:marseychonkerfoid: Blowing 200% of her income to maintain mass


He fricked up the audio normalization so his shill sections are 5 times as loud as the rest of the video

Sophia, 23, Dallas TX

Personal Life:

  • No college

  • Her mentality about money timestamp

    • mentions that she is often a passenger on roommate's motorcycles


  • "Plan Administrator"

    • Company works at post office

    • Sounds like a makework job

    • 20 an hour. 40'000

      • 40 hour weeks
  • Her career plans timestamp

    • Sounds like makework job harassing actual workers with dumb regulations
  • Was doing safety audits in warehouses previously?

  • "Where do you want to be in 5 years?" timestamp

  • Also door to door sales for a window cleaning company timestamp

    • Made a single sale since February


  • "Why are we in so much debt today?" timestamp

    • Claims she moved to arlington then moved back and cost of living there was more expensive

    • Host pushes back, she's spending $800 a just on eating out (rent was $650 at its highest)

  • Self-scored financials out of 10 timestamp

    • 2
  • Credit Card 1 (Capital One Quicksilver) ($6360) timestamp

    • $209 minimum payment

    • $146 interest accrued

    • $7000 credit limit

    • Made minimum payment and also made $1095 in new transactions

    • "Nice things like nick-knacks"

    • Claims she budgets timestamp

      • Later she gives more details about how she "budgets" timestamp
    • She defends her gas station snacks timestamp

    • "I saw that I could get more points" timestamp

  • Shares an account with her parents? timestamp

  • "What about my credit" timestamp

    • She's watched his show but somehow doesn't understand anything
  • Credit Card 2 ($4879) timestamp

    • $170 minimum payment

    • $175 paid

    • $142 new purchases

    • $121 interest accrued

    • 30.74% interest rate

  • Credit Card 3 (Apple) ($4816)

    • $137 minimum payment

    • $87 interest accrued

    • No new purchases

  • Car timestamp

    • 2021 Kia Rio

    • 66'000 miles

    • $273 minimum payment

    • $10'195 remaining

    • 72 months remaining

      • She tries to justify why she went with such a long term
    • 6% interest

  • Checking Account timestamp

    • $644 in there current "That's bill money, can't touch that"

    • Some discussion about cleaning her car, apparently it's constantly messy and she's spending a lot to clean it?

    • Tons of eating out in her checking

  • Fell for the dumbest crypto scam on the planet $40 timestamp

    • Posts thirst traps on twitter and got scammed by a based thirst trap trapper bot

Spending Pie Chart timestamp

  • Spends near double what she makes

  • 15% housing

  • 4% debt payments

  • 3.4% phone

    • Financed her phone, $137 a month

    • Mentions she forgot her phone was financed and financed a second phone timestamp

  • 18% transport

  • 18.4% eating out/snacks

    • Goes through the details of these, there's so much timestamp
  • 15% shopping

  • 6.6% medical

    • "started therapy recently, also $1'000 of medical debt"
  • 7% Misc

  • 7.3% "Other Large Purchases"

Hypothetical Budget pie chart timestamp

"I love frogs" timestamp

  • "all my frog stuff is still being put up"

  • "I buy things like that"

  • mentions about frog conventions, wants to include them in her budget

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I can't wait for when he inevitably starts physically assaulting his guests.

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He's got much more restraint than me that's for sure

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I like being in safety. I like telling truck drivers, no driving more than 12 hours, no skipping your required breaks, no texting while driving, take your required stops

If only being a busybody required a busy body :marseyhmm:

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She goes on to talk about how they have video cameras inside the cabs watching everything the truckers do. She likes snooping in on people and scolding them for being naughty rulebreakers.

Actually fricked in the head tbh.

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Thumbnail goes hard


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You know his soy subreddit is seething about that, lmfao.

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>Works at the post office

No she doesn't.

She works for a trucking company, that probably contracts for the post office.

Post office would pay more and the safety position would be a one hour meeting on Wednesdays.

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@AmbyValent has been doxxed

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Yeah, what about it?


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:marseychonkerfoid: does that to you

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and she looks like him but fatter.

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>frog conventions


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pretty based honestly

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what happened to getting normal people on the show guess it's just too profitable to not have train wrecks


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Trainwrecks are more fun to watch tho

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I find the freaks too cringe :marseycringe:. The slightly r-slurred normie with the bad car loan is more fun to watch

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Normal people don't want to be bullied about their bad habits for some clout.

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This might be THE roughest 23 I've ever seen

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often a passenger on roommate's motorcycle


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Maintaining mass is more important than financial stability

!juiced neighbors know how it is

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!straggots smash or pass

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>Oh. That's my waxing plaaaaace.

This hog's doing 95% of the work in at least two situationships that picked smash, guaranteed.

I bet it's a not-insignificant part of the debt, too. Watching less-than-mid foids act like thirsty moids back when I was hot was a life lesson no one told me

What's all these bar bills?

Oh I just pick up the tab for my biker buddies

You drink while driving?

oh no I ride b-word, they drink while driving me

fricking called it

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I sympathize, I spend 400 euro a month for maintenance calories

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Mentions she forgot her phone was financed and financed a second phone timestamp

She was probably too focused on food and forgot

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Cuts gonna go crazy

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I thought this was some kind of budget for cutting weight to make weight? :marseyyikes:

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They are bof fat.

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She seems nice though, sweet treats!!

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Give it up folks, einstein over here has something to say. What's that buddy? Wha- A grammatical error?!? WHAT?!? B... Bu... That can't be possible! Surely not! A GRAMMAR MISTAKE? IN MY SIGHT?!? What a great, absolute miracle that you and your 257 IQ Brain was here to correct it! Thank you! Have my grattitude, Actually, What's your cashapp? I'd like to give you 20$... Know what? While we're at it have the keys to my car. Actually, no, scratch that. Have the keys to my house, go watch my kids grow up and frick my wife. Also, my Paypal username and password is: Ilikesmartazzes4 and 968386329. Go have fun. Thank you for your work.
























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She's not the only one who'd rather eat

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