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Climate doomers ponder which parts of North America will still be habitable in 2030-2050 :marseyplanet: :marseyxdorbit: :marseyburn: Dramatards where will you move?




North is the operative word here

51d latitude here, plenty of heat domes, floods, harsh freezes, massive forest fires. Canada and particularly further North is one of the areas hardest hit by climate change ... so far, lots of fresh water though. Yay.

That was true when the poles were frozen, I would venture to say that altitude is more important than longitude or latitude at this point.

:#marseycanada: :#marseyeh:

Florida because climate change is illegal there.

Ahh nice refreshing waves coming through the neighbors old house, and to think of the property value now cause last year It wasn't beachfront property. I wonder what home insurance companies call the new increased fee's - wave liquification of property? annual sea level raise fee?

Florida dumb amerite? :#marseysting:

Can we make a distinction between "habitable" and "desirable?" Sure, it's possible to survive just about anywhere. That doesn't mean that, given the opportunity, people who live in places that are miserably cold, hot, humid, flood-prone, dry, etc. would not GTFO. My fear is that my property in a hot, dry place will be so undesirable in 20 years that I won't be able to afford to pack up and move someplace less depressing. Definitely a first-world problem! 6+ months of lethal heat outdoors, a failing electrical grid, and dwindling drinking water is grim.

Well, at least this one is more realistic

10 years, easily most, if not all of the northern US and Canada. Wouldn't put any bets on 2040 and beyond though...

Lmao, some people unironically believe the “world will end in 10 years”. Let's check his profile :marseyreading:

>r/collapse, /r/australian, /r/canadiansoccer, /r/alberta, /r/canadianhousing, /r/nicaragua, /r/australia

!ifrickinglovescience !physics

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All of these predictions beyond "idk it will be maybe .5c hotter are pulled out of their butt and based on hysteric Malthusian nonsense. We don't know. There may be more variablity but any claims are wildly extrapolated (for grantbuxx, of course).

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1719102183121843.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17191021837420053.webp


Edit: Most of the HNNNGGG Climate Refugees are cumming shit neglects the fact that the most of the US isn't better situated than the rest of the Americas, the majority of Mexico is Subtropical Highland, not desert like Hollywood portrays. Much of Central America is highland with significant water resources.

These r-slurs just feel a heatwave and go "it's gonna be too hot to live" as if it doesn't get much hotter in places like India where people live without AC

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