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Ah the daily "who are you gonna believe, chud: me or your lying eyes?" article about the economy.

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"I bought my 6th yacht last year, Jack. The economy's fine, and if you don't agree, you ain't black."


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:soyjakanimeglasses: > shitlibs when "lived experience" is used to argue that racism/sexism has not improved in the past century.

:soyjakanimeglasses: > shitlibs when "vibes" are used to argue that the most important issues facing the country are climate change, police murdering unarmed blacks, and school shootings

:soysnooseethe: > shitlibs when "vibes" or "lived experiences" are used to argue that the economy is bad under a Democratic president.

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>:#blacksoyjak: shits tough in the hood mane nobody gots jobs [ignores decades low unemployment and how much money he has]

:#chudspin: fricking BIPOCs need to get a job

>:#marseydoubtit: shits tough in the holler, only jobs are at dollar general [ignores decades low unemployment and how much money he has]

:#handsomechud: that's right, Joe Biden did this to you. We are secretly in Great Depression 2 and the BLS is making everything up

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You probably need glasses if your eyes are telling you the economy is bad right now.

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COVID disruptions generated the inflation that's been the bane of Biden's presidency

Lmao it wasn't printing trillions of dollars that caused inflation, it was covid. Never mind that dems are determined to tax the middle class out of existence in the name of eating the rich.

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I hate that all the discussion around the COVID measures assume they were all mandatory. Like "oh we couldn't possibly have allowed people back into work months earlier, it would have been physically impossible!"

I'm still salty the used COVID as an excuse to close down the beaches and forest preserves around here. Big wide open outdoors areas, basically the ideal place to congregate with minimal spread, and they shut it all down.

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Oh but the fiery yet mostly peaceful summer of love was somehow totally fine. I really hate hypocrites, and I hate douchebags pissing on my leg while they try and tell me it's just raining. And if Joe Brandon does get re-elected we're gonna get 45% long term capital gains tax next year. I worked really fricking hard to pull myself out of poverty and I'm not willing to go back just so some self-righteous c*nts who get to trade on inside information can claim it's all in the name of equity.

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In Texas most areas took it seriously for 4-6 weeks. It was crazy to me hearing that kids elsewhere weren't back in school at the end of 2021 and even 2022.

The shutdowns were 100% unnecessary after the initial "oh shit lets figure this out". The biggest issue with Texas and covid was masks becoming a political statement so most opting out of wearing them due to pride.

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I live in Chicago and the school thing made literally everyone fricking furious. Covid in general made everyone furious

Of course, we have the memory of gold fish so it's back to supporting CTU for some reason

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kids elsewhere weren't back in school at the end of 2021 and even 2022

It was the Teacher's Unions, at least in California. Those frickers own the state government in everything but name.

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Still fricking pisses me off and makes me chud out how fricking unaccountable teachers unions and the Democratic Party are in California for this bullshit.

Gavin Newsome, proud governor of the people kept public schools shut down while his own kids were able to go back to school because he sends them to a private school.

How the frick are we suppose to believe in public schools when Democrats won't even send their own kids to them? If their product is so good why don't they use it?


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um if you gathered outdoors for a cookout with friends and family you literally had blood on your hands for directly murdering elderly or immunocompromised people. :talk2hand:

but also if you wanted to pack yourself shoulder to shoulder with 10,000 strangers in the street that's perfectly fine. covid can tell if you are protesting and won't infect you.

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locked up playgrounds, filled a skate park with sand...the shit they did was insane and should never be forgiven...

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Around here they took down basketball hoops. Like they unscrewed and removed the actual hoops from the stands. The argument was that basketball was a contact sport so a vector for COVID transmission (it's not spread through contact though and we knew that).

Then people starting crying racism so they also took down fricking tennis nets from the courts so people couldn't play tennis, which DEFINITELY isn't a vector for COVID transmission since you're standing several feet away (at minimum) from your opponent at basically all times.

These are all for outdoors city parks, not indoors.

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Yeah but fast food locations are essential to keep open :!marseyscooter:

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Yeah bro totally

Now wait I forget (long covid brain fog) who was president when they shut the country down and printed 6 gorillion dollars with PPP? Joe Brandon, right? :marseythonk:

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I voted for Kanye in 2016. I got no love for the jackass or the elephant.

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:chad: :marseygrilling2:

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Has Biden changed anything on middle class taxes (besides indirectly via inflation)?

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His proposed 45% long term capital gains tax is going to frick the middle class hard, but my statement was more directed at the democrats broadly. Particularly at the state and local level.

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The same people saying the stock market wasn't representative of the economy under Trump are now using it as one of the leading factors to say Bidenomics is working

Edit: I guarantee Pizza did exactly this

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People are determined on pretending that just because GDP is back on track that means the money is trickling down to the average American and that covid policies haven't amounted to a huge wealth transfer in the opposite direction of what a left-wing party should be advocating for.

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Economy seems fine to me lol

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Didn't the gayest janny ban you? What happened?

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I have too many supporters to be kept down by a mere 8 day ban

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I'm guessing there are pockets where it really is terrible but I think most of it is people not realizing how good 2014-2022 was.

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