EFFORTPOST Online "troll," veteran, and paypig considering about leveraging his house to maintain his lifestyle


Wyatt, 23, Kansas City Missouri


  • "So I do Private Security, basically people pay me to fight for 'em" timestamp

  • "I just fight hobos or I just watch people and call the cops"

  • 40 to 45 hours a week depending, $20.60 an hour

    • "So I make about 70 to 80 thousand a year" timestamp

      • VA bucks from a medical thing - $3'758 a month

      • Doesn't want to give deets on what these are

  • Works overnights

  • Served in the military timestamp

  • Job deets timestamp

    • Bring your own equipment policies? :marseywtf:

    • Didn't know what the median income was, thought he was making big bucks

Financials/Personal Life

  • Does not like to cook, something about his schedule

    • Why does he not just wake up and get groceries timestamp

      • "I don't really want to do it, sleep's important to me. I'd rather sleep."
  • Self-scored 7/10 financial score

  • Owns a house and car

    • VA home loan thing
  • So how'd you get into so much debt in the first place timestamp

    • Got addicted to strippers, was blowing 80%-90% of his income on them while enlisted?

      • Refuses to admit if he had s*x with them doesn't want to catch a felony :marseybigbrain:

      • Claims he stopped 3 or 4 years ago. Story time on why - timestamp

        • He lost his military id and "starved for 2 weeks" because he'd blown all his money on strippers and had none
    • Caleb claims not to be a virgin

    • Way easier to pay for fake attention than to approach real women

    • Went into debt "Yeah so I had a credit card"

      • $8'000
    • Paid off this stripper debt at some point

  • Credit Card 1 (Navy Federal) ($7'092/$7'500) timestamp

    • $380 new purchases last month

    • $105 interest

    • 175 minimum payment

    • "So I don't really know what I purchase on that"

    • Thinking about leveraging on his home to pay off credit card debts?

    • "So usually I take the approach of stockpiling my cash, I really don't want to pay off my debts"

      • Tries to explain why he's spending so much timestamp
    • He's paypigging to twitchs timestamp

      • $120 in Twitch subs

      • $250 in Twitch donos

      • Claims to be a Sigma Male because he can just go to a strip club

      • "Three separate instances" "Crashes a streamer's UI with memberships" :marseyconfused:

        • Total $1500

        • Host attempts to understand what he is talking about timestamp

      • Meant to do this out of his checking account?

  • Credit Card 2 (Amazon Chase) (3'756) timestamp

    • Computer parts, books,

    • "6600 Motherboard", some RAM,

      • Thinks he could get $800 for selling components
    • $16.11 new purchases

    • 112 paid off

    • 79.10 interest accrued

    • 116 minimum payments

  • Car timestamp

    • 2018 Dodge Durango

    • $33'677 balance

    • 11% interest rate

    • $884 minimum payment

    • car is worth maybe 14'000

    • Purchased a BRZ, then wrecked it while closing the house and decided to purchase the house instead of fixing the car?

      • Got rear-ended, engine "self-destructed" after he got it back from the mechanic, he'd never changed the oil?
    • "Only vehicle that would hold that amount of negative equity on it so that was my only choice"

    • $2'000 of 'basic maintenance' last month timestamp

      • Brakes, tires
  • Why did he want to buy the house timestamp

    • G*rmans brought bedbugs into his apartment

    • He was sleeping on the floor they were crawling on him

  • Student Loan timestamp

    • "LentKey"

    • Went to college before getting the VA benefits?

    • Used GI Bill to help pay for living expenses

    • Quit going to college after 2 years

    • Studied Business Administration

    • 5'500 initially

    • $25 minimum payment

    • 6'700 owed

    • 10.39% interest

  • Mortgage timestamp

    • 100'000 appraisal on the house

      • Thought it would be around 165'000
    • Would not be able to get a loan on it large enough to pay off debts

    • Put $1'000 of materials into it

      • Leaking roof, fire damage on the exterior, redid the sidewalk
    • Was getting fliers in the mail about leveraging his house reminds me of a thing

  • What's your credit score? timestamp

    • Thinks it's 700

    • "So I can't take any more debt because I've reached my limit"

  • Gets told to go through his own transaction history to mark all the stupid bullshit timestamp

    • It's all bullshit

    • He has never budgeted

    • holy shit he's paypigging so much :marseypig:

    • Crunchy roll :marseyweeb:

    • Steam games :marseygamer:

    • Lots of vending machines, so much money to the vending machine

    • Pays for Quora

    • Pays for Grammarly

    • Pays to Groomercord, $100

    • Mobile games "tech tree"

      • Other mobile games ton of them
    • Paying for AI assistants because he likes to write in free time

      • AI helps with editing?
    • Plays EVE Online, $20 subscription

    • "VoiceMod" "I don't know what that is"

    • What does his daily routine look like timestamp

      • Beyond bleak.
  • "So a friend of a friend I pay 300 for his number just to troll" timestamp

    • He calls up people to pretend to be tech support? I really didn't understand this. Don't people just use throwaway number services for this stuff for free?

Shots across the bow at Reddit

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Every last one of my Army buddies has a VA rating for shit that doesn't even affect their lives. You should see our group chat. It's like nothing but rating-maxing as they all share info on how they got another 5% or 10% or whatever for some bullshit their case manager thought they could get. I know one dude who is 100% disabled and does competitive Crossfit. Like, he almost made it to the CF games two years ago kind of competitive.

