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Climate doomers ponder which parts of North America will still be habitable in 2030-2050 :marseyplanet: :marseyxdorbit: :marseyburn: Dramatards where will you move?


North is the operative word here

51d latitude here, plenty of heat domes, floods, harsh freezes, massive forest fires. Canada and particularly further North is one of the areas hardest hit by climate change ... so far, lots of fresh water though. Yay.

That was true when the poles were frozen, I would venture to say that altitude is more important than longitude or latitude at this point.

:#marseycanada: :#marseyeh:

Florida because climate change is illegal there.

Ahh nice refreshing waves coming through the neighbors old house, and to think of the property value now cause last year It wasn't beachfront property. I wonder what home insurance companies call the new increased fee's - wave liquification of property? annual sea level raise fee?

Florida dumb amerite? :#marseysting:

Can we make a distinction between "habitable" and "desirable?" Sure, it's possible to survive just about anywhere. That doesn't mean that, given the opportunity, people who live in places that are miserably cold, hot, humid, flood-prone, dry, etc. would not GTFO. My fear is that my property in a hot, dry place will be so undesirable in 20 years that I won't be able to afford to pack up and move someplace less depressing. Definitely a first-world problem! 6+ months of lethal heat outdoors, a failing electrical grid, and dwindling drinking water is grim.

Well, at least this one is more realistic

10 years, easily most, if not all of the northern US and Canada. Wouldn't put any bets on 2040 and beyond though...

Lmao, some people unironically believe the “world will end in 10 years”. Let's check his profile :marseyreading:

>r/collapse, /r/australian, /r/canadiansoccer, /r/alberta, /r/canadianhousing, /r/nicaragua, /r/australia

!ifrickinglovescience !physics

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The "regional climate collapse" narrative is nothing more than neoliberal propaganda to have pretext to bring trillions of subsaharans and jeets into the economic zones to trash wages. Never take a climate doomer who doesn't have genocide as first priority seriously.

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That reminded me of a thread on /r/neoliberal the other day where a poster claimed a strong argument for open borders now was to mentally prepare Americans to let in and house the millions of climate refugees that will be coming into the US in the next few decades.

And I was thinking, the US will let them die or kill them at the border before that becomes a reality lmao.

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Climate refugees will be more of a thing in Europe than in the United States. Africa and Asia are right at the European doorstep while Central America doesn't even have a fraction of the population of those continents. I wouldn't underestimate !americas resilience either, back in the 1940s it was all doom and gloom about how Mexico was on the verge of starvation and those predictions aged like milk thanks to the Green Revolution.

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The US has two big butt oceans, and Mexicans who can be paid $15 an hour to kill South Americans for us on their side of the Rio Grande.

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South Americans

South Americans from equatorial latitudes will move to Argentina, Chile, South Brazil or the Andean regions.

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You underestimate the neighborrdiness of Venezuelans

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Most Venezuelans went to Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and of course, Brazil (there's like 250k here and millions in Colombia).

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climate refugees are a myth LOL global warming is fake

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Norman Borlaug did more for mayo extinction than anyone else in existence

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But my point is this narrative relies on the delusion that North America is somehow uniquely situated to house climate migrants. There's parts of US/Canada now that people can't breathe all summer from the forest fire smoke.

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Forest fires are only so bad because we put them out and don't let them burn naturally. Canada is doing fine with climate change and a ton of land will become arable farmland, it's actually a plus :marseyletsgo:

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Canada also has this whole area that's basically like "frick you i'm a rock" lol


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There's still plenty of land area in the white section that's currently too cold to grow in places like Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta to BC

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Yeah it'll unlock huge parts of good soil, and it's not NA's existing farmland was particularly appealing in its time anyway. The Great Plains was so unsuitable for farming that they had to give it away for free. Now it produces most of America's crops.

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This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. "The Great Plains was [sic] so unsuitable for farming that they had to give it away for free." Um no? It was highly arable. It was given away for free or extremely cheaply to people who would "improve the land," and they came in droves

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But is it really farmable that far north? It might be warm but will it get enough sun?

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they get like 24/7 sun in the summar

even if it's weaker

the problem is frost free growing season too short rn

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24/7 sun isn't good for plants tho

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idk abt crops

I thought it was weak flowers and stuff that cower from the orb :marse!ysun:

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It fricks with their vegetative and flowering cycles (the crops are the flowers) if you left corn under 24/7 sun it'd probably grow tall but never produce corn

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We can have the Asians in the biogenetics lab work that out

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The summers in Canada have a ton of sunlight, more than most parts of the world

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Maybe if we raked the forests, there wouldn't be so many fires. Nothing to do with climate change.

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Maybe if we beat and shot the arsonists on sight, there wouldn't be so many fires. Nothing to do with ornery Indigenous church burners.

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Redditors love to argue that climate change will cause millions of new refugees to try to enter the US and Europe... meanwhile I'm like, what? What makes you think they will be let in? Have you been paying attention? /r/europe is practically indistinguishable from TheDonald now when it comes to immigration. Just a few million migrants made normally woke European Redditors turn right-wing on immigration because Redditors love to be compassionate as long as it doesn't inconvenience them in any way, but as soon as something actually affects their lives they change their tune.

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The people of europe have been against mass immigration since at least 2015, but the elites want it, so the EU has been getting another million of diverse young men each year since. The only thing that seems to have an effect is election gains for the far-right, that scares the elites into finally doing something.

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Why wouldn't the US do something profitable with them?

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Using them as biofuel would work but that still requires killing at the border

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The US will just enlist Mexicans to kill them.

Burgers might not be able to tell South Americans apart but the Mexicans can.

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South Americans don't migrate to the US in large numbers. The latinx illegals are 90% Mexican, Central American or Caribbean

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Day After Tomorrow taught me that everyone will actually need to move to global south when the Gulf Stream collapses.

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Day After Tomorrow

That film is so incredibly dumb, besides the ham fisted message, tsunamis out of nowhere (climate related how?) and inland freezing hurricanes there's a scene where Dennis Quaid runs away from the cold lol.

!kino !ifrickinglovescience

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Science denier!


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I love that movie its just silly fun. Whenever I crave disaster porn movies, I put it on. Holds up well.

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Why would they need to do that when they already can just use Mexicans and Latinx? :marseyconfused:

And climate doomers are specifically fixated on the western world getting turned into an apocalyptic hellscape because of climate change. Where are you getting the idea that libs are arguing that North America is a climate haven from?

Western countries don't need an excuse to import truckloads of turd worlders, if they want they just do so like Canada. In America even libs are trending negatively towards immigration, including Latinx immigrants themselves.

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Frick you. Summers are getting hotter every year. There were way more bugs 20 years ago. If you won't fix this shit then we are coming over end of story. So get your shit together and start putting the carbon back into the ground.

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Yeah. The point of the narrative is to give another excuse to justify further "asylum" claims with no need for vetting or restriction

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Don't think their goal is to bring in nigs but sexy Indian dudes since I never heard of people talking about how climate change make sub-Saharan Africa inhospitable but only the South Asian continent.

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