taking it at face value you might say that the odds of you being alive right here right now on a livable planet are really small and that you're #blessed, because you don't believe yourself to be unique in any way and as such expect to see the "average" slice of the universe- a barren wasteland- which you don't. The anthropic principle (at least in one of its formulations, there's strong vs weak and different people phrase it differently, and there are also legitimate arguments against it) states that :marseyakshually: actually it is all but certain that you find yourself alive and on a planet that supports you being alive, as you shouldn't expect to observe the average slice of the universe. Instead you should expect to see the average slice of the universe that is capable of supporting observers, ie you. In other words- you aren't observing the average part of the universe as one might assume, but instead what the average observer in said universe is observing.

You might say "no shit, it's obvious that I don't observe environments in which I cannot exist in the first place", but I want to solidify the point with an example:

Say you live on a discrete, 1-dimensional ribbon and you're measuring some local, binary quantity which can be either 1 or 0. Say there are two theories- one that predicts that your measurements should randomly return 1 or 0, and second that predicts you should only ever measure 1.

So you run your measurement, move one step forward, run it again and repeat so 10 times until you have a string of 10 results, which happen to be 1111111111. What conclusions can you draw from it? Without anthropic principle, one would say that this is evidence for theory 1, as the likelihood of getting 10 ones in a row is 0.5^10=very small under theory 1, but the chance of getting ten ones under theory two is 100%. However, the TRVE ANTHROPIC TRVTHER would make a different argument- since you are not looking at a "random" slice of the universe, you cannot just treat each result in this string as an independent probability. Instead, it is a conditional probability under the conditions that allow you to observe it. Perhaps life can only exist in the part of the universe where this thing you're measuring takes the value of 1. And then, to gauge the probabilities, instead of treating each observation as independent you work with the whole string and have to ask yourself- if you performed this measurement at every point in the universe (assumed infinite for this example) and got an infinitely long binary string, what is the probability that at some point it would contain the sequence 1111111111 which you measured. And then you realize that under both theories 1 and 2, given infinite string, the sequence 1111111111 appears infinitely many times, and as such both theories are equally likely and hence you haven't extracted any information from your experiments.

This is a bit of a wacky explanation as I'm not an astrophysicist so perhaps someone from !physics can factcheck this and give a better example. !math conditional probabilities starting 3rd paragraph so make sure to tell me if I fricked it up and it actually doesn't work like that

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All those words to say, the heckin plane didn't come back after being hit where it was weakest.

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Yea cause I demonstrated the predictive power of the principle

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No, you pseuded it up and wrote a dozen paragraphs of nonsense. :marseydisagree:

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you pseuded it up

I presented a simplified scenario to demonstrate the argument (which isn't even mine, I stole it), what are you on about?

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Anything above 5 sentences is reddit, sorry, I don't make the rules.

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You fricked it up and it actually doesn't work like that. The anthropic principle only applies when the experiment and underlying phenomena are related in the ability to perform the experiment.

Suppose I have a phenomena and an experiment which attempts to prove or disprove that phenomena. If being able to correctly perform the experiment requires the phenomena to exist already, then the experiment cannot give evidence the phenomena existed, as the fact that the experiment took place to begin with is proof of the phenomena.

Example: If I write a computer program which attempts to check if the computer is on, then it must always say yes.

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Suppose I have a phenomena and an experiment which attempts to prove or disprove that phenomena. If being able to correctly perform the experiment requires the phenomena to exist already, then the experiment cannot give evidence the phenomena existed, as the fact that the experiment took place to begin with is proof of the phenomena.

This sounds utterly backwards. Just perform the experiment. This sounds a lot like metaphysical nonsense where people chase their tails worrying about things that might possibly exist but have no real relevance to us.

Example: If I write a computer program which attempts to check if the computer is on, then it must always say yes.

The program exists outside of the computer, like a sysadmin checking on down machines. It's exactly like being an external observer. These people have an issue with that?

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The question the anthropic principle is trying to answer isn't "is it statistically unlikely that the universe contains life" - that question isn't really answerable, as we don't have access to other universes to compare our own to. The question it answers is "why is our universe habitable?" - if it weren't, then we wouldn't be here to ask the question.

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Yeah, we exist. There has to be more to it because that doesn't seem very insightful or useful.

>why does our universe have matter?

>if it didn't, then there'd be no matter here.

Whoooooaaaaaaaa, man. :marsey420:

that question isn't really answerable, as we don't have access to other universes to compare our own to.

Sure, it is. Don't arbitrarily restrict yourself to other universes.

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But I included that in my thought experiment: it is potential that your ability to perform a measurement of the hypothetical quantity is dependent on that quantity being 1. I just didn't state it as something that is known a priori and instead framed it as a probability from the viewpoint of observer who lacks this information

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is potential that your ability to perform a measurement of the hypothetical quantity is dependent on that quantity being 1

Sure, but there isn't evidence for that being the case. You said it was a local phenomena, but the existence of the Earth's magnetic field isn't.

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okay after reading paragraphs 3 and 4 i get what youre saying about your observations not being exemplary of universe as a whole because it only shows you a slice of it where the conditions of your existence were met.

still dont get the other comment about paralel universes doe

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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It's the idea that in order for something to be observed it must allow for observers to exist. So in this case he is saying it's crazy how much protects us from dangers in the universe. But when you consider that only places like this could support life it isn't that crazy. Likely all planets supporting life have similar conditions. Tbh it doesn't actually say much. It just takes "WOW we are so lucky!" to "We exist therefore of course everything lines up with allowing us to exist." which kind of kills the awe-inspiring vibe.