If they weren't my ride or die bros I'd skullfrick all of them.

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My grandad's got 100% rating from the VA. He's an old af veteran, I know his back is in such bad shape he couldn't lift a gun with his own arms but he fricking walks around.

The VA is fricking useless, I'm glad you guys are waking up to it.

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Everyone knows the VA sucks, but if they're gonna offer gibs might as well take them. At least veterans spent years of their lives living in the gayest conditions possible, what do welfare queens do to deserve gibs

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I'm not a veteran, the VA have never offered me gibs. I just think the people that do suck. I'm not saying welfare queens don't deserve gibs, I'm saying that a gibs addicted welfare queen is fricking based.

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Do you r-slurs realize that loophole was closed by Clinton...in the 90's?

Fricking military is the largest socialist institute in the world but one 30-year-old wiff of a black person getting something for free and conservatives twist themselves into a cuck pretzel to justify our insane military spending.

Anyway, vets are mostly homeless because they are shitheels who never had a job/participated in the society as an adult. Our country thew them in the trash because that's where they belong. Suck it, commies.

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>loophole closed by Clinton...in the 90's

How is that a bad thing? Most military men these days are wimpy cute twinks because they don't have to earn their place. The military has turned into another government dole for the low-iq. If anyone wants to serve, go ahead, but no one should be forced to put up with the shit of it.

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You seem like Army material.

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I had the opportunity to serve and refused. I don't think I'd have been able to deal with the pressure of a new soldier.

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Pretty much every vet ive encountered seems as socially stunted and r-slurred as neurodivergents are while also being very entitled.

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>Loyal citizens with great national pride who often made massive sacrifices fighting commie backed gooks in a jungle for no reason other than America told them so

>"suck it, commies"


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17278347330109043.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282249849557173.webp

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:#marseysociety2: I see how it is. Bussy lovers beget more and more bussy lovers

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Noooo! You can't steal money from the government! T-thats hecking mean! !fatsmellyuglyr-slurs


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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My dad was a claims rater for the VA, people trying to skirt the rules for an extra 5% is more than a little normal. His personal stance was he encouraged it, the government fricked over so many people that served that it was the only way of doing something right, especially if the VA's guidelines said it could somehow conceivably ok to rate a claim in such a way. He really liked helping old vets.

Sometimes the old timer veterans who didnt know how the system works and were really keen on getting service connected, would send in pictures of their medical problems. I could always tell when some vietnam vet sent in pictures of their :marseyeldritchnutlong: peepee to him, the rater who evaluates claims, instead of a doctor, who diagnoses such things and puts it in a medical file to evaluate, because he'd always look like this:


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Isnt ptsd at centter of this. They group every mental/brain issues to ptsd. It is also one thing that can be anything from 5% to 100%.

>ohh you have trouble sleeping some times?

>ptsd 30%

>headache too?

>ptsd 50%

>you had panic attack once.

>open and shut case. 100%

>how about your peepee? Soft sometimes?

>thats extra $130

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Everyone I've talked to spreads it out more, usually not even using PTSD. They'll catch some kind of pseudo asthma bullshit from just being older and using too much nasal spray and they can write it off as like 5% because of being in the desert, then their knee will start hurting and they say they carried stuff. Somebody told me they can't get away with that shit, but I've met far more who pretty much have and even dudes who have weird pseudo consulting status on it who i'm pretty sure have people pay them, but for some reason wouldn't say it explicitly (so I assume that's illegal or something.)

All of them talking about making it 100% and they spent almost all of their time on a base somewhere.

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The pseudo consultants aren't allowed to prepare claims for veteran unless they're an attorney, so they basically just scam dudes out of money for something a VSO does for free

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The VSO takes forever and is shit so people pay ~$1500 for specialized help so they don't lose out on a year plus of payments. Naturally the VSO is lobbying to ban this so everyone will be equally screwed.

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Anxiety = 30% oops it's service connected anxiety PTSD now it's 50%

Dry eyes and skin conditions from being in the sandbox? Another 20%

Bad hearing? Ofc, another 10%

0 to 80% disability like nothing. Goes from $0 to $2,000 a month after a few visits to the VA. Tax free federally. Many states give you more gibs like property tax credits. It's awesome

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And the veterans get to brag about being veterans but they can't tell you why they are veterans. Which is hilarious because it means people assume they were in Iraq and Afghanistan. In reality it's just the 50% and down ones who aren't physically disabled from a landmine.

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Don't you get even more of you say i won't l/cant work or you have kids.

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The compensation you get in the military isn't you meager salary- it's the fat checks you get to cash for decades in exchange for exposing yourself to dangerous chemicals and people who don't believe in stretching or proper deadlift form

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Yeah part if it is that the military can literally make you do anything, like target retrieval at Bikini Atoll--and are immune to any kind of lawsuit unless it is specifically permitted by Congress.

So the disability in a lot of cases is just kind of an "I'm sorry we took 20 years off your life, bud."

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"oh the fumes from the burning human shit, batteries, and explosives caused cancer? Wow that's whacky who would have guess"


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At some point you gotta respect the grift :marseykneel:

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If we're paying Haliburton to drive empty trucks back and forth through the desert I'm more than happy with the vets getting theirs.

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broke butt neighbor mad bc other neighbors getting paid 😂😂

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Stealing money from the government is based, my only complaint is that I can't do it as efficiently.

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Why are you hating though?

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