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Really? Life still seems extremely unlikely regardless of the principle, so I don't see how that changes anything. I also don't understand how the existence or non-existence of observers affects the probability of a planet sustaining some kind of interesting life.

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This is not my area of expertise but I think it exists to argue against another idea in theoretical physics which is that until we have more data points we should assume our situation is average. For example Earth supports carbon based life and since that is the only reference for life we have it makes sense to assume carbon based life is the norm, as statically we are most likely average. You could expand that to say our solar system is average, galaxy average, universe average. The anthropic principal challenges that and basically changes it to, it makes sense that we are in an average situation for a situation that supports life. And we cannot say if the situation that supports life is common or not.

But like I said I am no theoretical physicist. I might be wrong, but that's how I understand it.

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, it makes sense that we are in an average situation for a situation that supports life. And we cannot say if the situation that supports life is common or not.

... Well, yeah, but why invoke a principle when you can just harp on about sample bias? What does it really add if anything?

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:marseyshrug: It's a mildly novel idea in theoretical physics. It's just a fancy sounding name for a factor to consider when trying to figure out how the universe works.

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Hm. I don't like it.


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So we either exist and observe a possible universe which allows us to observe it, or a different universe exists where we can't exist and thus can't observe it. In this case, it's crazy that Earth has all these things to support and protect life, until you realize that you are only able to think about this if the Earth has all of that stuff. Otherwise you don't exist.

I remember independently reaching this kind of conclusion after playing too much Spore when I was 12. It's not a very deep thought, imo. It's just kinda like β€œah, yeah, obvious when you think about it.” Like realizing how every single other people has an entire life and set of circumstances for the first time.

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But that's not really insightful.

Universes don't allow anything because they can't act.

The existence of another universe that we can't observe doesn't really affect the rarity of life on our own.

This all seems like really silly word games from people who read the wrong philosophers.

hsshsss it's crazy that Earth has all these things to support and protect life, until you realize that you are only able to think about this if the Earth has all of that stuff. Otherwise you don't exist.

Okay. So what?

>we exist

Yeah. How does that affect the probability of a planet containing life like our own?

It's still crazy because it seems like everything around us is dead.

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I'm not an astrophysicist so whatever insight the thought could provide is likely wasted on me.

It's basically β€œI think, therefore I am in a universe that has the conditions required for thoughts to exist.”

Edit: I don't really mean β€œallow” in an anthropomorphic sense, but rather that the universe exists in a specific way that is required for me to exist.

Edit to your edit:

>Yeah. How does that affect the probability of a planet containing life like our own?

It proves other intelligent life existing has non-zero probability instead of zero probability. That's all.

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"Yes, it could literally just be random chance that lead to humanity's existence"


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It's called God

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Sorry man, I don't mean anything against you in particular, but you're like the third person to say that invoking anthropic principle is denying God. Why? I don't understand. I never made that claim. I think it's a bad argument against existence of God for many reasons. I'm a member of !catholics ffs. So why is the first reaction of so many people to claim that this is blasphemy? Anthropic principle says nothing about existence of God, and I didn't use it to disprove it either, I don't even see the relation

Is this because everyones exposure to it is through atheist debates or something like that? Just because it's a poor case against teleological argument doesn't mean that it's worthless, it can be applied in other spheres too. It only means that people who invoke the anthropic principle in attempts to disprove God misunderstand what it really says and misuse it

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this neighbor said 3 words to you :marseysmug3:

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Yeah I know.

Call me assblasted, I just don't get it

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Dear @Geralt_of_Uganda,

I'm sorry I upset you. I didn't mean to. It was really just a joke. I thought you could take a joke - but I guess I was wrong. I've been teased about being a Christian but I never felt the need to tell my ping group about it and longpost on rdrama. Maybe you're just over-reacting? I don't understand why you're so upset about such a small thing. I thought we were friends.


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Good. I hope you understand now that I will argue with anyone over anything

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Not recognizing Arthur copypasta :marseydisagree:

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you ghosted my reply discussing this but thought to respond to "Gigger"?

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Sorry man, there's a lot to say but I'm very tired, had a long day. Don't take it personally, I'll get back to you

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don't fret man people are taking this astrophysical concept too seriously. i didnt even consider religion.

go jerk off in the shower instead :marseyalienpeace: :marseypeaceout:

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Yea I got too serious about it too and idk why

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GOD? More like Get On Deez nutz :marseyscoo#t:

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God exists, the anthropic principle is atheist cope

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You might want to stop using rdrama else be doomed to heck

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Au contraire, if and when the wayward souls of rdrama can be brought to touch grass the kind of nihilistic disenchantment with our prevailing secular ideology :gay: is probably prime territory for evangelizing kinda like :marseypeterson: ended up doing. On other websites we're ghettoized or :marseyjanny:/ :marseyban:

!Christians pray for our political extremists, incels, and neets that they may be brought to the light of Christ.

!Catholics it's Ascension Sunday in the liturgical calendar here praise be :marseyandjesus: and Happy Mother's Day :marseymotherhugger: as well

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